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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Predictions: Halo 4 will be GOTY... Metacritic between 94-97

sales2099 said:
Aldro said:
sales2099 said:
Aldro said:
sales2099 said:
Aldro said:

Seriously? Sales?

So Wii Sports and Call of Duty are the greatest phenomenons due to sales?

How the hell is this still going on after all these years. Yes, when you love a franchise, you want it to sell well just as much as any fan of a game or company will lick their ass. Im a pro in this regard. But sales by no means says anything about the game if not showing a good marketing campaign. Unless we manage to filter out the word of mouth based upon the sales lmao.

Now if you analyze the games and share your opinion, well then atleast it is rather more personal hence people giving shit about reviews, but hopefully its reviewers who shares similar taste to themselves and not for example Bob from Welikegames who gives every game a 3/10 and only writes a score without any motivation (yes I just made that up).

Wake up fellas. Halo 4 would sell better but that does not make it the better game. The fact that you have to resort to these manners clearly shows a sheer desperation. Albeit one can argue that I show something similar as I am writing this. I choose however to believe that I am doing this because one decent person will see this and go "Fair enough" / "Good point" and thus fullfilling the purpose of a forum -> To share my thoughts.

Ive always operated under the one-two punch mentality: sales and meta. When I priase a game for its sales, chances are the meta is very respectable. Every mainline Halo is 90+ anyway so I fail to see your point. Its AAA in quality and sales. Wii Sports is 70's meta and COD is high 80's meta, rendering those examples refutable.

So Modern Warfare 2 having 94 Meta has it just as good as Halo 3 and since sold better => IS the better game?


 Halo mainline entries have 90+ quality and sell several millions. It can stand up to any PS3 exclusive like the LO

Would you not say that a game above 5 Million in sales is considerd selling "well" and in the end also boils down to own opinion? My point isnt that Halo sells well and is well recieved, my point is that the sales doesnt tell you ANYTHING regarding its quality.

If you fully read my last post I said that sales has nothing to do with quality. It is about winner and loser (when compared to another game), what gamers want, the line between running your mouth off on a forum and actually practicing what you preach.

Im sorry if you associated sales with quality because I sure dont.

"Im sorry if you associated sales with quality because I sure dont."

Thank you, that's all I was getting at.


I added a thing above, namely:


"Comparing Last of Us and Halo is ridiculous but as I said before Halo will have a ton of content while Last of Us will be played once and be done with"

How is it ridicilous when you don't even know the MP aspect of TLOU?

What says quantity of the content in Halo equals the quality in TLOU?

Yes we've been through this and we know Halo will be a quality title. But how delusional can you be to believe that TLOU doesnt stand a chance because of the wording "content" and "content" alone?

Perhaps TLOU will revolutionize gaming for all we know.


Vice versa applies to Halo 4 albeit we've seen glimpses of that atleast and the game has leaked.

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pezus said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Barozi said:
Yeah I expect Hitman to be about the same as Max Payne 3.
Or next years Tomb Raider.

Last of Us of God of War Ascension will definitely be in the contenders spot next year. Halo is so lucky Last of Us got pushed back.

Don't forget Bioshock.

Oh yeah, how could I forget? Bioshock was a game of the year, I believe.

JayWood2010 said:
sales2099 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Barozi said:
Yeah I expect Hitman to be about the same as Max Payne 3.
Or next years Tomb Raider.

Last of Us of God of War Ascension will definitely be in the contenders spot next year. Halo is so lucky Last of Us got pushed back.

Think you got it mixed up there. Last of Us would have been crushed sales wise. Even GOTY speaking Halo 4s online options dwarf that of LOU

Yeah dont even worry about it.  I think he just wanted to hype up some sony titles 

Interesting, think Gears of War Judgement will beat Last of US, God of War or even Bioshock? 2013 is a stacked year. Gears of War 2 and 3 couldn't beat Uncharted for GOTY when they came out.

BenVTrigger said:
Its certainly possible.

Graphically its stunning, the CGI is the best Ive ever seen in a game. Gameplay we know will be fantastic, its Halo. The production values are through the roof and story looks to be a huge emphasis for this game.

The only thing that worries me is a couple sites giving it low ball reviews just for hits

Its CG looks better than Far Cry?

Halo is so lucky Last of Us got pushed back?

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Halo 4 CGI.



After just watching the Far Cry 3 trailer, I gotta the CGI for halo 4 looks slightly better imo, even just from this little glimps.

Look awesome!

More like 91 to 93. 92 sounds like the magical number for Halo 4.

i don't think so lol, more like 89-91

The game will be great, "no doubt" but i cant see it being groundbreaking.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
JayWood2010 said:
sales2099 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Barozi said:
Yeah I expect Hitman to be about the same as Max Payne 3.
Or next years Tomb Raider.

Last of Us of God of War Ascension will definitely be in the contenders spot next year. Halo is so lucky Last of Us got pushed back.

Think you got it mixed up there. Last of Us would have been crushed sales wise. Even GOTY speaking Halo 4s online options dwarf that of LOU

Yeah dont even worry about it.  I think he just wanted to hype up some sony titles 

Interesting, think Gears of War Judgement will beat Last of US, God of War or even Bioshock? 2013 is a stacked year. Gears of War 2 and 3 couldn't beat Uncharted for GOTY when they came out.

No I don't believe Gear Judgement will win and you just made it that much more clear that you're just being a sony fan rather than a gamer.  Gears judgement does not look all that good and now that Cliffy B left EPIC i have no faith in it what so ever.  It's not even being made by EPIC which is another reason I think it doesn't look good.  Unlike you I don't like games because they're exclusives, I like them because they're good games.  Last of Us is a heavy favorite next year and I can't wait for it personally but I could care less what it is for.  Grow up and stop being a fan of a company

Don't let my picture fool you into thinking Im some kind of rabbid microsoft fan.  Halo and Gears just happens to be my fav games along with metal gear solid 4.  Personally I've barely touched my 360 in the last year, but I can say the same to my PS3 (honestly I dont think ive bought anything for the PS3 this year).  I've played more on my PC in the last year than anything.