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Forums - Politics Discussion - Name just one thing that America and the E.U could cut to start getting back on track financially

Moonhero said:
Oil Subsides! Screw Oil companies.

Two questions:

What oil subsidies?

Do you have a problem with paying reasonable prices for food, transportation, and energy/heating costs for your house?


The oil companies pay royalties on the oil they produce and then pay taxes under the same rules as every other corporation in the country; and as a result they pay higher over all taxes but are entitled to the same deductions as everyone else. There only "crime" is they produce a product that everyone wants that is sold in a free market where the price is set by supply and demand; and a combination of governments preventing increased supply and economic growth in the third world increasing demand have resulted in increasing oil prices.

Around the Network
Kantor said:
SamuelRSmith said:
Kantor said:

The EU is not the same as the European Free Trade Agreement, which could likely stay intact.

But yes, it would probably curb immigration between European countries, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I was under the impression that the EFTA was between the EU and external states (Norway, Switzerland, etc), which would mean that with the elimination of the EU, the EFTA would also need to be renegotiated. Given the current political climate, I'm sure there will be some countries that refuse... but, hopefully, most of the countries with /some/ savvy (which I listed in my previous post) would quickly re-negotiate.

EDIT: Just like to point out that I'd still like to see "people" included in these agreements, but that seems even less likely. Even the more free-trade nations have a hard time accepting freedom of movement. This is perhaps the one good thing that would die with the EU.

Right, and I'd like to see the agreement between the EU and Norway and Switzerland turned into a continent-wide treaty. Certainly, all of the Western European countries would agree to it.

EDIT: And as for people, I fully support the free movement of labour as long as the immigrants don't turn to crime and/or use up government resources without contributing.

Sort of the issue isn't it.  With free movement of labor, you sorta have a somewhat uniform welfare system.

Otherwise, people even without jobs are going to leave areas with less welfare to more, just for the bigger handout.

Kasz216 said:
Kantor said:
SamuelRSmith said:
Kantor said:

The EU is not the same as the European Free Trade Agreement, which could likely stay intact.

But yes, it would probably curb immigration between European countries, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I was under the impression that the EFTA was between the EU and external states (Norway, Switzerland, etc), which would mean that with the elimination of the EU, the EFTA would also need to be renegotiated. Given the current political climate, I'm sure there will be some countries that refuse... but, hopefully, most of the countries with /some/ savvy (which I listed in my previous post) would quickly re-negotiate.

EDIT: Just like to point out that I'd still like to see "people" included in these agreements, but that seems even less likely. Even the more free-trade nations have a hard time accepting freedom of movement. This is perhaps the one good thing that would die with the EU.

Right, and I'd like to see the agreement between the EU and Norway and Switzerland turned into a continent-wide treaty. Certainly, all of the Western European countries would agree to it.

EDIT: And as for people, I fully support the free movement of labour as long as the immigrants don't turn to crime and/or use up government resources without contributing.

Sort of the issue isn't it.  With free movement of labor, you sorta have a somewhat uniform welfare system.

Otherwise, people even without jobs are going to leave areas with less welfare to more, just for the bigger handout.

Thereby reducing unemployment. You are a genius Kasz

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kasz216 said:
BlkPaladin said:
Kasz216 said:
Farm subsidies.

Not only would it save us all kinds of money.

Food would become cheaper.

Actually it would make food more expensive, and drive thousands of farmers out of work driving the cost up more. You cannot make decent money off of farming anymore unless you are a mega farm. The smaller farms need the subsidies to be able to plant next season's crop.

The problem is abuses to the system. And it costs money to add oversight to make sure these abuses are not being done. But in the long run it should save money. Something else that would save money is centralizing the oversight since right now their are several departments that watch Sallie Mae and a lot of times they don't agree so nothing gets done. And they don't want their powers taken from them.


 Just to add to the above post, I see quite a few people come through and pay for McDonald's food with their welfare debit card. They are very noticeable .

You'd think.... though not really.

Mostly because of where the subsidies go to...

they tend to go to crops when not used for food.  Like Corn subsisdies for ethanol fuels.

Additionally other subsidies are supported by tariffs... no subsidies, they'd reduce tariffs too i'd think.

I'd actually be better for ethanol in this way too, as we could import cheaper, cleaner sugar cane ethanol.   Currently the subsidies and high tarriffs on sugar cane are used to hold down sugarcane ethanol.

As for food stamp abuse... it wasn't a food stamps card right?  Can't imagine a McDonalds being able to get a food stamps machine in any state.

Unemployment or other welfare though I can see.

Either way, you'll never stop welfare abuse unless you end up hurting a lot of innocent people along with it.


EDIT: guess i was wrong about fast food and food stamps.  Damnit.

My bad.

Even 7 11's accept the EBT card here 9welfare card). There are companies that really push for restauraunts to  accept them too. I work at a pizza place and they call us and try to talk the ownere into accepting EBT cards. There are some restrictions opn them, but it really makes me not want to support food stamp programs as they just get abused.

HappySqurriel said:
Moonhero said:
Oil Subsides! Screw Oil companies.

Two questions:

What oil subsidies?

Do you have a problem with paying reasonable prices for food, transportation, and energy/heating costs for your house?


The oil companies pay royalties on the oil they produce and then pay taxes under the same rules as every other corporation in the country; and as a result they pay higher over all taxes but are entitled to the same deductions as everyone else. There only "crime" is they produce a product that everyone wants that is sold in a free market where the price is set by supply and demand; and a combination of governments preventing increased supply and economic growth in the third world increasing demand have resulted in increasing oil prices.

Ask stefl1504 for a sig, even if you don't need one.

Around the Network
Kasz216 said:
Kantor said:
SamuelRSmith said:
Kantor said:

The EU is not the same as the European Free Trade Agreement, which could likely stay intact.

But yes, it would probably curb immigration between European countries, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I was under the impression that the EFTA was between the EU and external states (Norway, Switzerland, etc), which would mean that with the elimination of the EU, the EFTA would also need to be renegotiated. Given the current political climate, I'm sure there will be some countries that refuse... but, hopefully, most of the countries with /some/ savvy (which I listed in my previous post) would quickly re-negotiate.

EDIT: Just like to point out that I'd still like to see "people" included in these agreements, but that seems even less likely. Even the more free-trade nations have a hard time accepting freedom of movement. This is perhaps the one good thing that would die with the EU.

Right, and I'd like to see the agreement between the EU and Norway and Switzerland turned into a continent-wide treaty. Certainly, all of the Western European countries would agree to it.

EDIT: And as for people, I fully support the free movement of labour as long as the immigrants don't turn to crime and/or use up government resources without contributing.

Sort of the issue isn't it.  With free movement of labor, you sorta have a somewhat uniform welfare system.

Otherwise, people even without jobs are going to leave areas with less welfare to more, just for the bigger handout.

I'd think the bigger thing would be uniform rules on letting people outside the EU into the EU, otherwise people are just going to flood into the country with the easiest rules to then hop to the country with the most jobs and/or best welfare.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
Kasz216 said:
Kantor said:
SamuelRSmith said:
Kantor said:

The EU is not the same as the European Free Trade Agreement, which could likely stay intact.

But yes, it would probably curb immigration between European countries, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I was under the impression that the EFTA was between the EU and external states (Norway, Switzerland, etc), which would mean that with the elimination of the EU, the EFTA would also need to be renegotiated. Given the current political climate, I'm sure there will be some countries that refuse... but, hopefully, most of the countries with /some/ savvy (which I listed in my previous post) would quickly re-negotiate.

EDIT: Just like to point out that I'd still like to see "people" included in these agreements, but that seems even less likely. Even the more free-trade nations have a hard time accepting freedom of movement. This is perhaps the one good thing that would die with the EU.

Right, and I'd like to see the agreement between the EU and Norway and Switzerland turned into a continent-wide treaty. Certainly, all of the Western European countries would agree to it.

EDIT: And as for people, I fully support the free movement of labour as long as the immigrants don't turn to crime and/or use up government resources without contributing.

Sort of the issue isn't it.  With free movement of labor, you sorta have a somewhat uniform welfare system.

Otherwise, people even without jobs are going to leave areas with less welfare to more, just for the bigger handout.

I'd think the bigger thing would be uniform rules on letting people outside the EU into the EU, otherwise people are just going to flood into the country with the easiest rules to then hop to the country with the most jobs and/or best welfare.

Well yeah, but as far as I can tell, I don't know of a europeon country that has an easier immigration policy than the US.  So I don't think that's so much a problem so much as illegal immigration.

Well that and countries like france saying "Screw off" to the free immigration rules and deporting undesireable groups... but hey.  France is one of the most secretly conservative in the worst ways countries out there.

Moonhero said:
HappySqurriel said:
Moonhero said:
Oil Subsides! Screw Oil companies.

Two questions:

What oil subsidies?

Do you have a problem with paying reasonable prices for food, transportation, and energy/heating costs for your house?


The oil companies pay royalties on the oil they produce and then pay taxes under the same rules as every other corporation in the country; and as a result they pay higher over all taxes but are entitled to the same deductions as everyone else. There only "crime" is they produce a product that everyone wants that is sold in a free market where the price is set by supply and demand; and a combination of governments preventing increased supply and economic growth in the third world increasing demand have resulted in increasing oil prices.

That's a very liberal definition of the word subsidy they have going there.

Practically nothing listed actually is a subsidy... and of the few that are... they seem to be ones not targeted directly at the oil industry... but that people want to take away ONLY from the oil industry because....

I have no clue...

If you want to eliminate that stuff for EVERYBODY sure.

Just picking on the oil industry though... doesn't really make sense.

Moonhero said:
HappySqurriel said:
Moonhero said:
Oil Subsides! Screw Oil companies.

Two questions:

What oil subsidies?

Do you have a problem with paying reasonable prices for food, transportation, and energy/heating costs for your house?


The oil companies pay royalties on the oil they produce and then pay taxes under the same rules as every other corporation in the country; and as a result they pay higher over all taxes but are entitled to the same deductions as everyone else. There only "crime" is they produce a product that everyone wants that is sold in a free market where the price is set by supply and demand; and a combination of governments preventing increased supply and economic growth in the third world increasing demand have resulted in increasing oil prices.

So, in other words, the same tax deductions all corporations are entitled to ...

sales2099 said:
1 child per family. in a few generations youll have far less people to manage.

Thats not a very good idea for countries that already have aging populations, as it will achieve nothing. Also, it did little good for china, as they will soon have an aging population too! An aging population is potentially very bad for a economy

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