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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Last Guardian Pushed To (At Least) 2014

Tagged games:


Will you wait?

Yes patience is a virtue 48 43.64%
No this is the new Duke Nukem Forever 22 20.00%
Indifferent 11 10.00%
This will kill Team ICO/game sales 25 22.73%
Results 4 3.64%

Incompetancy at its greatest.


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what the,will it ever come,we are missing this type of game i feel

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond


Just tke your time and make it good. There are enough games, we need more truly great games.

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I'll be playing next gen then. Will not even be looking at PS3 games come June 2013. All money will go to new gen hardware and software.

I am happy it's alive. Make it 2015, I don't care. I replayed ICO days ago, a great game with many flaws. Still better than 95% of the shit I've experienced this generation.

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Team Ico is surely getting the axe after this game...
In 2014 it will be 9 years since their last game.

But, this means nothing. Versus XIII is not going to be released in 2013 (due to Lightining Returns), but this game has a shot.

Team ICO, the most inefficient and incompetent video game development studios ever.

I absolutely hated ICO & SotC (In 20 years they're the only games I couldn't bring myself to finish) and I wouldn't give a damn if TLG got cancelled and Team ICO got closed down, a studio that has wasted so much more money than it'll ever make back in profit and takes 8+ years to develop a game that is probably going to be a short and middling doesn't deserve to stay operational when much better studios have gone under.

I hope this game makes the light of day, so this is good news for me. True it's costing Sony a leg, but in the end that's Sony's fault. This studio is a gem and it needs to be properly managed to being more efficient, that's all. Ico released in 2001 and Shadow of the Colossus came out in 2006. That is an acceptable time frame. Now it's been 6 years dev time for TLG, it's too much. But I don't want to pile this game in gloom, I just hope it sees the light of day.

After all this time waiting, I really do hope it becomes a PS4 launch title as it wouldn't sell that many more units of the PS3, but for the new console it would help greatly. If not for anything else, for the curiosity lots of people will have for the game, especially with PS4 graphics and its gameplay as well, naturally.

Spedfrom said:
After all this time waiting, I really do hope it becomes a PS4 launch title as it wouldn't sell that many more units of the PS3, but for the new console it would help greatly. If not for anything else, for the curiosity lots of people will have for the game, especially with PS4 graphics and its gameplay as well, naturally.

If the PS4 is not bleeding edge and priced modestly (300-350$), I would agree that this could help push the system. It would be great.

At 400$+, this is pushing very few systems imho.