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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

Just writing notes as I check the 163 posts that occurred while I was sleeping:

- Why would Mantle and Mario claim godlike/human if they knew they were anti-town factions? They must be spread out across both alignments - probably part of Stefl's plan to make meta like this impossible

zero129 said:
supermario128 said:

Now I know why Rol hates playing mafia. Way to much meta going on here. We need to get back to the days of not having flavor. Just roles and that is it. There is no need for groups/ names/ etc. At least, we need to have a few games without it...

Yes, I am godlike. Yes, I am pro town. Yes, I have an incredibly strong power. Yes, the doctor should protect me tonight. There you go.

Dont worry, im pretty sure after that post whoever is the doctor will protect you.

But you shouldnt of admited to having a strong power or needing protecting. As imo even the mafia has no way of knowing if only the Godlike have powers or if anyone could have them and Godlike and Shadowspawn etc is all just flavor and mean could mean nothing. But by you saying this you really have made your self stand out so to speak.

Do these two posts feel really strange to anyone else? 

- ...and then just a few posts down he completely changes his mind and HoS's him for claiming a power? (Notice that he doesn't actually vote him)

- ...oh, and then he does vote him - but it's still a little odd on that U-turn imo

- Hatmosa: "Your downfall mantle was that you never said anything about being corrupt. You are a plain human and I know for a fact plain human are scum."

I have no reason to not believe you, but how can you know about how the factions align already? ...Don't worry- you explain later

- Zero: "HoS: HappyD

HoS: Mantle

Can anyone say bandwagon??"

Two HoS's? I'm not seeing the bandwagon here- why would you care if a couple of players are getting pressured anyway?


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Stefl1504 said:

With 18 players alive it needs 10 to lynch. A double lynch is possible.

  L-9 L-8

pezus noctis

noctis spurge                  
darkT mantle                  
mantle darkT mario  hat  happyD            
no lynch F-F kantor                
mario ToS zero                
happyD prof                  

unless I got ninjad - updated votals

I already unvoted.


hatmoza said:
yep, so anyway, yeah. Mantle is scum. Vote him. Will explain tomorrow if I live through the night.

Why not explain it right now so we can get a better picture on why he is scum according to you or is it that you don't have any and hope for us to just vote mantle.

Mario claiming again without massive pressure I really don't get it. Can you please explain it to me why you did it?

HappyD and Prof scenario. Feels like both town squealing at each other. 

Mantle- Obviously I would love to hear from him and I would love to hear from hatmoza aswell just like I mentioned above. I want to get a clearer picture.


Anyways, Kantor, Carl and smeags Hello!!! How is goin!? 


Im trying to get my head around the cluster fuck that I just read aha. Mornings arent good, before I have my cuppa.

I had a theory last night about there being multiple factions and along with them, multiple variations of race. I just didnt know how to get my thoughts out there.

Im quite suspicious of Mario ond Mantle.


hatmoza said:
yep, so anyway, yeah. Mantle is scum. Vote him. Will explain tomorrow if I live through the night.

You realise that it Mantle turns up town, you're probably dead tomorrow? How can you be so certain of this? It makes me want to vote, but I'm not sure what you're trying to do here

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Right, well after reading 170 comments worth, I'm just going to throw out a quick summary and my opinions. 

 Several of us think Mantle is scum, and are either voting for him, or have -including myself. Hatmoza is certain he is, wants us to vote Mantle, yet will not tell us why yet- I want to hear more from him about this. 

We now think that the split is in the region of 12:3:3 - Town:Mafia:3rd Party. 

However the races are split between each. In regards to races I know that Human is split between human and corrupted human, as I am a corrupted human and town.  HOWEVER mantle claimed just human, which is what the heroes are that came through the gateway to destroy our homeRealms. This is why i am suspicious of mantle and vote him. 

Has anyone considered that Godlike might be to do with the light at the start? Extremely powerful... Maybe Godlike is anti-town but not pro-mafia? (Just an idea)

 I think happy-dolphin and prof i think are both town, and spent about 80 posts barking at each other. 


hatmoza said:
supermario128 said:

Yes, I am godlike. Yes, I am pro town. Yes, I have an incredibly strong power. Yes, the doctor should protect me tonight. There you go.

There's no sincerity in your tone whatsoever.

Claimed power and asked for a doctor all in one big swoop.sigh

*FoS* on supermario128, like Hatmoza I have a feeling he is bluffing, will be keeping an eye on him. 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

Ah screw it, Ill post what I jotted down Yesterday. Its not based on anything really, just guessing at factions/races.

I think that there could be 3 factions. The number of players along with the theme would make it possible.

I think a 3rd faction could be a cult-like faction. I think this due to the dark vs light theme, along with Godlike race.

A godlike, worshipped power role
A shadowspawn, killer role.
A human, plain old mindless "cultist".

Its probably not gonna be right, but I thought it was worth writing down.

I also suspect someone as being a Godlike character due to what they've said, but Im not prepared to name them just yet. I haven't seen quite enough.


Ok finally got through all this. The conversation between Prof and Happy seemed to be town v. town to me as it originated from the fact that Prof misunderstood what Happy meant by Shadowling.

As to the Mantle vote, whilst I am not against it I definitely want to hear from the man himself rather than just following Hat, something I think that Prof and Zero were far too quick to do.

I definitely think the theory about the races being split in two is true because I am a corrupted human as well but I am on the side of town. Unless corrupted humans are considered to be Shadowspawn by Stefl of course which is completely possible as they would have come about as a result of the shadow.

And last but not least I think there is a few too many members that are hiding at the moment. Noctis was the main one I was thinking of but he has posted again now so at least he isn't being a complete lurker. Want to hear more from F-F, Smeags, nen and Kantor. Smeags especially as I haven't really seen him around since he was talking in character.

With 18 players alive it needs 10 to lynch. A double lynch is possible.

(votals cut out and moved to my next post)

unless I got ninjad - updated votals (though ninjaing is quite unlikely right now)

EDIT: I will post a small description on how I will handle three way ties at days end in the reserved post under the OP


Corrupted humans huh?....that's the DRM system stefl installed...I'm disappointed, but mostly with the town.

Vote: Mantle

Trucks imo is likely mafia if Mantle flips one.

Its obvious that mantel claimed human yet Trucks tried to make it as if he is probably Godlike at first (Mario being the human

even tho someone like Trucks can easily see thro Mario's bad acting)

And when it came to vote he voted Mario.

I also get a major scum vibe from prof because of his reaction to the mantle and happyD situations.

Zero (my no1 suspect without the flavor hunting) also gives me a scum vibe because how quickly and strongly sided

with my interpretation of the flavour. It was like he realized that mantle ****ed up and he had to distance himself

and become a shadowspawn.

Aso don't like how he voted Mantle "Ok hat, I'm gonna trust on that"


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