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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

supermario128 said:
Very interesting. I don't see what is so hard about answering such a simple question. At least Hatz did it jokingly, but to flat out refuse to do so is very interesting.

@ Hatz
No need for name claims this early on. :P

Are you serious?  hatmoza joked, yes, but he also refused to answer.  Unless you think "batman" would directly translate to "protown" in the hands of the mod.  I seriously, seriously doubt it.  

I will also refuse, on the grounds that it's a stupid thing to make a ritual of in every Day 1.  The lie detector should be able to get an equivalent result on just about anyone without it, and for the few exceptions, it's really not worth the difficulty of getting a response out of every single person and the fact that it's a big distraction for town until you do.  The only way to stamp out this stupid practice is to boycott it, even if it makes the people pushing it suspicious of us.  

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

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Final-Fan said:
supermario128 said:
Very interesting. I don't see what is so hard about answering such a simple question. At least Hatz did it jokingly, but to flat out refuse to do so is very interesting.

@ Hatz
No need for name claims this early on. :P

Are you serious?  hatmoza joked, yes, but he also refused to answer.  Unless you think "batman" would directly translate to "protown" in the hands of the mod.  I seriously, seriously doubt it.  

I will also refuse, on the grounds that it's a stupid thing to make a ritual of in every Day 1.  The lie detector should be able to get an equivalent result on just about anyone without it, and for the few exceptions, it's really not worth the difficulty of getting a response out of every single person and the fact that it's a big distraction for town until you do.  The only way to stamp out this stupid practice is to boycott it, even if it makes the people pushing it suspicious of us.  

Yeah, this. Along with the fact that it is boring to go around asking everyone what their alignment is, when it should be pretty clear they will all say pro-town. A lie can be told by a 3rd party survivor as well, to not claim so early on.

radishhead said:
I swear we've only had the lie detector role once in all the mafia games I've played :k Nonetheless, I'm town, so it wouldn't be such a bad thing if there was one

@Mantle: Why would you straight-up refuse to take a lie detector? I don't believe there is one either, but you may as well, just to help the town

Out of all the people that voted so far, are any of you at least partly serious about your votes (bar maybe Final-Fan; I'm not looking to put out my no-lynch vote until a bit later)

It doesn't help at all. I don't want this to happen every game, and the best way to see to it it doesn't happen is by not co-operating.

mantlepiecek said:
radishhead said:
I swear we've only had the lie detector role once in all the mafia games I've played :k Nonetheless, I'm town, so it wouldn't be such a bad thing if there was one

@Mantle: Why would you straight-up rfuse to take a lie detector? I don't believe there is one either, but you may as well, just to help the town

Out of all the people that voted so far, are any of you at least partly serious about your votes (bar maybe Final-Fan; I'm not looking to put out my no-lynch vote until a bit later)

It doesn't help at all. I don't want this to happen every game, and the best way to see to it it doesn't happen is by not co-operating.

Are you talking about the lie detector or the no-lync vote? 

I know I'm new- but surely having a lie detector is always usful for townies?

I can understand that no-lynch at the start would be a bit pointless though

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DarkThanatos said:
Are you talking about the lie detector or the no-lync vote? 

I know I'm new- but surely having a lie detector is always usful for townies?

I can understand that no-lynch at the start would be a bit pointless though

Why are you against no-lynches?

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Spurge has a three day ban so how is that going to work out in the context of this? Seems unfair to modkill him for inactivity ofc since he can't come on at all.

I'm not sure if the ban is going to be reduced or not - talking with Amp atm

Day 1 in mafia normally goes on longer than 3 days anyway

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Yoshiya said:
Spurge has a three day ban so how is that going to work out in the context of this? Seems unfair to modkill him for inactivity ofc since he can't come on at all.

It just mean less spam posts for this night :P

Plus even with a three day ban he'll still out post a couple of players here (not gonna say who, but you know who you are)

radishhead said:
I'm not sure if the ban is going to be reduced or not - talking with Amp atm

I hate corrupted officials. Treat people equally radish.

Its only night 1 and a three days ban isnt a big deal, but if someone get ban like this far into the game then we replace/mod-kill him.

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radishhead said:
DarkThanatos said:
Are you talking about the lie detector or the no-lync vote? 

I know I'm new- but surely having a lie detector is always usful for townies?

I can understand that no-lynch at the start would be a bit pointless though

Why are you against no-lynches?

I'm not against no-lynches :P Later on in the game i think that it can definately be a useful tactic- but at the start of a game this big, i think we need a kill to get the ball rolling 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

radishhead said:
I'm not sure if the ban is going to be reduced or not - talking with Amp atm

Day 1 in mafia normally goes on longer than 3 days anyway

While this probably belongs in the mod thread - You need to keep a firm rule on the forums. You cant be letting people off because theyre playing forum Mafia, when they made a clear violation of the rules. Unless of course, he serves the rest of his ban when the game finishes.

Man, this game has started slow.