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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global Hardware + Software Up! Week Ending September 29th! Vita hits 3 million... or not!

As with any price cut or redesign, we'll have to wait till the holidays to see the true effects.

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Pokemonbrawlvg said:
Okay, Europe has been added.

So, what are people's predictions for LittleBigPlanet PS Vita?

Well, as a regular poster: ITS DOOMED. Also Europe has #15 as one piece but those numbers have not been added to the Japan version in the database. This whole week is just messed up.

The tracking in general on the site lately is rough.

Given how vastly they are undertracking or overtracking certain pre orders I think were in for a rough holiday season here

Not sure if the Super slim Ps3 made the boost or Fifa...


pezus said:
Nem said:

Its funny how Blizzard claims to have sold 2.7 mil copies of MoP. Looking at those numbers and past numbers the expansions had... no way those 2.7m are sold units. Has to be shipped.

They also claimed 6.3m Diablo III first week sold while the tracking here showed 2m. Then a few weeks later they claimed 10m+ while the sales here still stand below 3m (iirc).

Fact is, comparing to the same first week sales of cataclysm from this website it seems to have sold one third. Theres no way blizzard numbers are true. Unless they sold 7.4 million copies of cataclysm on week 1.

I have trouble believing that. Either way, the game is seriously in decline, wether they want to hide the numbers or not.


Edit: Actually now that we got worldwide numbers. Cataclysm sold 1.5 million copies first week according to this website. Pandaria sold 600-700k.

Yeah, something is fishy with blizzards numbers.

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Congrats to PS3 for breaking 200k this week!

Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
Not sure if the Super slim Ps3 made the boost or Fifa...

PS3 is big in Europe due to SLIM, but in America it doesn't seem to be doing so hot.
Surprising boost for 3DS in Europe. What could have caused that?
FIFA is huge in Europe, but what's more surprising to me is its performance in the US. I didn't know football performed that well over there.
It looks like nothing can beat the XBOX 360 in America, not even the 3DS XL + NSMB2 combo, or the PS3 Super Slim. That is until the Wii U arrives of course

Did LittleBigPlanet PS Vita move as much hardware as people expected it to? Because it seems low to me.

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

i wonder how many people have bought fifa 13 over psn