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It's an issue because even toasters come with either net ports these days. This thread show's who's new to online gaming or has never played online competitively. WiFi just wont cut it, i don't care what version it is. Both my PS3 and 360 were hard wired when I had the option. This just means that my online games will remain on the consoles that are serious about it. I'm beginning to wonder why I'm even buying the Wii U. The negatives are stacking up. No unified chat, no trophies, and a half harted attempted at online gaming. This isn't turning out well for the ps3/360 gamers that are use to these things. Sure, i could by the dongle, but why should I have to? Even so it runs threw USB which isn't going to be as good as if it was integrated into the board and it take up a usb port.