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Forums - Sony Discussion - If this advert for the new S.Slim is real then Sony JP has some issues

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Did you like the advert?

Yes! Sony is back on form, I hope it's real! 29 32.22%
Dafaq? Was not expecting ... 21 23.33%
What did I just watch? 11 12.22%
What. The. Hell? 17 18.89%
nhhhhnnh rrggn eekk *heartattack* 10 11.11%
Pjams said:
Not sure that video warranted a thread, then again what else could you possibly be doing with your time

You must be unfamiliar with my postings.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Around the Network
VicViper said:
The worst is PSP "Nuts" lol.

Even the "White Power" ads are not as "What were they thinking?"

I think the baby doll laughing and crying is still the most puzzling one I've ever witnessed.

Augen said:

I think the baby doll laughing and crying is still the most puzzling one I've ever witnessed

It's bad, but you can see they went for the artistic path... I mean, I can accept someone green lighting that thing... barely

But this...


This is for the retarded ... PSP. Is like seaweed you can watch outside. They smoked that weed!

My favorite is the parody

PSP. I have a family to feed.


hahaha, that tagline is genius

Whats so weird about it? Its a Resident Evil ad + the super slim all in one.
Seriously if this is weird to you I suggest you go look at the PS3 launch ads.

At least this goes with RE6. Still not sure what the NA launch PS3 ads were trying to sell, because it sure wasn't the PS3.

Around the Network

I like it.

This is pretty tame for a Japanese commercial.

Ajescent said:
Pjams said:
Not sure that video warranted a thread, then again what else could you possibly be doing with your time

You must be unfamiliar with my postings.

It was ment to be sarcastic, a bit of a laugh, sorry if I wasn't able to convey that


Pjams said:
Ajescent said:
Pjams said:
Not sure that video warranted a thread, then again what else could you possibly be doing with your time

You must be unfamiliar with my postings.

It was ment to be sarcastic, a bit of a laugh, sorry if I wasn't able to convey that

Ironically so was mine.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

sales2099 said:
We all know Sony has a rich history of weird ads :P