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Forums - Politics Discussion - US Senate candidate: Pregnancy from rape can be ‘something that God intended to happen’

kain_kusanagi said:

You guys all need to calm down. It's clear that the act of rape is not what he was talking about. What he was talking about was the gift of life. That something as wonderful as a child can result from such a terrible thing as rape was his point. Rape is a horrible thing, but the life that is created is innocent and pure. The child concieved should not be regarded as a byproduct to discard, but instead loved as any other unborn child deserves.

Anyone that thinks the man believes God likes rape is either an idiot or a full on hate troll.

I don't think that Mourdock believes God likes rape. I think he believes that when a rape results in pregnancy, that pregnancy is "part of God's plan". That's what he said, and he's stood by that comment.

I disagree with Mourdock about that; I don't think that God intends women to become pregnant as the result of rape. Do you?

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bluesinG said:

Two days later, Mitt Romney *still* refuses to answer reporters' questions about Mourdock's comments, withdraw his endorsement of Mourdock, or ask Mourdock to stop airing the campaign ad that Romney filmed for him. Ugh.

Mitt Romney Refuses To Answer Questions About Richard Mourdock At Campaign Stop In Cincinnati

Why should he answer reporters? They are obviously looking for something to troll him on and report "news" and make money. This is ridiculous that you think he should waste his time answering questions on this guy when that guy can answer them better himself and to think Romney wants to talk about such an irrelevant non issue when our economy is in the shitter

Proclus said:
Fucking idiot.

Pardon my French.

I still don't get what is so idiotic about it. The person said the obvious: the baby was born, and that is a miracle of life.

Question, what if you were that baby? Yes, you would want to be born regardless, because that's what fighters do, they strive to survive and live life to the fullest.

The person even clearly said they thought rape was wrong. Anyways.

bluesinG said:
kain_kusanagi said:

You guys all need to calm down. It's clear that the act of rape is not what he was talking about. What he was talking about was the gift of life. That something as wonderful as a child can result from such a terrible thing as rape was his point. Rape is a horrible thing, but the life that is created is innocent and pure. The child concieved should not be regarded as a byproduct to discard, but instead loved as any other unborn child deserves.

Anyone that thinks the man believes God likes rape is either an idiot or a full on hate troll.

I don't think that Mourdock believes God likes rape. I think he believes that when a rape results in pregnancy, that pregnancy is "part of God's plan". That's what he said, and he's stood by that comment.

I disagree with Mourdock about that; I don't think that God intends women to become pregnant as the result of rape. Do you?

It's an argument that can never be proven so rape can definitely be part of God's plan. 

Maybe the woman would have found her connection to God through the rape and birth of her child, and because of the action of sinners (abortion) she was never given the opportunity. You can turn any scenario into something that is part of God's plan whether you like it or not.


Max King of the Wild said:
bluesinG said:

Two days later, Mitt Romney *still* refuses to answer reporters' questions about Mourdock's comments, withdraw his endorsement of Mourdock, or ask Mourdock to stop airing the campaign ad that Romney filmed for him. Ugh.

Mitt Romney Refuses To Answer Questions About Richard Mourdock At Campaign Stop In Cincinnati

Why should he answer reporters? They are obviously looking for something to troll him on and report "news" and make money. This is ridiculous that you think he should waste his time answering questions on this guy when that guy can answer them better himself and to think Romney wants to talk about such an irrelevant non issue when our economy is in the shitter

Yes, the economy is a big issue. But pregnancy from rape is *also* a big issue. Each year, more than 30,000 American women become pregnant from rape.

I'd just like to hear Romney say something like this: "Unlike Richard Mourdock, I don't believe that rapes resulting in pregnancy are a part of God's plan. That's why I've decided to withdraw my formal endorsement of Richard Mourdock's senate candidacy, and why I now ask him to stop airing a TV ad featuring my endorsement."

That's all he'd have to say. It would literally take less than a minute. Both Romney and Obama spend hours each day talking about the economy. Why couldn't Romney take one minute to express his view on this issue?

Cite for the 30,000 per year number:

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Even Jon Huntsman, the Republican former governor of Utah, agrees that Romney should withdraw his endorsement and ask Mourdock to pull the ad:

bluesinG said:
Max King of the Wild said:
bluesinG said:

Two days later, Mitt Romney *still* refuses to answer reporters' questions about Mourdock's comments, withdraw his endorsement of Mourdock, or ask Mourdock to stop airing the campaign ad that Romney filmed for him. Ugh.

Mitt Romney Refuses To Answer Questions About Richard Mourdock At Campaign Stop In Cincinnati

Why should he answer reporters? They are obviously looking for something to troll him on and report "news" and make money. This is ridiculous that you think he should waste his time answering questions on this guy when that guy can answer them better himself and to think Romney wants to talk about such an irrelevant non issue when our economy is in the shitter

Yes, the economy is a big issue. But pregnancy from rape is *also* a big issue. Each year, more than 30,000 American women become pregnant from rape.

I'd just like to hear Romney say something like this: "I don't believe that rapes resulting in pregnancy are a part of God's plan. That's why I've decided to withdraw my formal endorsement of Richard Mourdock's senate candidacy, and why I now ask him to stop airing a TV ad featuring my endorsement."

That's all he'd have to say. It would literally take less than a minute. Both Romney and Obama spend hours each day talking about the economy. Why couldn't Romney take one minute to express his view on this issue?

Cite for the 30,000 per year number:

Abstracts are terrible sources. You would fail if you used that on an essay first of all.

As for the 30,000 number... they say 5% of rapes produce pregnancy which is 30,000 a year... you think there are more than 600,000 rapes a year in America?

happydolphin said:
Proclus said:
Fucking idiot.

Pardon my French.

I still don't get what is so idiotic about it. The person said the obvious: the baby was born, and that is a miracle of life.

Question, what if you were that baby? Yes, you would want to be born regardless, because that's what fighters do, they strive to survive and live life to the fullest.

The person even clearly said they thought rape was wrong. Anyways.

A random son of a bitch impregnates a poor girl is a miracle in your opinion?... Can't even be bothered to reply to the rest of your post now, what a extremely silly statement from you.

Proclus said:

A random son of a bitch impregnates a poor girl is a miracle in your opinion?... Can't even be bothered to reply to the rest of your post now, what a extremely silly statement from you.

Never realized you were a douche mill.

A person born is a person born. So fuck you.

-moderated Kasz216

No need for flaiming happydolphin even with the close minded condescending response