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Forums - General Discussion - Equal rights movement has gone too far

dtekdahl00 said:
Cultures that practice cannibalism might think its their right to do so. Are you saying that we then couldn't prevent them from doing so just because we disagree with them?

We probably could stop them, but it doesn't mean we should.

Also I agree, if one parent isn't willing to stay at home to look after the child then they shouldn't bother having them.

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Hmm.... Mistershine, why don't you think we should keep cannibals from eating people?

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I agree, women should stay home a little longer, maybe not when they are kids or teens but I think babies need mothers much more. One clear nature evidence is giving the baby milk, that is solely a women ability, also women gives birth to children, in some way nature is saying mothers are more important in the child's life in nurturing aspect.

dtekdahl00 said:
Cultures that practice cannibalism might think its their right to do so. Are you saying that we then couldn't prevent them from doing so just because we disagree with them?

"already have a solution and it's always to give people the choice and then assess the situation if their rights impinge on other's rights."

So the assesment would be that the benefit to the cannibal would be less than the rights of the eaten, and that alternatives exist for the cannibal.

In this situation, women should be given the choice but if their decisions seriously impair the development of the childit is wrong.

In abortion cases, if not having one would seriously damage the mother's, family's or child's physical or mental health and this outweighs the not-fully-human rights of the foetus, it should be done.


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Although I disagree with you in someways Game_boy, I have to agree that you rationalize better than most people involved in the arguments.

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Idiocy, that is how I will refer to both this posters topics and their self. How could you say that the equal right movement has gone too far. If a woman wants to work, who is to tell her she can't or shouldn't be able to just because she has children. Remember, it takes 2 people to have a child, and either of those two could parent the child. And to say that a woman is a better "nurturer" or to insinuate that a man has to a "wimp with no drive" to be on the same level as a woman has to be one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. I know some damn good fathers and some pretty crappy mothers out there. Personally I think whomever is better suited for the role, if they want too, should be the stay at home parent. Or if they both work, they could find a suitable alternative such as daycare or babysitter.

So the point I am making, quit trying to shove your ideals and beliefs on us video game players, and get back to doing more important things like getting to the next level.

Ohnoes. If you would read the entire thread, you would notice that I said many of the same points you just made. Please just calm down and read a little rather than rant. When I said the comment that some guys I know are "wimps with no drive" didn't mean they were on the same level with women. It meant that I couldn't see them in the work force. If you would also read a little more you would see that I also said that if the dad was more suited to raising the children then he should by all means do so. The one thing I disagree with is that daycare and babysitting in place of being raised by parents is not a suitable alternative.

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A child overall outcome falls onto the parent themselves, not the daycare providers and babysitters out there. To blame a child service on the outcome of a child is ridiculous. A working parent should always make time for their children, and if they don't thats the issue at hand.  Sure there are probally some bad day cares out there and people that dont need to be babysitting, but its the parents responsibility to "choose" an appropriate sitter.  Sure if you let some crack addict watch your kid because they work cheap, that doesn't mean you can turn around and blame them for how your kids behave.  This is just a way for parents who have unruly children to shift the blame onto others, instead of placing it where it belongs.

No thats not quite true. Studies suggest that a sizeable percentage of children who spend more than 10 hours a week in childcare are impacted in a negative way. That has nothing to do with blame though, Its the parent's fault for placing them in childcare for too much time. But in almost any family its impossible to avoid the occasional babysitter, but longterm childcare for many hours a week is bad parenting. EDIT: Wait, where did I ever accuse childcare/babysitters of being crack addicts or bad people? I only said that they are a bad alternative to real parenting. Thats it. Its fine to send them there every once in a while but if its longterm, its bad. Jeeze.

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dtekdahl00 said:
When it comes to men and women being equal, I completely agree. Don't get me wrong there. Men and women both have claim to achieve financially, pursue careers, etc. But despite what many people are telling us, men and women are DIFFERENT. Thats why I think that married women w/ children should be homemakers. Going to childcare just isn't the same as being raised ( I say this loosely) normally.Unfortunately thats probably a controversial statement. Women by nature typically are better nurturers than men, while men by nature have greater endurance when it comes to physical labor. Of course, I do know some girls that couldn't mother their way out of a paper bag and some guys who are complete wimps with no drive. I dunno, thats just what I think. I might also be mad because my abortion topic got deleted.

I couldn't agree with you more to be quite honest.

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