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Guys, stop making a mountain out of a molehill. This is such a small issue, most people wouldn't care. I actually use wifi on my desktop computer because ethernet proves to be an issue when you have only one place to connect, and that place is relatively far away. That would be triple the distance from the room where I would play the Wii U, and I am certain that there are MANY others who are in a situation like this. Of course people would like to have the option... but here's the funny thing; you DO. You're still ABLE to use one, it's just not built in. The people who would use an ethernet cord could easily get one, it's not really that much of a hassle unless you're new to it.

All these "negatives" don't seem so big to me. I can guarantee you that we can find a pile of negatives for the next gen consoles by Sony and Microsoft as well.