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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness


there where no kills over the night

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I want to know who, if anyone, Radish targetted.


Okay, I'm assuming that you roleblocked Linkz. As I said during the transition phase, I'm happy for a Linkz lynch as it is, and I'll place a vote. Note: I'm not ready for him to be hammered yet, I'm just showing my support

Vote: Linkz

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@radish: The hammer vote is 7 votes away, you're getting a bit ahead of yourself.

As for me, I don't know where I stand anymore and I'm afraid I'll have to re-read part of Night 1 (which I'm not looking forward to)

Signature goes here!

I feel like a sheep this game, but after the night results, I'll follow radish and Spurge, and cast my vote with full responsibility on linkz.

Vote: linkzmax

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spurgeonryan said:
I will actually say that there is a 99 percent chance that radish is town now. Good job radish!

Unless you totally lied about being a vigilante.

What is your reasoning behind this? If it was because there was no kills last night then remember that there was always an chance his kill was a delayed one meaning that he could have fired and we will have no idea until after this next Midnight.

spurgeonryan said:
Well that is going a little overboard yoshi. I could also say that theoretically you could be a wherewolf. Does not make it make sense or even make it possible at all. So beyond hoping for any other fantast possiblility do you have any other questions?

It's not overboard at all, radish himself said his kill was delayed.

Can any of you 3 voters make a decent case against Linkz, he's slipped under my radar yesterDay and I'd like to know what prompts you guys to vote for him (since I won't have time to re-read at least until tonight).

Signature goes here!

Should I go and join the bandwagon? Better wait a bit more. Last time I did it didn't go well


spurgeonryan said:
Whoop whoop! :) I love talking at night. Eat that linkz you lousy scum! Those of you who cannot figure out what happened don't ask me. I am going to mantle it up until the last day or until stefl says I have been murdered.

Im asking you. I want to know why all of a sudden linkz has 3 votes.

What have I missed?


Don't become Radish friendly because of the lack of kills. If anything I think this tells us something about nightkills. 


At first I thought this meant that there was no Serial Killer and Radish held back. However when I analysesd it more I came to these conclusions. 

Radish has already stated he is possibly a Poisoner, which would mean he would have no kills tonight.

If Radish was a poisoner, and he has a rival Serial Killer (Or Vigilante depending on whether Radish is SK or Vigilante) then it is likely they are also a Poisoner. 

Finally, the thing that really made me believe this theory is the lack of Mafia Kill. I can understand maybe Radish didn't kill anyone, but Mafia? I see no advantage for Mafia not killing anyone this round. What I think is this. All night-kills are Poison including Mafia. This would explain why there are no night kills tonight. 

That's my theory anyway. On the other hand, I could be completely wrong and everyone decided to no-kill.  

HoS: Radish 

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