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Forums - Politics Discussion - Election time, who did you vote for?


Which presidential candidate will you vote for?

Barack Obama 356 55.89%
Mitt Romney 137 21.51%
Gary Johnson 38 5.97%
Jill Stein 15 2.35%
Somebody else 87 13.66%
Kasz216 said:
RenderMonk said:
Kasz216 said:
MSNBC's slogan is "Lean Forward".

If you can't see a liberal bias at MSNBC... i'd argue you probably aren't looking...

because it's right in the slogan.

I'm trying to figure out if you're being serious or joking? Now be sure before you answer, is that MSNBC's slogan? Or is it the slogan of a specific show on MSNBC? As I said earlier, MSNBC has shows that are clearly left focused and shows that are clearly right focused. Unlike Fox, who is ONLY right focused, which is why I say not to get your "news" from them.

It's the entire networks slogan.

Cable news network msnbc said Tuesday it is launching a two-year, multimillion-dollar marketing campaign, embracing its politically progressive identity with the new tagline “Lean Forward.”

They don't even try and hide the fact that they're a liberal news network... in fact they activly promote that fact.

If you can't see it... like I said... you must not be looking.

You're totally right that MSNBC has set itself up as the news network of liberal-leaning television viewers, but Fox News created a new paradigm that allowed that to happen. News coverage has changed a lot since Fox News became the juggernaut it is. More and more news networks are becoming overt participants in the political process, instead of simply reporting on it.

Now, I know American news media have a long history of political activism since the beginning of the republic, and Fox News didn't invent bad journalism, but I truly believe MSNBC and others like it evolved in large part because of the success of Fox News.

Around the Network
bluesinG said:
gergroy said:

nah, read the full transcript.  They are just taking one line out of context.  He has been consistent on it.  

Romney expressed his support for raising the minimum wage in February. Then conservative pundits freaked out. Then, in March, Romney said "there's probably no need to raise the minimum wage." To my knowledge, that's the last time he said anything about the minimum wage. I used google to search for "minimum wage" on Romney's campaign website, and couldn't find anything supporting an increase in the minimum wage.

If you can find a more recent quote from Romney expressing support for raising the minimum wage, please post it.

you should just watch the video of what Romney said.  You are taking a quote out of context.  When Romney said that, he was replying to Larry Kudlow when Kudlow said, "there is very little to no inflation now."  Romney's reply is that that probably means that we don't need to raise the minimum wage now.  It is consistent with his position.

I would embed the video, but I can't figure it out.  It is at the bottome of the page in this article.  





gergroy said:
bluesinG said:
gergroy said:

nah, read the full transcript.  They are just taking one line out of context.  He has been consistent on it.  

Romney expressed his support for raising the minimum wage in February. Then conservative pundits freaked out. Then, in March, Romney said "there's probably no need to raise the minimum wage." To my knowledge, that's the last time he said anything about the minimum wage. I used google to search for "minimum wage" on Romney's campaign website, and couldn't find anything supporting an increase in the minimum wage.

If you can find a more recent quote from Romney expressing support for raising the minimum wage, please post it.

you should just watch the video of what Romney said.  You are taking a quote out of context.  When Romney said that, he was replying to Larry Kudlow when Kudlow said, "there is very little to no inflation now."  Romney's reply is that that probably means that we don't need to raise the minimum wage now.  It is consistent with his position.

I would embed the video, but I can't figure it out.  It is at the bottome of the page in this article.   

I watched the video, and at no point did he say that he supports raising the minimum wage. First he pointed out that, as Governor, he vetoed a bill to raise the minimum wage. Then he said that "right now, there's probably no need to raise the minimum wage."

I just don't see where you get the idea that, right now, Romney supports raising the minimum wage. Again I ask: When was the last time that Romney said he supports raising the minimum wage? I don't think he's expressed any support for that since before this interview.

bluesinG said:
gergroy said:
bluesinG said:
gergroy said:

nah, read the full transcript.  They are just taking one line out of context.  He has been consistent on it.  

Romney expressed his support for raising the minimum wage in February. Then conservative pundits freaked out. Then, in March, Romney said "there's probably no need to raise the minimum wage." To my knowledge, that's the last time he said anything about the minimum wage. I used google to search for "minimum wage" on Romney's campaign website, and couldn't find anything supporting an increase in the minimum wage.

If you can find a more recent quote from Romney expressing support for raising the minimum wage, please post it.

you should just watch the video of what Romney said.  You are taking a quote out of context.  When Romney said that, he was replying to Larry Kudlow when Kudlow said, "there is very little to no inflation now."  Romney's reply is that that probably means that we don't need to raise the minimum wage now.  It is consistent with his position.

I would embed the video, but I can't figure it out.  It is at the bottome of the page in this article.   

I watched the video, and at no point did he say that he supports raising the minimum wage. First he pointed out that, as Governor, he vetoed a bill to raise the minimum wage. Then he said that "right now, there's probably no need to raise the minimum wage."

I just don't see where you get the idea that, right now, Romney supports raising the minimum wage. Again I ask: When was the last time that Romney said he supports raising the minimum wage? I don't think he's expressed any support for that since before this interview.

I watched the video... and wow... were you wearing noise supression ear muffs to prevent you from hearing everything except a few lines while you watched it?

bluesinG said:
gergroy said:
bluesinG said:
gergroy said:

nah, read the full transcript.  They are just taking one line out of context.  He has been consistent on it.  

Romney expressed his support for raising the minimum wage in February. Then conservative pundits freaked out. Then, in March, Romney said "there's probably no need to raise the minimum wage." To my knowledge, that's the last time he said anything about the minimum wage. I used google to search for "minimum wage" on Romney's campaign website, and couldn't find anything supporting an increase in the minimum wage.

If you can find a more recent quote from Romney expressing support for raising the minimum wage, please post it.

you should just watch the video of what Romney said.  You are taking a quote out of context.  When Romney said that, he was replying to Larry Kudlow when Kudlow said, "there is very little to no inflation now."  Romney's reply is that that probably means that we don't need to raise the minimum wage now.  It is consistent with his position.

I would embed the video, but I can't figure it out.  It is at the bottome of the page in this article.   

I watched the video, and at no point did he say that he supports raising the minimum wage. First he pointed out that, as Governor, he vetoed a bill to raise the minimum wage. Then he said that "right now, there's probably no need to raise the minimum wage."

I just don't see where you get the idea that, right now, Romney supports raising the minimum wage. Again I ask: When was the last time that Romney said he supports raising the minimum wage? I don't think he's expressed any support for that since before this interview.

lol, take off the blinders buddy and watch the video again.

Around the Network

I am just going to use this thread to post new poll results as I think many would be interested. All poll results will be for after all the debates which are slowly coming in from many, many different sources.

Obama 51-45 in Wisconsin per PPP, grows his lead.

Obama up In Iowa 68/32 lead among early voters, per PPP.

Rasmassn VA
R 50
O 48

gergroy said:
bluesinG said:
gergroy said:
bluesinG said:
gergroy said:

nah, read the full transcript.  They are just taking one line out of context.  He has been consistent on it.  

Romney expressed his support for raising the minimum wage in February. Then conservative pundits freaked out. Then, in March, Romney said "there's probably no need to raise the minimum wage." To my knowledge, that's the last time he said anything about the minimum wage. I used google to search for "minimum wage" on Romney's campaign website, and couldn't find anything supporting an increase in the minimum wage.

If you can find a more recent quote from Romney expressing support for raising the minimum wage, please post it.

you should just watch the video of what Romney said.  You are taking a quote out of context.  When Romney said that, he was replying to Larry Kudlow when Kudlow said, "there is very little to no inflation now."  Romney's reply is that that probably means that we don't need to raise the minimum wage now.  It is consistent with his position.

I would embed the video, but I can't figure it out.  It is at the bottome of the page in this article.   

I watched the video, and at no point did he say that he supports raising the minimum wage. First he pointed out that, as Governor, he vetoed a bill to raise the minimum wage. Then he said that "right now, there's probably no need to raise the minimum wage."

I just don't see where you get the idea that, right now, Romney supports raising the minimum wage. Again I ask: When was the last time that Romney said he supports raising the minimum wage? I don't think he's expressed any support for that since before this interview.

lol, take off the blinders buddy and watch the video again.

Seriously, I'm just asking you to quote me *one line* from that interview, or anything Romney has said since then, where he says that he supports raising the minimum wage right now. Just give me one quote.

Got anything?

bluesinG said:
gergroy said:
bluesinG said:
gergroy said:
bluesinG said:
gergroy said:

nah, read the full transcript.  They are just taking one line out of context.  He has been consistent on it.  

Romney expressed his support for raising the minimum wage in February. Then conservative pundits freaked out. Then, in March, Romney said "there's probably no need to raise the minimum wage." To my knowledge, that's the last time he said anything about the minimum wage. I used google to search for "minimum wage" on Romney's campaign website, and couldn't find anything supporting an increase in the minimum wage.

If you can find a more recent quote from Romney expressing support for raising the minimum wage, please post it.

you should just watch the video of what Romney said.  You are taking a quote out of context.  When Romney said that, he was replying to Larry Kudlow when Kudlow said, "there is very little to no inflation now."  Romney's reply is that that probably means that we don't need to raise the minimum wage now.  It is consistent with his position.

I would embed the video, but I can't figure it out.  It is at the bottome of the page in this article.   

I watched the video, and at no point did he say that he supports raising the minimum wage. First he pointed out that, as Governor, he vetoed a bill to raise the minimum wage. Then he said that "right now, there's probably no need to raise the minimum wage."

I just don't see where you get the idea that, right now, Romney supports raising the minimum wage. Again I ask: When was the last time that Romney said he supports raising the minimum wage? I don't think he's expressed any support for that since before this interview.

lol, take off the blinders buddy and watch the video again.

Seriously, I'm just asking you to quote me *one line* from that interview, or anything Romney has said since then, where he says that he supports raising the minimum wage right now. Just give me one quote.

Got anything?


Ok, starting out the interview

Larry Kudlow, "A lot of conservatives, led by the wall street journal editorial page, were horrified when you said you want to index the minimum wage for inflation, and they said look, thats just going to raise the minimum wage, thats going to raise the unemployment rate, especially for young people, especially for minorities, it sort of a little bit of unfinished business.  Why do you want to raise the minimum wage, why do you want to index it for inflation?"

Mitt Romney, "Well actually when I was governor, the legislature passed a law raising the minimum wage, I vetoed it.  I said look, the way to deal with minimum wage is this.  On a regular basis, in the proposal I said every two years we should look at the minimum wage.  We should look at whats happened to inflation, We should also look at the jobs level throughout the country, the unemployment rate, competetive rates in other states or in this instance nations.  So, certainly the level of inflation is something you should look at and whats the right way to keep america competitive.  

Larry Kudlow, "There hasn't been any inflation or at least very minimal so far."

Mitt Romney, "Yes, so that would tell you that right now there probably isn't a need to raise the minimum wage.  What I can tell you is had one indexed the wage back to say 1990, the minimum wage would be lower now than it actually is.  Democrats make big hay of this every few years, oh, we are going to raise the minimum wage and get a lot of hooplah for it.  Uh, frankly the right way to process this is to look at the minimum wage, look at how unemployment rates are, make adjustments as time goes on based upon our need to compete, the need of the job market, and of course what has happened to inflation.


You see, you seem to be ignoring huge parts of this conversation.  The question initially asked is why does romney support indexing minimum wage for inflation.  That is Romneys state position in this interview.  He then talks about how as governor he vetoed a bill that just wanted to raise the minimum wage without looking at outside factors like inflation and unemployment.  He doesn't support just increasing the minimum wage, he wants to set up a long term goal of gradual increases over the years to match inflation.  

When he says there probably isn't a need to raise minimum wage, to you see what he is responding to?  Do you see why that statement is being taken out of context?  Romney has had this position of raising the minimum wage to match inflation since he ran for senate in the 1990's, it hasn't changed.  He doesn't have any statements on minimum wage after this because this is actually the last time minimum wage has been brought up this election cycle.  

gergroy said:
I have been undecided mostly because i dislike all the choices. However, I have decided I am going to be one of those people that votes against somebody instead of for them. So i have decided to vote for Mitt Romney.

My reasons mostly stem from the early portion of Obamas term when he had a super majority in congress. The economy was in the tank and instead of working on that, he pushed for healthcare that ultimately ends up being a large tax on small businesses. He also didnt bother with bipartisan efforts during this time either.

Basically, I dont like how obama handled his term, and im not a fan of Romney, but I think it I would rather see somebody else get a chance then another term of Obama.

A little caveat here, I live in Utah so my vote doesnt actually matter. Utah will go for romney by over 70%...

You do realize Obama had a super majority in congress less than 90 days, right?

DCOK said:
I'd love to vote for Gary Johnson (I'd prefer to write-in Ron Paul over anything) if my state allowed it (I think Oklahoma is the only state this election without a write-in or third party option).

So, instead of voting for the two headed monster (Obamney), I'll be abstaining on November 6th.

If you really like Ron Paul, Gary Johnson is about the only viable alternative at this point.