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Forums - General Discussion - If you knew your unborn child was going to be gay, would you abort him/her?

No unless the world goes genocidal against those who are gay then I would for obvious reason of saving him from a horrid life.

Former something....

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abhiram_33 said:
nope, y would u even ask such a thing

Even after the clarifications, I'm still with this guy.

superchunk said:
curl-6 said:

Nope, I'll keep him to increase the gay population so they can one day rise up and overthrow the tyranny of the heterosexual hegemony. Peaceful means of pursuing equality for homosexuals have clearly failed. There is a time and a place for violence, and this -rising up against an oppressive regime- is one of them.

Once genetic selection becomes mainstream I'll ensure all of my (numerous) children are gay to further pursue this aim.

I'd abort them if they're heterosexual though, too many of those already, heterosexuals are like Mario games, too bland and samey to deserve their huge numbers, but people will keep choosing them because most people are sheep who just want things to samey and oppose progress.

It may take decades, but we'll win, and once we do policy should be put in place to ensure that an equal 50-50% of children are straight and gay, for the purposes of equality. 


In  case it's not obvious enough, this post is 0% serious, I'm kind of being a (very) poor man's Rol about the whole thing .I have nothing against gays (I actively support equal marriage rights, and some of my best friends are homosexual) so if this offends you, I apologise. My intent was to kind of satirise the attitude a lot of paranoid conservatives seem to THINK homosexuals have. 

Wouldn't that also kill off the species over time?

I think being gay is something you're born with, its part of who you chemically are, but its still an abnormal human trait... or at least a rare human trait like... flat feet or albinos, etc.

Did you not read the spoiler text? ;)



Chris Hu said:
superchunk said:
Chris Hu said:
No, and I don't think that test will be available anytime soon and the only region I can see it becoming very popular is in mainly Muslim countries which are notorious for being very homophobic.

lol, just about every nation is currently homophobic. Including those with Christian or virtually no religious significance. Plus, what's the difference to aborting a gay fetus or a female one in say India or China?

Your right about that one sexism is currently more of an evil then homophobia world wide and more children are being aborted or given up for adoption simply for being female I'm not sure how big of a problem that is in India but I'm fully aware that its a huge problem in China (mainland not Taiwan).

It's a massive problem in India, to the point where it's affecting the gender balance of the nation.

curl-6 said:
superchunk said:
curl-6 said:

Nope, I'll keep him to increase the gay population so they can one day rise up and overthrow the tyranny of the heterosexual hegemony. Peaceful means of pursuing equality for homosexuals have clearly failed. There is a time and a place for violence, and this -rising up against an oppressive regime- is one of them.

Once genetic selection becomes mainstream I'll ensure all of my (numerous) children are gay to further pursue this aim.

I'd abort them if they're heterosexual though, too many of those already, heterosexuals are like Mario games, too bland and samey to deserve their huge numbers, but people will keep choosing them because most people are sheep who just want things to samey and oppose progress.

It may take decades, but we'll win, and once we do policy should be put in place to ensure that an equal 50-50% of children are straight and gay, for the purposes of equality. 


In  case it's not obvious enough, this post is 0% serious, I'm kind of being a (very) poor man's Rol about the whole thing .I have nothing against gays (I actively support equal marriage rights, and some of my best friends are homosexual) so if this offends you, I apologise. My intent was to kind of satirise the attitude a lot of paranoid conservatives seem to THINK homosexuals have. 

Wouldn't that also kill off the species over time?

I think being gay is something you're born with, its part of who you chemically are, but its still an abnormal human trait... or at least a rare human trait like... flat feet or albinos, etc.


Did you not read the spoiler text? ;)




Chris Hu said:
superchunk said:
Chris Hu said:
No, and I don't think that test will be available anytime soon and the only region I can see it becoming very popular is in mainly Muslim countries which are notorious for being very homophobic.

lol, just about every nation is currently homophobic. Including those with Christian or virtually no religious significance. Plus, what's the difference to aborting a gay fetus or a female one in say India or China?

Your right about that one sexism is currently more of an evil then homophobia world wide and more children are being aborted or given up for adoption simply for being female I'm not sure how big of a problem that is in India but I'm fully aware that its a huge problem in China (mainland not Taiwan).

It's a massive problem in India, to the point where it's affecting the gender balance of the nation.

I didn't know that thanks for the information.

Yes I would.

In my opinion being gay is like being left handed. Interpret that in anyway you want.

Around the Network
JoeTheBro said:
Yes I would.

In my opinion being gay is like being left handed. Interpret that in anyway you want.

So you wan't me and my sister dead along with some of the worlds greatest artist thanks for the info.  I think you have some mayor mental problems.

PDF said:
JoeTheBro said:
Yes I would.

In my opinion being gay is like being left handed. Interpret that in anyway you want.

Wish my parents would have aborted me, fuck living like this.  Always having to answer "Yes I am left handed, im sorry you did not know that before, didn't think I had to tell people.  I am kind of ashamed of it."   Or sitting close to a right handed person in class trying to write and realizing my arm is in his writing space.   I hate having to write on spiral note books because my wrist always has to sit on the metal spiral.  Damn my life sucks.

wait, I forgot Im a white male.  Im good.

Good one I am left handed white male also.  What ever negative comes from being left handed is  being outweight by being a white male living here in the US (or pretty much anywhere in the Western Civilization) anyway.

PDF said:
guiduc said:

Interesting idea mate... But I'm one of those who think love has no gender! I loved a girl for years and now ya know, I'm happy with a boy :P

I think that would be fantastic if my son or daughter could see the world like that. I know a girl who her whole life she been attracted to men and says she not even really attracted to girls but she is very happy with the girl she is with now (albeit she looks like Justin Beiber). 

I did hear a joke once though.  "If you're gay we love you, if you're straight we love you, if you're bi you're just greedy." 

I knew a girl for a long time which is really into men. But she started to feel something for another friend of mine, another girl. They hanged out secretly for months when the first one got caught by her parents. They decided it was better for both of them to break up. Now the first one is with a boy and she's super happy. It just means so much!

BasilZero said:
Chris Hu said:
PDF said:
JoeTheBro said:
Yes I would.

In my opinion being gay is like being left handed. Interpret that in anyway you want.

Wish my parents would have aborted me, fuck living like this.  Always having to answer "Yes I am left handed, im sorry you did not know that before, didn't think I had to tell people.  I am kind of ashamed of it."   Or sitting close to a right handed person in class trying to write and realizing my arm is in his writing space.   I hate having to write on spiral note books because my wrist always has to sit on the metal spiral.  Damn my life sucks.

wait, I forgot Im a white male.  Im good.

Good one I am left handed white male also.  What ever negative comes from being left handed is  being outweight by being a white male living here in the US (or pretty much anywhere in the Western Civilization) anyway.

Huh? What is up with the left handed talk? o.O 

Is that considered a taboo or something.....this is the first I've ever heard being used as such an example.

Well being left handed was considered being evil for the most part of western civilization and most people born left handed where forced into being converted into being right handed.

BasilZero said:
Chris Hu said:
PDF said:
JoeTheBro said:
Yes I would.

In my opinion being gay is like being left handed. Interpret that in anyway you want.

Wish my parents would have aborted me, fuck living like this.  Always having to answer "Yes I am left handed, im sorry you did not know that before, didn't think I had to tell people.  I am kind of ashamed of it."   Or sitting close to a right handed person in class trying to write and realizing my arm is in his writing space.   I hate having to write on spiral note books because my wrist always has to sit on the metal spiral.  Damn my life sucks.

wait, I forgot Im a white male.  Im good.

Good one I am left handed white male also.  What ever negative comes from being left handed is  being outweight by being a white male living here in the US (or pretty much anywhere in the Western Civilization) anyway.

Huh? What is up with the left handed talk? o.O 

Is that considered a taboo or something.....this is the first I've ever heard being used as such an example.

Hahaha I related being gay to being left handed just off the top of my head. It is so vague that people are applying it to their opinions so I can see how it looks taboo but no, literally we are just talking about being left handed.