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Kasz216 said:
BlkPaladin said:
Kasz216 said:
Farm subsidies.

Not only would it save us all kinds of money.

Food would become cheaper.

Actually it would make food more expensive, and drive thousands of farmers out of work driving the cost up more. You cannot make decent money off of farming anymore unless you are a mega farm. The smaller farms need the subsidies to be able to plant next season's crop.

The problem is abuses to the system. And it costs money to add oversight to make sure these abuses are not being done. But in the long run it should save money. Something else that would save money is centralizing the oversight since right now their are several departments that watch Sallie Mae and a lot of times they don't agree so nothing gets done. And they don't want their powers taken from them.


 Just to add to the above post, I see quite a few people come through and pay for McDonald's food with their welfare debit card. They are very noticeable .

You'd think.... though not really.

Mostly because of where the subsidies go to...

they tend to go to crops when not used for food.  Like Corn subsisdies for ethanol fuels.

Additionally other subsidies are supported by tariffs... no subsidies, they'd reduce tariffs too i'd think.

I'd actually be better for ethanol in this way too, as we could import cheaper, cleaner sugar cane ethanol.   Currently the subsidies and high tarriffs on sugar cane are used to hold down sugarcane ethanol.

As for food stamp abuse... it wasn't a food stamps card right?  Can't imagine a McDonalds being able to get a food stamps machine in any state.

Unemployment or other welfare though I can see.

Either way, you'll never stop welfare abuse unless you end up hurting a lot of innocent people along with it.


EDIT: guess i was wrong about fast food and food stamps.  Damnit.

My bad.

Even 7 11's accept the EBT card here 9welfare card). There are companies that really push for restauraunts to  accept them too. I work at a pizza place and they call us and try to talk the ownere into accepting EBT cards. There are some restrictions opn them, but it really makes me not want to support food stamp programs as they just get abused.