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Forums - Music Discussion - The VGChartz K-pop thread!

BoA is Queen of kpop.

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Sal.Paradise said:
BoA is Queen of kpop.

True! I've liked all her songs, and her comeback was great!

NintendoPie said:
Sal.Paradise said:
BoA is Queen of kpop.

True! I've liked all her songs, and her comeback was great!

And she wrote that comeback single HERSELF! She has the dancing talent, the singing talent, the looks AND can write great pop music. The Queen! 

Sal.Paradise said:
NintendoPie said:
Sal.Paradise said:
BoA is Queen of kpop.

True! I've liked all her songs, and her comeback was great!

And she wrote that comeback single HERSELF! She has the dancing talent, the singing talent, the looks AND can write great pop music. The Queen! 

Did you hear her Hurricane Venus comeback?! Dear Lord, that was awe-ma-zing!

NintendoPie said:
Sal.Paradise said:
NintendoPie said:
Sal.Paradise said:
BoA is Queen of kpop.

True! I've liked all her songs, and her comeback was great!

And she wrote that comeback single HERSELF! She has the dancing talent, the singing talent, the looks AND can write great pop music. The Queen! 

Did you hear her Hurricane Venus comeback?! Dear Lord, that was awe-ma-zing!

Yeh of course, my favourite kpop song for a workout! I just wish they had left the Engrish 'bionic energy' bit out, it's so embarassing. SM really likes to kill their songs with that stuff, example Super Junior's latest single's chorus: 'sexy free and single, I'm ready to bingo'. What the fuck :x    

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KungKras said:
novasonic said:
KungKras said:
novasonic said:
Oh you youngin's.. You need to check out the classics like Novasonic and N.Ex.T! I saw N.Ex.T in concert when I was in Korea like 5 years ago and it raped my face off. It was in a small warehouse 6 floors underground. Amazing. Also, for you techno dance craze kids, check out some of Lee Jung Hyun's stuff from her first 4 albums. After that she went downhill fast.

Link them then!

EDIT: my user name is Novasonic after all.

OMG, they are all really good. When I listen to songs like Binguel Binguel and Ring Ding Dong, it's mostly for the sillyness and cheesiness. But there's a lot of talent in the ones you linked.

I looked up some of lee jung hyun's songs, and this one is great as well.


Yeah, that's from her 1st album too. Lee Jung Hyun was amazing up to album 4. After that she changed from the darker techno sound and moved towards the bubble pop stuff which I hate about the modern Korean music. Novasonic was amazing up to album 3. After that the lead singer and most of the members left. It's now a crappy pop rock group. N.Ex.T disbanded again as far as I know. Either that or they just are waiting a long time between albums. Eveeything from them and all Shin Hae Chuls creations are amazing!

I've really stopped listening to most Korean music now. It's just gotten too happy go lucky for me. As you can see, I like my music a little darker than what Korea's making these days.

8th gen predictions. (made early 2014)
PS4: 60-65m
WiiU: 30-35m
X1: 30-35m
3DS: 80-85m
PSV: 15-20m



Sal.Paradise said:
NintendoPie said:
Sal.Paradise said:
NintendoPie said:
Sal.Paradise said:
BoA is Queen of kpop.

True! I've liked all her songs, and her comeback was great!

And she wrote that comeback single HERSELF! She has the dancing talent, the singing talent, the looks AND can write great pop music. The Queen! 

Did you hear her Hurricane Venus comeback?! Dear Lord, that was awe-ma-zing!

Yeh of course, my favourite kpop song for a workout! I just wish they had left the Engrish 'bionic energy' bit out, it's so embarassing. SM really likes to kill their songs with that stuff, example Super Junior's latest single's chorus: 'sexy free and single, I'm ready to bingo'. What the fuck :x    

LOL! SM does like to throw in a few stupid phrases in their songs. xD

novasonic said:

Yeah, that's from her 1st album too. Lee Jung Hyun was amazing up to album 4. After that she changed from the darker techno sound and moved towards the bubble pop stuff which I hate about the modern Korean music. Novasonic was amazing up to album 3. After that the lead singer and most of the members left. It's now a crappy pop rock group. N.Ex.T disbanded again as far as I know. Either that or they just are waiting a long time between albums. Eveeything from them and all Shin Hae Chuls creations are amazing!

I've really stopped listening to most Korean music now. It's just gotten too happy go lucky for me. As you can see, I like my music a little darker than what Korea's making these days.

Maybe the reason I like the new korean stuff is the same reason why you dislike it? The really cheesy stuff that bands like Super Junior does, I like in a comical way, it's great fot LAN parties to create a not so serious atmosphere. K-pop got my attention with SNSD and gee gee being posted on teamliquid, then I got addicted to the cute korean voices xD

Anyways, I like dark music as well. One of my most played playlists is called "K-pop + Death Metal". Sounds like an odd combo, but it makes for a nice contrast and surprise element if you put it on shuffle :D


What was your guy's first K-Pop/what-ever-introduced-you-to-it song?