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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U GPU Type CONFIRMED! Custom AMD E6760!

osed125 said:
Mazty said:

So yes you are ignoring the APU architecture of the PS3. 
There's no point discussing this if you are only going to look at half the components. 

Plus don't forget the Wii U has two screens to output too. If you know much about multiscreen gaming, the card they are using is going to be very heavily loaded and therefore the main output will be hampered greatly by it. 

The CPU have to deal with the second screen, not the GPU

The CPU (is it an APU?) will mean one of two things :
1)Graphical bottlekneck which is unlikely as it's designed by engineers
2)Little graphical power as no bottlekneck is present. 

It does look like in terms of specs, in order to have a tiny form factor and low(ish) cost, Nintendo have really skimped on power. 

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MDMAlliance said:

I wouldn't be surprised if that's how they really feel, but your source leads to some regular member of a forum saying it.  I see nowhere that indicates the person is with AMD.  

He was reffered to as an AMD employee on GAF, I guess I just took them at their word. He does talk as tho he does work for AMD.


"The tech support team at AMD doesn't have any information about console products. AMD does not provide end-user support for those, so there is no reason to provide that team with any info. Especially not for currently unreleased products. When was the last time you emailed AMD about a problem with your Xbox360 or Wii? You are not our customer. Our customer for these chips is MS or Nintendo, who pay many millions of dollars. When they have support issues/questions, they do not go through the public-facing tech support team.

They (and their lawyers) also expect us to keep our mouths shut.

This is either fake, or a support guy trying to sound like he knows something when he does not. Either way, it tells you nothing.

The vast majority of people inside AMD have no idea about the details of the WiiU. It was done by relatively small team and any information outside that team was "need-to-know". Even if you surveyed the GPU IP team which originally designed the base GPU family, >95% of them could not tell you what the configuration is. Only a few needed to be involved to get the specific configuration correct and working, and they know to keep their mouth shut. All additional modifications were done by the "need-to-know" team.

Before you ask.. Yes, I know all the details. No, I will not tell you any of them."

But I guess he could be acting

"It won't matter. This is the internet. People believe whatever source reinforces what they already (want to) believe, or makes them think they have inside information that no one else has (making them "special"). Just look at the people who still wanted to believe there was a ~600mm2 Power7 plus dual ~300mm2 GPUs hiding in the svelte case Nintendo showed more than a year ago. That would turn into a pile of melted plastic from all that heat. Nintendo does some pretty cool stuff, but they can't violate the laws of physics. At least not yet.

If you want real information, you'll have to ask Nintendo. You won't get any from AMD unless they specifically tell us to release something."


@TheVoxelman on twitter

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TheSource said:

This is what Nintendo has always done really save for Wii.

NES was a super 1982 standards when it came out in 1985.

SNES was a super 1989 standards when it came out in 1991.

N64 was a super 1994 standards when it came out in 1996.

GC was a super 1999 standards when it came out in 2001.

Wii was a super 2000 standards when it came out in 2006.

Wii U is a super say, 2009 standards when it comes out in 2012.

Nintendo's model assumes profitable hw + mass consumer adoption + strong internal games = massive profit. Wii came at the most difficult time in Nintendo's history so they spent less on hw than usual

What? You're missing the point. The SNES and N64 were the most powerful consoles of it's gen and the Gamecube was second, ahead of the Dreamcast and PS2 and only slightly behind the Xbox. Nintendo didn't start this whole "lets launch with last gen's tech to save money" thing until the Wii.

If I had a dime for every time one of the Wii U's components was "confirmed"...

Ok, can someone answer this?

If it actually has this GPU, and since it has 480 shaders to X360's 48 shaders. Does that imply at the same hertz, that it is 10 times as powerful?

(Would I guess would transfer into 3 times better looking?)


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

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Captain_Tom said:
errorpwns said:
Lafiel said:

this chip would be a good step up from Xenos/RSX, but by todays graphic cards offerings it's low end

for comparison, the E6760 is almost the same as the GPU on the Radeon HD 6670:

both have 480stream processors but that one is clocked at 800MHz, so it does 768Gflops, while the E6760 (at 600MHz) does 576Gflops

the HD 6670 card is about as good as the HD 4850 in the comparison I found (it largely depends on the games used in those), but as I said the E6760 clocks 25% lower so expect it to be perform a bit less than that

Apparently you missed the part where it would be custom and perform better than the counterparts.  That's cool though.

Custom what?  Usually that means worse.  We are using cards like the 6570 and 6670 to compare.  However the actual card it is based on is weaker than those.  So best case scenario, your little optimization will still get you a $40 bairly able to play modern games well card.  HAVE FUN!  LMFAO!

Uh... No... custom pretty much always means better with consoles.   Pretty much everything Nintendo uses is an improved proprietary version of some existing tech.

Also... i'd watch out with statements like "HAVE FUN! LMFAO! "

They can leave you with moderations pretty quickly.  Consider this an informal warning.

Kasz216 said:
Captain_Tom said:
errorpwns said:
Lafiel said:

this chip would be a good step up from Xenos/RSX, but by todays graphic cards offerings it's low end

for comparison, the E6760 is almost the same as the GPU on the Radeon HD 6670:

both have 480stream processors but that one is clocked at 800MHz, so it does 768Gflops, while the E6760 (at 600MHz) does 576Gflops

the HD 6670 card is about as good as the HD 4850 in the comparison I found (it largely depends on the games used in those), but as I said the E6760 clocks 25% lower so expect it to be perform a bit less than that

Apparently you missed the part where it would be custom and perform better than the counterparts.  That's cool though.

Custom what?  Usually that means worse.  We are using cards like the 6570 and 6670 to compare.  However the actual card it is based on is weaker than those.  So best case scenario, your little optimization will still get you a $40 bairly able to play modern games well card.  HAVE FUN!  LMFAO!

Uh... No... custom pretty much always means better with consoles.   Pretty much everything Nintendo uses is an improved proprietary version of some existing tech.

Also... i'd watch out with statements like "HAVE FUN! LMFAO! "

They can leave you with moderations pretty quickly.  Consider this an informal warning.

When the form factor is considered, the Wii U will be kicking out very little graphical power - most likely a slight improvement on 6 year old consoles. 

Side note: How come ""HAVE FUN! LMFAO! " isn't allowed yet TheSource can say innane babble like the Wii U is as powerful as a 2009 super computer which is saying its performance will be around 35,000 GFlops? 

Mazty said:
Kasz216 said:
Captain_Tom said:
errorpwns said:
Lafiel said:

this chip would be a good step up from Xenos/RSX, but by todays graphic cards offerings it's low end

for comparison, the E6760 is almost the same as the GPU on the Radeon HD 6670:

both have 480stream processors but that one is clocked at 800MHz, so it does 768Gflops, while the E6760 (at 600MHz) does 576Gflops

the HD 6670 card is about as good as the HD 4850 in the comparison I found (it largely depends on the games used in those), but as I said the E6760 clocks 25% lower so expect it to be perform a bit less than that

Apparently you missed the part where it would be custom and perform better than the counterparts.  That's cool though.

Custom what?  Usually that means worse.  We are using cards like the 6570 and 6670 to compare.  However the actual card it is based on is weaker than those.  So best case scenario, your little optimization will still get you a $40 bairly able to play modern games well card.  HAVE FUN!  LMFAO!

Uh... No... custom pretty much always means better with consoles.   Pretty much everything Nintendo uses is an improved proprietary version of some existing tech.

Also... i'd watch out with statements like "HAVE FUN! LMFAO! "

They can leave you with moderations pretty quickly.  Consider this an informal warning.

When the form factor is considered, the Wii U will be kicking out very little graphical power - most likely a slight improvement on 6 year old consoles. 

Side note: How come ""HAVE FUN! LMFAO! " isn't allowed yet TheSource can say innane babble like the Wii U is as powerful as a 2009 super computer which is saying its performance will be around 35,000 GFlops? 

Because "HAVE FUN! LMAO!" is pretty clear cut trolling.

While Source obviously wasn't talking about an actual super computer.  He obviously meant a good computer you'd buy in a store for the timeperiod.

To go crazy and complain about the phrasing like you are is extremely pedantic.

It's like flying off the handle at someone for complaining that they said they could care less.

Zappykins said:
Ok, can someone answer this?

If it actually has this GPU, and since it has 480 shaders to X360's 48 shaders. Does that imply at the same hertz, that it is 10 times as powerful?

(Would I guess would transfer into 3 times better looking?)

Not really, AMD (ATI) changed the way they counted the shaders, before they were 5-way VLIW shaders, so those 48 X360 shaders are the equivalent to 240 shaders. The E6760 has newer technology (newer compression techniques, compatibility with newer effects, much easier to program for...) and more and faster RAM, so it should be at least 2-3 times more powerful in the graphics department, clock per clock. We don't know the final frequencies, and it's not sure that Nintendo uses this chip, but if they do use it, it's a very good chip for the power envelope that WiiU has.

Kasz216 said:
Mazty said:

When the form factor is considered, the Wii U will be kicking out very little graphical power - most likely a slight improvement on 6 year old consoles. 

Side note: How come ""HAVE FUN! LMFAO! " isn't allowed yet TheSource can say innane babble like the Wii U is as powerful as a 2009 super computer which is saying its performance will be around 35,000 GFlops? 

Because "HAVE FUN! LMAO!" is pretty clear cut trolling.

While Source obviously wasn't talking about an actual super computer.  He obviously meant a good computer you'd buy in a store for the timeperiod.

To go crazy and complain about the phrasing like you are is extremely pedantic.

It's like flying off the handle at someone for complaining that they said they could care less.

Extremely pedantic? Super computer is an actual term - I'm not assigning some abritary definition to a phrase. Also his comment doesn't even hold up for a good gaming's just a post that's devoid of thought.

I could just as easily argue that calling HFLMAO trolling is being pedantic because you could very well have fun with the console so it's not even an insult, but just as pointless as the super computer remark...Pot,kettle,black...