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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

supermario128 said:
You say "So you're happy to vote someone who you think has a power role?" as a response to Thanatos yet you are voting for me disregarding your own reasoning? I have a power role, I already admitted that. So, for you to vote for me would make you a hypocrite.

Yeah, I think you do have a power role; but I reckon that there is only one pro-town "Godlike" role, and that is me. I'm sure your powers are great too, but they're not really something that we want to keep around.

Then you proceed to say "I don't think I'm a likely mafia target." Why is this? You won't get targeted because there are more important people to kill, or you won't get targeted because you are mafia? Or is it something else entirely.

I won't be targeted because why would the mafia kill someone who gained 7(+?) votes on them during Night 1- I know I made the original comment before it reached that number, but it was obvious all along that I wouldn't be killed straight away (at midnight)

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The problem is, Hat, we don't know whether what Zero is doing is just a normal part of his temperament, or a trait he has while mafia.

I've accepted that I'm probably going to be the player to die tonight, but I'll help town as much as I can before the hammer vote falls (it's obvious players are getting ready to hammer with Mario's "let's just lynch him already"). Should I roleclaim yet, or is there a more honourable way to divert this lynch away from me?

@Linkz: I noticed that nobody could answer your "why do I have radish pegged as mafia?" riddle - I have no idea either, but I like to think it's because I'm a better player than you remember :P I hate to sound like Zero from last round ("trust me, I'm town"), but when I fail to flip mafia, hopefully you'll realise this.

@Hatz: I think you're just paranoid - I don't have some amazing ability to draw all the attention of a mafia game towards myself, and if I did, I don't do it purposely. Maybe in the early rounds, but that was ages ago; just letting you know.

I think at least two of the mafia are hidden among the players that aren't really posting at all (listed earlier, although linkz has begun posting again). Aside from them, I'm still looking at Mario and Zero. I don't think Mantle is mafia.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

Yesterday I said that I want Radish to claim, or I will vote for him. After reading through the last 180 posts and reading through the agreeing arguments by Prof -who I have a strong town vibe from - I am more certain then ever that I had the right idea.

 I have not yet seen Radish Claim.

Vote: Radish 

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To be honest, I would probably do more harm than good to town with my role xD I wasn't planning on using it Midnight 1 anyway, but if the cop scans of last round are anything to go by, I think any Mafia members who currently have their vote on me are making a big mistake haha

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

Proff skipping posts and not grasping the obvious it
Hat's vs Mantle and corrupt humans
or me & Zero and the shadowspwans.
just really reinforce my suspicion of him

I see drunk Linkz is back. I like him more than sober Linkz.
Also Mr. loud mouth spurg is waaaay to quiet............$50 he's scum.

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radishhead said:
To be honest, I would probably do more harm than good to town with my role.

I just read the thread. I was confused over everything. Hatmoza looked really suspicious from what I just read. But. The bolded... For me, that pretty much got you lynched

Vote: Radishhead

Along with this you just posted too - "Yeah, I think you do have a power role; but I reckon that there is only one pro-town "Godlike" role, and that is me. I'm sure your powers are great too, but they're not really something that we want to keep around." - Youre contradicting yourself here, so much.


I never said that my role would be something that we'd want to keep around either - the only difference is that I know I'm town, and I'm not sure about Mario.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

Oh, and I hope some of our more unstable players are paying attention - it's important to remain calm in the face of death, or there is no information that can be learnt after your death. Don't accuse everyone that votes you, and if you're on 2 votes, that isn't a bandwagon. Light pressure isn't a reason to reveal a role - L3 may be, but L10 definitely isn't.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

Reading 207 posts ATM. I'll give my thoughts later on after I finish reading.



zero hat



mantle nen

no lynch F-F kantor

mario ToS radish



radish prof  happyD  spurge  yoshiya  mario  linkz  DarkT carl

nen mantle

hatz zero

T-5 T-4 T-3 T-2 T-1 DARKNESS :D

Now for the Hammer, unless Prof you aren't finished? 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War