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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

radishhead said:

I say it's not important because I'm not cop, and I'm not doc. Mario is one of those, or mafia - I don't want the doctor to waste time on me when my power can be proven "tomorrow" anyway.  (Assuming no roleblockers/other shenanigans. 

Meh, hat makes a good point. And I forgot host meta, it's Stefl after all...

A great shame is upon me.


But so help me if I was right.

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Good, can we lynch Mario now ?

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L-9 L-8


zero hat




no lynch F-F kantor

mario ToS radish



radish spurge  yoshiya mario darkT

nen mantle

hatz zero

T-5 T-4 T-3 T-2 T-1 DARKNESS :D

theprof00 said:
OK radish, kill nen tonight.

That's an HoS from you. Wanting to manipulate the kills is someting that I do not want and even suggesting Nen to be shot.

My suspects right now.

Hatz, Prof, Mantle, DT and Spurge. 

BTW some snippets from Spurge I remember him posting(note here) that he will try or want to emulate stefl's ultra lurkiness when he is a scum.

Spurge is also very quiet this round. Really, really quiet. I also didn't like that he use my safe thing blah blah when I am quoting radish to vote radish.

theprof00 said:
while I collect and reorganize my thoughts. I'll be gone for a while.

Yeah. Go! Go discuss your scummy deeds with your buddy.


@ nen. No, we lynch Zero, who by the way you are very wrong about.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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With the recent developments, I'm going to say it's looking worst and worst for Mario but I still want to hear what he thinks of radish's revelation before we hang him.

Signature goes here!

hatmoza said:

Huge FoS for the bandwagon.

Not to mention the revenge suspicion.

Since when did revenge suspicions and votes become accceptable in this game?

Him saying he would be a hinderance to Town made it a perfectly reasonable vote. Not all of us here know the ins and outs of every role, hatmoza. We dont all see little hints like more experienced players.

Ive held off voting anyone and Ive been suspicious of numerous players. Mantle, You, Mario, Spurge, etc. Its nothing to do with "revenge". What you said, and what people were uncovering looked really suspicious. Looked.

Again, its nothing to do with revenge. Stop being paranoid and get over yourself.

Tell me again just why you want rid of zero so badly? Is there something I missed or overlooked? He seemed to flip earlier in the game, going after prof, I think... But aside from that he's seemed pro-Town. Ill repeat this again. We cant afford to lynch someone who is pro-Town, doubly so with the Kantor situation. Radish was different as he pretty much said him being alive would be bad for us...


I forgot somewhat failed to recognize how little spurge is posting this game.

Could you please come in here and vote zero?

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

I unvoted Radish, stefl.

Just to make sure...



hatmoza said:

@ nen. No, we lynch Zero, who by the way you are very wrong about.

I understand you concerns and i was the first to say he is scummy, but after him semi detailed claim i believe him.

Thats becouse i'm a shadowspawn so you just have to take my word for it i guess.

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