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Max King of the Wild said:
bluesinG said:

Two days later, Mitt Romney *still* refuses to answer reporters' questions about Mourdock's comments, withdraw his endorsement of Mourdock, or ask Mourdock to stop airing the campaign ad that Romney filmed for him. Ugh.

Mitt Romney Refuses To Answer Questions About Richard Mourdock At Campaign Stop In Cincinnati

Why should he answer reporters? They are obviously looking for something to troll him on and report "news" and make money. This is ridiculous that you think he should waste his time answering questions on this guy when that guy can answer them better himself and to think Romney wants to talk about such an irrelevant non issue when our economy is in the shitter

Yes, the economy is a big issue. But pregnancy from rape is *also* a big issue. Each year, more than 30,000 American women become pregnant from rape.

I'd just like to hear Romney say something like this: "Unlike Richard Mourdock, I don't believe that rapes resulting in pregnancy are a part of God's plan. That's why I've decided to withdraw my formal endorsement of Richard Mourdock's senate candidacy, and why I now ask him to stop airing a TV ad featuring my endorsement."

That's all he'd have to say. It would literally take less than a minute. Both Romney and Obama spend hours each day talking about the economy. Why couldn't Romney take one minute to express his view on this issue?

Cite for the 30,000 per year number: