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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U GPU Type CONFIRMED! Custom AMD E6760!

Mazty said:
Kasz216 said:

And your saying HE is talking in stupid hyperbole.

If you want to talk years.  The latest 6760 was released in 2011... and Moore's law hasn't applied for some time now.

And he said it was a $100 GPU NOW... that wasn't the price in 2009.  He's using the price to tally up what the hardware for the Wii U costs to make today.   So according to you on pricing... that makes it a budget/middle of the road card today.  Exactly Source's point. 

That you could make such a reading mistake and the $100 price point in 09 seemed credible to you makes me REALLY puts your knowledge on the subject in question.

As for paying more for less performace?  That's every console ever when it comes to tech.  Consoles always release with behind the edge processors and graphics cards.  That's why if you actually care about shit like this it's PC or nothing. 

They rely on low system reqs for OS and such.  I mean hell, why do you think most consoles have about as much Ram as a computer from 2002.

Is that opening comment not just as inflammatory as "HAVE FUN! LMFAO!" ?
I didn't say stupid hyperbole, I said he was completely wrong no matter what way you look at it. Let's be mature about this and not warp words. 

Actually Moore's law is doing just fine:
And it's still going to be around for a while:

You're clearly not a PC gamer, or keep up to date with PC hardware and yet you're trying to argue the value of components? If you've ever seen a 4650 it's instantly clear that it's not a gaming card it's so small and certainly not worth $100 unless you are going to seriously argue that the HD4650, a low end card from '08, is on par with modern day $100 cards like the HD7750. He didn't say NOW and people who write on websites aren't always right, as shown by him getting the cards year wrong.  It's not exactly polite, nor pleasent, to try and argue about things so vehemently when you're guessing at most of it. 
Consoles are generally behind computer hardware, but not by this much, and certainly not at this stage of the existing console generation. With news on this GPU and the next consoles stated for release in 2013, it does beg the question why bother with the Wii U? 

Read the article and you note he does say NOW as the entire article is a comparison of what the Wii costs to make now vs it's release cost.

2 Gigs of Ram = 30 Bucks

High End Blu-ray Drive - 80 bucks

E6760 - 100 bucks

and I quote here

"So far, just based on available retail parts (and the above illustrations I used aren't even discounted) we're looking at $210."

So... your wrong.  He's talking about the Wii U's price to create based on retail parts.   I mean... why would he use the 2009 price when constructing how much the Wii would cost to make today?   Or did you just not read the entire article?

Now as for how much a Radeon HD 4650 costs?   About $100 bucks.

So yeah... he clearly means $100 now.  You are just outright wrong... a quick google search would of showed you that... and your complaining about other people not performing due diligence.

As for not being a PC gamer...

277 PC Games on Steam alone...

so there is that. 


PC gaming is all I do... I'm likely to skip all three of the next generation consoles.

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Mazty said:
MDMAlliance said:

It's an embedded graphics card, and it seems like you don't hold a realistic view of what the term "old" means.  It seems like any computer that's on the market is old technology no matter how good it is, because a real supercomputer has it beat in every way every time.  Your logic fails, ultimately.  A gaming-dedicated console can do much more with much less due to the fact that its hardware optimizes its performance for gaming and graphics.  I don't know if you have any idea what you're talking about.

What are you on about talking about supercomputers? It's a very, very weak graphics card compared to cards from 09 let alone nowadays and yet Nintendo are asking $300 for the console. I know exactly what I am taking about; do you? If we consider the power of that GPU, there is no way you'llbe able to play at 60fps true 1080p with good graphics. Note I said good, not cutting edge. 

Dude, the E6760 was announced in 2011. It supports DirectX 11 or equivalent. Sure, you could get better. You can always get better. I, and pretty much everyone else, don't care.

It's still pretty new.

Mazty said:

The last time the E6760 could be considered a viable gaming card was back in '06 as it's like an OC'd 8800GT...

This is absolutely nonsense. If you want seriously discus this, please make sure you has knowledge about the facts, but it seems you only wants to bash Ninendo.

By the way: The Wii U GPGPU is only based on the E6760 but surely tweaked as hell.

S.Peelman said:
Mazty said:
MDMAlliance said:

It's an embedded graphics card, and it seems like you don't hold a realistic view of what the term "old" means.  It seems like any computer that's on the market is old technology no matter how good it is, because a real supercomputer has it beat in every way every time.  Your logic fails, ultimately.  A gaming-dedicated console can do much more with much less due to the fact that its hardware optimizes its performance for gaming and graphics.  I don't know if you have any idea what you're talking about.

What are you on about talking about supercomputers? It's a very, very weak graphics card compared to cards from 09 let alone nowadays and yet Nintendo are asking $300 for the console. I know exactly what I am taking about; do you? If we consider the power of that GPU, there is no way you'llbe able to play at 60fps true 1080p with good graphics. Note I said good, not cutting edge. 

Dude, the E6760 was announced in 2011. It supports DirectX 11 or equivalent.

It's still pretty new.

Actually that's the modified E6760.   The E6760 came out before then.

The E6760 Discrete is what came out in 2011 and was a dedicated high performance integrated chip meant for dedicated machines like slot machines and the like.

No doubt the Wii U design is based off that chip though.

Kasz216 said:
S.Peelman said:
Mazty said:
MDMAlliance said:

It's an embedded graphics card, and it seems like you don't hold a realistic view of what the term "old" means.  It seems like any computer that's on the market is old technology no matter how good it is, because a real supercomputer has it beat in every way every time.  Your logic fails, ultimately.  A gaming-dedicated console can do much more with much less due to the fact that its hardware optimizes its performance for gaming and graphics.  I don't know if you have any idea what you're talking about.

What are you on about talking about supercomputers? It's a very, very weak graphics card compared to cards from 09 let alone nowadays and yet Nintendo are asking $300 for the console. I know exactly what I am taking about; do you? If we consider the power of that GPU, there is no way you'llbe able to play at 60fps true 1080p with good graphics. Note I said good, not cutting edge. 

Dude, the E6760 was announced in 2011. It supports DirectX 11 or equivalent.

It's still pretty new.

Actually that's the modified E6760.   The E6760 came out before then.

The E6760 Discrete is what came out in 2011 and was a dedicated high performance integrated chip meant for dedicated machines like slot machines and the like.

No doubt the Wii U design is based off that chip though.

Okay, didn't know there were more 6760s . Thanks.

But it's still not 'old' anyway. Surely they would indeed use the newer version.

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I well don't want to get into this but complaining because the wiiu is 3 times the price of a graphics card is just kinda pointless, it would be the same as someone comparing the price of a gaming pc to that of a ps2 memory card and claiming that gaming pcs were overpriced, you are talking about 1 component. Don't forget here that the wiiu comes boxed up with a controller and screen built into one which can be used to relax in bed and continue to play your games from the system on it, a feature which was meant to be included with the psvita which costs around the same as the wiiu + that controller.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

I'm not pretty convinced... It would be way unprofessional for AMD to let their support professionals know about a industrial secret that Nintendo is trying to hide. If a developer said that, I would understand: he is using the SDK, has direct access to one, it's easier to discover. But let it slide in an e-mail? It's weird, way weird.


ganoncrotch said:
I well don't want to get into this but complaining because the wiiu is 3 times the price of a graphics card is just kinda pointless, it would be the same as someone comparing the price of a gaming pc to that of a ps2 memory card and claiming that gaming pcs were overpriced, you are talking about 1 component. Don't forget here that the wiiu comes boxed up with a controller and screen built into one which can be used to relax in bed and continue to play your games from the system on it, a feature which was meant to be included with the psvita which costs around the same as the wiiu + that controller.

Yes, but don't forget that a Vita is independent from a PS3, it has a powerful CPU, GPU, 3G, Wifi, etc. It's not really comparable to the Wii U controller in capabilities. One is a joystick, the other is a handheld. The only minimally similar to Wii U's pad is the old Dreamcast controller with the VMU (of course, it's not even close regarding capabilities, but it's the closest thing to the idea).

torok said:

I'm not pretty convinced... It would be way unprofessional for AMD to let their support professionals know about a industrial secret that Nintendo is trying to hide. If a developer said that, I would understand: he is using the SDK, has direct access to one, it's easier to discover. But let it slide in an e-mail? It's weird, way weird.


ganoncrotch said:
I well don't want to get into this but complaining because the wiiu is 3 times the price of a graphics card is just kinda pointless, it would be the same as someone comparing the price of a gaming pc to that of a ps2 memory card and claiming that gaming pcs were overpriced, you are talking about 1 component. Don't forget here that the wiiu comes boxed up with a controller and screen built into one which can be used to relax in bed and continue to play your games from the system on it, a feature which was meant to be included with the psvita which costs around the same as the wiiu + that controller.

Yes, but don't forget that a Vita is independent from a PS3, it has a powerful CPU, GPU, 3G, Wifi, etc. It's not really comparable to the Wii U controller in capabilities. One is a joystick, the other is a handheld. The only minimally similar to Wii U's pad is the old Dreamcast controller with the VMU (of course, it's not even close regarding capabilities, but it's the closest thing to the idea).

the dreamcast vmu did not allow you to sit in bed and continue to play the same game you were playing on the dreamcast using the controller, the wiiu controller will allow this in games, the vita was meant to be able to do it with ps3 games out of the box but now after a few months the only things that work without cfw are a few psx titles from the store like ff7 which works the exact same way with a psp.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

Kasz216 said:
Mazty said:
Kasz216 said:

And your saying HE is talking in stupid hyperbole.

If you want to talk years.  The latest 6760 was released in 2011... and Moore's law hasn't applied for some time now.

And he said it was a $100 GPU NOW... that wasn't the price in 2009.  He's using the price to tally up what the hardware for the Wii U costs to make today.   So according to you on pricing... that makes it a budget/middle of the road card today.  Exactly Source's point. 

That you could make such a reading mistake and the $100 price point in 09 seemed credible to you makes me REALLY puts your knowledge on the subject in question.

As for paying more for less performace?  That's every console ever when it comes to tech.  Consoles always release with behind the edge processors and graphics cards.  That's why if you actually care about shit like this it's PC or nothing. 

They rely on low system reqs for OS and such.  I mean hell, why do you think most consoles have about as much Ram as a computer from 2002.

Is that opening comment not just as inflammatory as "HAVE FUN! LMFAO!" ?
I didn't say stupid hyperbole, I said he was completely wrong no matter what way you look at it. Let's be mature about this and not warp words. 

Actually Moore's law is doing just fine:
And it's still going to be around for a while:

You're clearly not a PC gamer, or keep up to date with PC hardware and yet you're trying to argue the value of components? If you've ever seen a 4650 it's instantly clear that it's not a gaming card it's so small and certainly not worth $100 unless you are going to seriously argue that the HD4650, a low end card from '08, is on par with modern day $100 cards like the HD7750. He didn't say NOW and people who write on websites aren't always right, as shown by him getting the cards year wrong.  It's not exactly polite, nor pleasent, to try and argue about things so vehemently when you're guessing at most of it. 
Consoles are generally behind computer hardware, but not by this much, and certainly not at this stage of the existing console generation. With news on this GPU and the next consoles stated for release in 2013, it does beg the question why bother with the Wii U? 

Read the article and you note he does say NOW as the entire article is a comparison of what the Wii costs to make now vs it's release cost.

2 Gigs of Ram = 30 Bucks

High End Blu-ray Drive - 80 bucks

E6760 - 100 bucks

and I quote here

"So far, just based on available retail parts (and the above illustrations I used aren't even discounted) we're looking at $210."

So... your wrong.  He's talking about the Wii U's price to create based on retail parts.   I mean... why would he use the 2009 price when constructing how much the Wii would cost to make today?   Or did you just not read the entire article?

Now as for how much a Radeon HD 4650 costs?   About $100 bucks.

So yeah... he clearly means $100 now.  You are just outright wrong... a quick google search would of showed you that... and your complaining about other people not performing due diligence.

As for not being a PC gamer...

277 PC Games on Steam alone...

so there is that. 


PC gaming is all I do... I'm likely to skip all three of the next generation consoles.

So a 4 year old basic GPU chip costs the same as a brand new entry gaming chip?
People who write articles aren't inherently right, and claiming such a chip is $100 is way off the mark. 

It 'costs' that much because it's end-of-line/not made any more, so like DDR2 RAM the price is inflated. As I have said, the HD7750 is better in everyway by a hell of a lot yet is $100 so care to explain that one? I did a search of google and saw that none of the major retailers here in the UK stock it and only random online shops do. Plus as you have now seen it, are you really going to claim it's anything other then a very basic GPU?

Give some benchmark games a spin and you'll see just how limited the above GPU will be. Your steam library seems devoid of any heavy hitters like Metro or a STALKER or a Total War; give one a spin to see graphical demands of modern games. 

S.Peelman said:
Mazty said:
MDMAlliance said:

It's an embedded graphics card, and it seems like you don't hold a realistic view of what the term "old" means.  It seems like any computer that's on the market is old technology no matter how good it is, because a real supercomputer has it beat in every way every time.  Your logic fails, ultimately.  A gaming-dedicated console can do much more with much less due to the fact that its hardware optimizes its performance for gaming and graphics.  I don't know if you have any idea what you're talking about.

What are you on about talking about supercomputers? It's a very, very weak graphics card compared to cards from 09 let alone nowadays and yet Nintendo are asking $300 for the console. I know exactly what I am taking about; do you? If we consider the power of that GPU, there is no way you'llbe able to play at 60fps true 1080p with good graphics. Note I said good, not cutting edge. 

Dude, the E6760 was announced in 2011. It supports DirectX 11 or equivalent. Sure, you could get better. You can always get better. I, and pretty much everyone else, don't care.

It's still pretty new.

New doesn't mean powerful. Companies still make entry level cards that provide basic graphic functions....just because a card is announced in 2011 doesn't instantly make it a good gaming card in the past.