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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U has no ethernet port

Well I just finished reading every post.

This shouldn't a surpise considering that IMAGES of the WiiU back have been available for months.

I checked every profile of the person who had major ISSUE with this, surprise surpise none had any nintendo games listed in their game collection. Most were Playstation users though.



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Cobretti2 said:
Well I just finished reading every post.

This shouldn't a surpise considering that IMAGES of the WiiU back have been available for months.

I checked every profile of the person who had major ISSUE with this, surprise surpise none had any nintendo games listed in their game collection. Most were Playstation users though.

Wonder what you'd find if you checked the profiles of the people who are upset that anyone would criticize Nintendo even a little tiny bit for this?  Seriously, talk about over-reaction.  I know some people think their console manufacturer of choice can never, ever do anything the least bit wrong but this is kind of crazy to me.

I can't believe anyone is trying to justify Nintendo's actions on this one. That is the true sign of a blind fanboy right there. No matter how you spin it, this is not a good thing. At the same time this isn't really an issue. It sucks for a lot of people including me but it is only $15 to fix. Wii U should have just cost a dollar more to make and have the port but oh well, it's not the end of the world.

pokoko said:
Cobretti2 said:
Well I just finished reading every post.

This shouldn't a surpise considering that IMAGES of the WiiU back have been available for months.

I checked every profile of the person who had major ISSUE with this, surprise surpise none had any nintendo games listed in their game collection. Most were Playstation users though.

Wonder what you'd find if you checked the profiles of the people who are upset that anyone would criticize Nintendo even a little tiny bit for this?  Seriously, talk about over-reaction.  I know some people think their console manufacturer of choice can never, ever do anything the least bit wrong but this is kind of crazy to me.

most likely mult platform gamers who enjoy games rather than what isn't there.



its not about wifi being fine, which it is, its about options and wired connections do help with latency, thats pretty much a given. BUT it is a none issue as most of us (me included) who wanted better connections(im assuming anyone here who is interested in Wii U had a Wii) bought the USB port. I still have mine somewhere

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oniyide said:
its not about wifi being fine, which it is, its about options and wired connections do help with latency, thats pretty much a given. BUT it is a none issue as most of us (me included) who wanted better connections(im assuming anyone here who is interested in Wii U had a Wii) bought the USB port. I still have mine somewhere

Finally someone with common sense!

Nintendo and PC gamer

VGKing said:

Vita an external, hard to find add-on which takes up one of the USB ports.

WiiU has 4 USB ports (two front, two back).

It's an issue because even toasters come with either net ports these days. This thread show's who's new to online gaming or has never played online competitively. WiFi just wont cut it, i don't care what version it is. Both my PS3 and 360 were hard wired when I had the option. This just means that my online games will remain on the consoles that are serious about it. I'm beginning to wonder why I'm even buying the Wii U. The negatives are stacking up. No unified chat, no trophies, and a half harted attempted at online gaming. This isn't turning out well for the ps3/360 gamers that are use to these things. Sure, i could by the dongle, but why should I have to? Even so it runs threw USB which isn't going to be as good as if it was integrated into the board and it take up a usb port.

Guys, stop making a mountain out of a molehill. This is such a small issue, most people wouldn't care. I actually use wifi on my desktop computer because ethernet proves to be an issue when you have only one place to connect, and that place is relatively far away. That would be triple the distance from the room where I would play the Wii U, and I am certain that there are MANY others who are in a situation like this. Of course people would like to have the option... but here's the funny thing; you DO. You're still ABLE to use one, it's just not built in. The people who would use an ethernet cord could easily get one, it's not really that much of a hassle unless you're new to it.

All these "negatives" don't seem so big to me. I can guarantee you that we can find a pile of negatives for the next gen consoles by Sony and Microsoft as well.

Mmmfishtacos said:
No unified chat I'll give you that, it was a wierd and stupid decision, no trophies It does have an achievements system, we just don't know much about it yet, and a half harted attempted at online gaming Again we don't know anything about Wii U's online structure other than the Miiverse.

So out of 4 "bad things" there are only 2 (at least for now), it's that enough to cancel your pre order?

Nintendo and PC gamer