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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Forza Horizon and Halo 4 Prove 360 is a magical Beast!

Halo 4 was created on Bungies engine from Reach, reworked for enhanced visuals, of course its going to look awesome. They squeezed the last bit out of the 360. Epic Games will not beat them with Judgement as it is running off of the same Engine as Gears 3.

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Normando said:
Guys, why does this matter? I haven't played Halo 4 yet but I'm sure it looks great. But not as great as some would claim. Everytime a new big name shooter comes out people talk about how the graphics are the best ever and how they make everything else look old.

As for Horizons, I've played it. I looks good, but I wasn't really wowed.

Agreed. They both look great, not the best during gameplay however.
I started another play through of Halo 4 because I couldn't remember playing in this scene

Yeah found it again, it's a window, standing pressed up against an invisible wall before you go left into an enclosed forest corridor with angular tree trunks. Still looks good, but not like that.

Normando said:
Guys, why does this matter? I haven't played Halo 4 yet but I'm sure it looks great. But not as great as some would claim. Everytime a new big name shooter comes out people talk about how the graphics are the best ever and how they make everything else look old.

As for Horizons, I've played it. I looks good, but I wasn't really wowed.

Exactly, its only being hyped by xbox fans as something it's not (*Selnor cough lol) It looks good but there are several games that look better.

what complete rubbish

SvennoJ said:
Normando said:
Guys, why does this matter? I haven't played Halo 4 yet but I'm sure it looks great. But not as great as some would claim. Everytime a new big name shooter comes out people talk about how the graphics are the best ever and how they make everything else look old.

As for Horizons, I've played it. I looks good, but I wasn't really wowed.

Agreed. They both look great, not the best during gameplay however.
I started another play through of Halo 4 because I couldn't remember playing in this scene

Yeah found it again, it's a window, standing pressed up against an invisible wall before you go left into an enclosed forest corridor with angular tree trunks. Still looks good, but not like that.

I like how it says 343 at the bottom too. Cant trust that shiet :P

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bananaking21 said:
im sorry to burst your bubble but uncharted/killzone have been doing those level of graphics since 2009

Last time I checked Killzone 3 wasn't that great according to IGN... Rated 8.5/10 compared to Halo 4's 9.8/10.

Aldro said:
SvennoJ said:
Normando said:
Guys, why does this matter? I haven't played Halo 4 yet but I'm sure it looks great. But not as great as some would claim. Everytime a new big name shooter comes out people talk about how the graphics are the best ever and how they make everything else look old.

As for Horizons, I've played it. I looks good, but I wasn't really wowed.

Agreed. They both look great, not the best during gameplay however.
I started another play through of Halo 4 because I couldn't remember playing in this scene

Yeah found it again, it's a window, standing pressed up against an invisible wall before you go left into an enclosed forest corridor with angular tree trunks. Still looks good, but not like that.

I like how it says 343 at the bottom too. Cant trust that shiet :P


Sony fanboys are so ridiculous. You can't say anything about their PS3s or they'll cry like little babies. They're always right and Nintendo and Microsoft fanboys are always wrong in their eyes. They are scared and respond to fear because Microsoft has finally rivaled and even bested the PS3's game offerings as of late. And the software and hardware sales validate that. Let them wallow in their tears, they aren't worth getting into an argument with.

Dmick90 said:
bananaking21 said:
im sorry to burst your bubble but uncharted/killzone have been doing those level of graphics since 2009

Last time I checked Killzone 3 wasn't that great according to IGN... Rated 8.5/10 compared to Halo 4's 9.8/10.

You're really bringing up reviews when Halo 4 is under 90 Meta? So technically Killzone 2 is ahead of Halo 4? What about Uncharted 3's perfect 10/10 from IGN?


Just find it funny that's all

ZaneWane said:
Aldro said:
SvennoJ said:
Normando said:
Guys, why does this matter? I haven't played Halo 4 yet but I'm sure it looks great. But not as great as some would claim. Everytime a new big name shooter comes out people talk about how the graphics are the best ever and how they make everything else look old.

As for Horizons, I've played it. I looks good, but I wasn't really wowed.

Agreed. They both look great, not the best during gameplay however.
I started another play through of Halo 4 because I couldn't remember playing in this scene

Yeah found it again, it's a window, standing pressed up against an invisible wall before you go left into an enclosed forest corridor with angular tree trunks. Still looks good, but not like that.

I like how it says 343 at the bottom too. Cant trust that shiet :P


Just look at that ground. Im sorry but its just hideous to me. I cant overlook them textures since the game is too open. Crysis does an even better job at hiding it which your signature clearly shows too :)