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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your Top 50 Games: 2012 Discussion Thread: FINISH YOUR LISTS

35. The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap (2004)

Another new arrival to the list; I did not get a chance to play this game until just recently.  The addition of a lot of the console qualities to the handheld Zelda games was wonderful and really opened up the already solid gameplay.  In addition to the great main story line there are also numerous side stories to keep you playing and plenty of items to find and collect.  Especially interesting were the kinstones, which were a neat method of handling a reward system with some extra excitement.  All of the movement based items and the minish cap were really fun to play around with.

Primarily an RPG player but have interest in any game that will make me think. 

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#35. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess(Wii, 2006)

I think this game still has to be the game that I would be most anticipated for (with Brawl becoming a very close second.) I always had high hopes for this game and while they were exceeded every now and again I wonder why the hell I have this game in my list, but then I replay the game and I remember how awesome it is.

#34 hint: THIS GAME IS ON FIRE!!

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls

34. Championship Manager 97/98 (PC)

The simplicity of these early games from the series that would become Football Manager results in a much more addictive game to me. Once they started adding more and more into the game, it lost a little of its appeal and as such I don't buy the games any more. Back in the 90's, you simply bought and sold players, picked a team and a formation with simple tactics, and away you went. Entire seasons could be completed pretty quickly because of this setup, and so before you know it, a decade of game time has gone by. I chose this one ahead of others because it's probably the one I sunk the most time into.

Number 33 is the second game in a PS3 trilogy.


34. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES, GBA)

Simply put, A Link to the Past is the best Zelda game ever. Realizing that they took the formula as far as it could possibly go with this epic, Nintendo have spent the last 20 years remaking it under different names: Ocarina of Something, Majumdar's Mask, Skyward Snore... save your time and just play this one. (And Minish Cap, because Keiji Inafune made that one!)

34. Wii Sports Resort, Wii (2009) Nintendo (last year 33)

Resort offered the kind of expansion of depth that should be expected from a separately sold product, as opposed to Wii Sports. Multiple sports, and each side-mode of many sports now became it's own event, making for a varied experience. Golf, Frolf, Swordsmanship, and the airplane mode all held unique and lasting appeal as games good in themselves, and great use of motion controls

Number 33 has the character on the boxart holding up three fingers, both to symbolize the game's and the character's name.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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My #34 is one of the most influential, important games ever made: The Legend of Zelda. It may not be the best Zelda game, but it started what is, in my mind, the finest video game franchise of all time. Presentation, music, and graphics are all excellent. It's a large, demanding, ultimately rewarding game that is so big that it required an internal battery -- the first of its kind. An enduring, timeless NES classic.

Mr Khan said:
34. Wii Sports Resort, Wii (2009) Nintendo (last year 33)

Resort offered the kind of expansion of depth that should be expected from a separately sold product, as opposed to Wii Sports. Multiple sports, and each side-mode of many sports now became it's own event, making for a varied experience. Golf, Frolf, Swordsmanship, and the airplane mode all held unique and lasting appeal as games good in themselves, and great use of motion controls

Number 33 has the character on the boxart holding up three fingers, both to symbolize the game's and the character's name.

WarioLand 3 on GameBoy (Color?). I think.

S.Peelman said:
Mr Khan said:
34. Wii Sports Resort, Wii (2009) Nintendo (last year 33)

Resort offered the kind of expansion of depth that should be expected from a separately sold product, as opposed to Wii Sports. Multiple sports, and each side-mode of many sports now became it's own event, making for a varied experience. Golf, Frolf, Swordsmanship, and the airplane mode all held unique and lasting appeal as games good in themselves, and great use of motion controls

Number 33 has the character on the boxart holding up three fingers, both to symbolize the game's and the character's name.

WarioLand 3 on GameBoy (Color?). I think.

You got it.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Hey, this has got to be a record. Four different Zelda games on the same page.

My 33rd game was hyped as the game that would kill or damage a more popular game.