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Forums - General Discussion - If you knew your unborn child was going to be gay, would you abort him/her?

I would never abort a child for being gay or lesbian.

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I think it's funny watching people act all offended by this question. Women abort for all kinds of reasons, from simply not wanting a child to cleft palates. I read an article about a feminist who was pregnant with twins and had only one aborted because she didn't want to be one of those people who shops at CostCo. Honest. If they could determine whether a child was going to have the ghey, you better believe people are going to be allowed to abort it. No worse than any of the reasons why they abort now, with the exception of rape or the mother's life is in danger.

"Success really is decided at birth, and your life will never be better than it is right now. Sorry about that."

No, I live in London where being gay isn't an issue unless you live in some dodgy estate, and by the time he "comes out" or really realises he's gay that'll be at least after 10-12, and in over a decade society will progress even more. So I wouldn't even consider it.

Now if I lived in Saudi Arabia or Congo or something, then first of all I'd try to get the fuck out, if that isn't possible abortion would probably be the best option assuming it's within the first 20 or so weeks and it's an available option.

As for eternal damnation, well, I don't believe in an afterlife.

Edit: wrote "we'll" instead of "will" o.O

There is no way to find out because there is no gene or brain defect or whatever. It is because of the way someone lived their life. The friends, family and experience etc shape the personality.
If you grow up with alot of sisters and played with barbies when you were little or if you were forced to watch e.g Sailor Moon because your older sister occupied the livingroom alot etc and you are shy and fail at getting a girlfriend etc chances are you will end up gay easier than a person with only brothers that is not shy and who watched Ninja Turtles and had no problems getting a girlfriend etc.

pezus said:
JazzB1987 said:
There is no way to find out because there is no gene or brain defect or whatever. It is because of the way someone lived their life. The friends, family and experience etc shape the personality.
If you grow up with alot of sisters and played with barbies when you were little or if you were forced to watch e.g Sailor Moon because your older sister occupied the livingroom alot etc and you are shy and fail at getting a girlfriend etc chances are you will end up gay easier than a person with only brothers that is not shy and who watched Ninja Turtles and had no problems getting a girlfriend etc.

A "gay gene" has been found in other animals (fruit flies). Who is to say something similar will happen in humans eventually? Do you actually have something that supports that there is "no way to find out" or are you just saying that because you don't believe it?

I read about it but I have no idea where it was.

Let me give you another example. Lets say you are like 22 years old and you always had problems finding friends the same age you are.  Back when you were 17-18 and your puperty ended most of your friends were like 13-15 instead of 18. Your brain "learned" that you like 15 year people. Chances are higher that you will find 15 year girls more attractive than 22 year old girls.

Your taste is not shaped only by your taste at the end of puperty but its a part of your taste that wont go away. This does not mean you wont find 30 year olds attractive etc  it just means there is a natural attraction for 15 year old.

Same goes for being gay. When you had alot of contact with the same sex during the puberty (huging even if you didnt mean it to be "gay") and it didnt end before your puperty ended your brain automatically  links  same sex to happiness. You will easier be gay than a person that just had "normal" relations to the same sex. But it still depends alot on other factors but the same sex attraction is there now.

Another example like this is.  Lets say you are a girl and you have a really good relation to your dad. Your future husband might have a similar look because you unconcious chose someone that reminds you of your dad.  A girls first love is usually her dad (obviously not when the father is an idiot)

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Figlioni said:
I think it's funny watching people act all offended by this question. Women abort for all kinds of reasons, from simply not wanting a child to cleft palates. I read an article about a feminist who was pregnant with twins and had only one aborted because she didn't want to be one of those people who shops at CostCo. Honest. If they could determine whether a child was going to have the ghey, you better believe people are going to be allowed to abort it. No worse than any of the reasons why they abort now, with the exception of rape or the mother's life is in danger.

That's why I'm against abortion, and only consider its legitimacy in very dire cases (rape or abuse).

superchunk said:
Metrium said:

Also I don't believe in the gay gene. I don't believe in ppl being born gay, I think that millions of controlable and uncontrolable events during the development of a child is what molds the adult he will become, and that includes his sexual orientation. But that is a other debate :P

That makes ZERO logical sense when you look at what a human body does when it sees a person you are physically attacted to. Its 100% chemical and physical. Its based on your hormones and chemical balances... ie. the genetic make up of your body. 

You don't control that with your mind. Ask anyone that is an adult and gay, "where you born gay or chose it?". 100% will say born. They'll remember many parts of childhood where they just liked the same sex but pushed it away due to society.

Scientists don't know if its all genetics or if its genetics at all. For example, in the earliest stages of a person's life they tend to develop extreme likes & dislikes which are embedded deep into their subconscious in their adulthood. This subconscious plays a much larger part in a person's personality and behavior than you would imagine.

JazzB1987 said:
pezus said:
JazzB1987 said:
There is no way to find out because there is no gene or brain defect or whatever. It is because of the way someone lived their life. The friends, family and experience etc shape the personality.
If you grow up with alot of sisters and played with barbies when you were little or if you were forced to watch e.g Sailor Moon because your older sister occupied the livingroom alot etc and you are shy and fail at getting a girlfriend etc chances are you will end up gay easier than a person with only brothers that is not shy and who watched Ninja Turtles and had no problems getting a girlfriend etc.

A "gay gene" has been found in other animals (fruit flies). Who is to say something similar will happen in humans eventually? Do you actually have something that supports that there is "no way to find out" or are you just saying that because you don't believe it?

I read about it but I have no idea where it was.

Let me give you another example. Lets say you are like 22 years old and you always had problems finding friends the same age you are.  Back when you were 17-18 and your puperty ended most of your friends were like 13-15 instead of 18. Your brain "learned" that you like 15 year people. Chances are higher that you will find 15 year girls more attractive than 22 year old girls.

Your taste is not shaped only by your taste at the end of puperty but its a part of your taste that wont go away. This does not mean you wont find 30 year olds attractive etc  it just means there is a natural attraction for 15 year old.

Same goes for being gay. When you had alot of contact with the same sex during the puberty (huging even if you didnt mean it to be "gay") and it didnt end before your puperty ended your brain automatically  links  same sex to happiness. You will easier be gay than a person that just had "normal" relations to the same sex. But it still depends alot on other factors but the same sex attraction is there now.

Another example like this is.  Lets say you are a girl and you have a really good relation to your dad. Your future husband might have a similar look because you unconcious chose someone that reminds you of your dad.  A girls first love is usually her dad (obviously not when the father is an idiot)

You're right the subconscious could play a strong role in someone's sexual preference, but you can't just dismiss genetics either. For example, scientists have discovered that males with more older brothers are more likely to be gay. And many scientists say this is the result of the male being born in a more used womb. I don't remember the specifics, but somehow the more used womb conditioned the baby towards more homosexual tendencies.

I personally believe a person's sexual preference is ahout 85% psychological and 15% genetics and biological.

I absolutely believe "junk DNA" plays a vital role in sexuality. However, look into pseudohermaphroditism. It's quite intriguing.

Would not abort for homosexuality, although I would be afraid for him/her/myself/wife. I imagine it's a difficult situation for all parties involved.

No it is there choice if they wanted to be gay, I would have no right to stop them. And how would know if someone was born gay, that's just stupid. People choose to be gay, when they are grown up, not when they are born! Also, I don't a gay gene doesn't exist. Finally, what are people's problems with gays? it's just who they are.

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