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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

nen-suer said:
Smeags said:
At this point, if DarkThanatos is anything other than town, it's probably Overlord. Remember, my staff could only kill those aligned with light... and until now we didn't realize that another section of scum is aligned with darkness. This goes for Carl as well (since he survived my attack as well).

Dude you calimed VG/SK who only kills human mafia memebers. I wont trust anything you say when deciding a lynch.


I refuse to believe that we have a pro town role cop and cop and a flavour cop active at the same time

Not only does the role cop doesnt fit, but his scans doesnt fit with his action and suspects.

He is about tabby is scum and he suspected me yet he scans FF, Trucks and happyD ? please.

he claimed when FF lynch was considered serously and after Trucks asked him amoung others to offer info.

This whole scenario just doesnt work.


I suspect you from this round, when would I have had time to scan you? And why bother scanning tabaha when he is obv scum. I want to find out the roles that people have claimed, because if they are lying then that gives me reason to suspect them. 

I scanned FF round 1, because why not? He wasnt posting much. 

Round 2 I scanned Hatz because he was claiming flavour cop, and as role cop- I wanted to know if I could trust his decisions. Then he died the same time i found out the information. 

Round 3 I scanned HappyD, because out of the people I wanted to scan, I thought he was the least likely to have my scan interferred with.  

Round 4 I scanned Truck, found out his role, and then he goes and says his role anyway, confirming it as truth and allowing me to trust him. 


Your basing your entire accusation on that you refuse to believe we have all 3 roles at the same time, in a game absolutely full of OP roles. There are two scum teams, so it makes sense for town to have lots of roles to balance it. 

If i was scum, or Mafia why would I bother putting myself at risk and revealing my role and my information? You saying it was because of FF also doesnt make sense. The only person who was seriously pushing for FF was you. A couple of others had him lower down their list, behind Tabaha, you and Noc. It would be a pointless risk, especially as we are in MYLO. 

I also say this. If i was scum, why would I be pushing for Radish's lynch from the start of midnight 1? and then continue to do so through day 2? Radish was anti-town and could only kill them, thats exactly what scum would want surely. 

Admitedly, Smeags not being able to kill me doesn't mean Im not overlord, it simply means Im not scum. I can't argue against that, but  every non-corrupted human could argue that. 

Can I also point out, that Linkz was overlord, and was throwing out loads of accusations against me day 2/day 3. Sure, you could say he was doing that to distance me from him, but why would he keep it up for so long, and point out some- frankly- semi-decent arguments for me being Mafia? He had a lot of influence, and that would surely have been a stupid risk so early in the game with so many players. 

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BTW, I protected Linkz and Prof on Midnight 2 because they were the two claimed "lings".

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@nen: hatmoza's role was practically useless (unless someone lied about their race), DarkThanatos' role is of limited use (he only gets roles after all, he misinterpreted his vanilla result to mean town).

It's far from impossible that DT is town aligned.

Signature goes here!

Trucks, let's put nen's theory to rest. Did you protect DT midnight 1?
Smeags, you targetted DT midnight 1 correct?

happydolphin said:
Trucks, let's put nen's theory to rest. Did you protect DT midnight 1?
Smeags, you targetted DT midnight 1 correct?


Lord Stefl's response to my attack was that I failed. When I asked him to clarify his response, he told me that I did not choose the right target.

Both answers are somewhat contradictory, but that's what has been said.

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happydolphin said:
Also, why would Trucks protect DT?

Not trucks. the mafia protection role.

Linkz JK role is a protection role as well as a blocking role. Trucks power and Linkz reveal suggest that both scum teams must have

a protection role for balance purposes.

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nen-suer said:

Not trucks. the mafia protection role.

Linkz JK role is a protection role as well as a blocking role. Trucks power and Linkz reveal suggest that both scum teams must have

a protection role for balance purposes.

Ok, that's clearer.

The issue I have though is, you have an issue with DT being one of 3 cops (of very varying degree), but are ok with town having 3 protective roles (in your previous post with the pic).

Smeags said:
happydolphin said:
Trucks, let's put nen's theory to rest. Did you protect DT midnight 1?
Smeags, you targetted DT midnight 1 correct?


Lord Stefl's response to my attack was that I failed. When I asked him to clarify his response, he told me that I did not choose the right target.

Both answers are somewhat contradictory, but that's what has been said.

Can you try and ask him again to make it clear which one was it.

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Why would the heroes team protect DarkThanatos when they have Final-Fan in their team?

Signature goes here!

happydolphin said:

Ok, that's clearer.

The issue I have though is, you have an issue with DT being one of 3 cops (of very varying degree), but are ok with town having 3 protective roles (in your previous post with the pic).

Thankyou happy. 

His entire argument is based around it being ridiculous to have 3 cops. Yet he is quite prepared to say that there are 5 protective roles total. 


This is in MYLO. He knows that if Town lynch me, who is not in his scum faction alongside Tabaha...

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