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Forums - Politics Discussion - 2012 Election Center: The Main Event - Obama Wins


Of the two main candidates for president, who will win?

Barack Obama 245 75.85%
Mitt Romney 73 22.60%

Glad Obama won because I get to frame a dollar now. :)

As for the popular vote over electoral college vote discussion: It is a crap system, but it at least makes it so I don't have to listen to a constant barrage of political ads every time I turn on a tv (except for propositions.)

P.S. I miss the Jib-Jab political animations. Why did they stop making them?

don't waste time

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NNID : turtuls

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At least the republicans kept control of the house. This should limit the damage another 4 years of Obama can do.

Well done Obama. Now you are in your second term and cant be re-elected again, hopefully you can try and make those difficult desicions and get that debt down.

No real surprise that only 60% of American citizens vote. 40% of voting aged Americans simply do not really care enough to vote. The US Presidential elections are nothing more than popularity/personality contests between two opposing celebrity rivals aspiring to be the most powerful individual in the world. 

Glad to see that the lesser chump won.

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melbye said:
And the entire world let's out a sigh of relief

why so we can give away more money to immigrants, fail to secure our borders and continue to rely on China? 

A decisive victory. :) much better than I was expecting. Virginia was a wonderful surprise.

You made the right choice, America. Congrats.

the2real4mafol said:

Yeah i can't believe how the number of votes vary by state. Places like Montana and the dakotas have just 3 votes compared to Texas, 39 votes and California, 55 votes, not fair at all. The popular vote is the only thing that should replace the electoral college 

Actually.... According to the 2010 census, Montana's population is under one million. It represents about 0.32% of the total US population. However, its 3 electoral votes amount to about 0.56% of all electoral votes. The electoral college actually gives less populous states such as Montana an advantage. To continue, South Dakota represents only 0.26% of the US population, and North Dakota represents only 0.21%. But both of those states still have 3 electoral votes, or the same 0.56% as Montana -- this more than doubles their pull in the election with the electoral college over a simple popular vote. It sounds like a small difference, but the 3 states together would combine for about 0.79% of the total US population, while carrying 9 total electoral votes, about 1.67% of the total.

The electoral college was created as a compromise to appease those pushing for states' rights and state power. Maybe it's not the best way to do things -- maybe a simple, total popular vote would be better. But there's no arguing that the electoral college gives more weight to the vote of a single voter in Wyoming than one in California. (California, by the way, represents 11.91% of the US population, yet carries about 10.22% of the electoral votes).

spurgeonryan said:
I told Badgenome the peoples beloved bo da bomba would win.

What were the percentages?

Looks like 303-206 or 332-206, depending on how Florida goes.

And as of now, the popular vote is about 50% to 48%.