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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Non Nintendo fans, what do you think of the WiiU now?

I'm a Sony fan, but I'm neither for nor against Nintendo. I like Nintendo overall, but I haven't owned one of their systems since the SNES. With that said, I'm not impressed with what they're offering. I really wanted a Nintendo system and I could easily afford to buy games for two consoles, but I just can't justify buying what Nintendo is offering.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


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d21lewis said:
dahuman said:
MegaDrive08 said:
I love it when people use hardcore and next gen in there arguments thinking they know what there talking about, so based on that logic the ps2 was part of the ps1 generation compared to gamecude and the 360 was part of the gamecube generation??

hardcore gamer makes no sense anyways, I can play a game hard core, but I'm really just a core gamer as in I play  a lot of games. hardcore gamer is a stupid term.

generation arguments can be tricky though, when I'm talking next generation, on the console side, I look at time line, on the graphical side, I look at PCs, like right now, Wii U is next gen, when it comes out, it will be current gen, PS3 and 360 will be last gen, and the next xbox and ps will also be current gen with Wii U, it's a whole fucked up mess really.

I actually started making a thread on that very subject this morning but I just couldn't get it all to flow together.  I mean, the Wii wasn't much more powerful than an Xbox but it was part of a different generation.  Meanwhile, the 3DO came out like three or four years before the N64 and they are part of the same gen.  And the Neo Geo was waaaaay more powerful than a Genesis but they're the same gen.  It gets confusing.  I think we've reached the point where "generations" are irrelevant and impossible to define.

It's hard, but somebody's gotta keep track, because if we do this based on graphical specs and features, it'd be really confusing for the masses since most people are not that tech savvy and fanboys would use those charts not knowing what they are talking about in arguments thus flooding the internet even more and the planet would explode then we'd have to terraform Mars on limited oxygen and water resulting in the final extinction of the human race.

forevercloud3000 said:
What I am seeing with WiiU right now is Nintendo giving competitive hardware, good price, but yet again the games lack any "standout" exclusives for me. Its PS3 launch all over again except this time the WiiU has like 70+ games coming early..........but more than half of them are available on PS360 right now and for less. The fact hardened NIN fans/media are saying this is a great line up is a tad hypocritical seeing the flack PS3 and Vita got for so long.

Just like PS3 early on, the hardware is there, but the list of enticing exclusives that would break me to get one aren't there. The 2GBs of ram that WiiU has though is mouth watering, with 1G dedicated to OS stuff there should not be any issues implementing many snazzy features like cross game Vid Chat, ect.

I didn't buy a PS3 right at launch because it was 600 fucking dollars, I fucking waited for months to fish out a BC RMA one for much cheaper, then realized I didn't even have that many PS2 games then swapped to the slim when that came out. Shit was simply too expensive when it came out.

I havent bought a nintendo console during a gen since the n64 and it looks like it will continue!
Why would I pay $350 for a new console when I could play similiar games(graphically also) on my 360 and ps3?
For Mario? but I already have a SNES with the legendary Mario3!

I think I'll be waiting till ps4 and xbox 720 are released to get the next gen really started

I'm liking it, it seems to be very cool. Good chances that I will buy it someday.

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dahuman said:
d21lewis said:

I actually started making a thread on that very subject this morning but I just couldn't get it all to flow together.  I mean, the Wii wasn't much more powerful than an Xbox but it was part of a different generation.  Meanwhile, the 3DO came out like three or four years before the N64 and they are part of the same gen.  And the Neo Geo was waaaaay more powerful than a Genesis but they're the same gen.  It gets confusing.  I think we've reached the point where "generations" are irrelevant and impossible to define.

It's hard, but somebody's gotta keep track, because if we do this based on graphical specs and features, it'd be really confusing for the masses since most people are not that tech savvy ande p fanboys would use those charts not knowing what they are talking about in arguments thus flooding the internet even more and thlanet would explode then we'd have to terraform Mars on limited oxygen and water resulting in the final extinction of the human race.

That's what I've been saying all along!

Do not like Nintendo's current policy on hardware and I like Nintendo's 1st party the least of the big 3. They really have a lot more to do to get me back as a customer. Basically, exactly what Kantor wrote.

I reiterate on here that it is about 5 years late to the game.

forevercloud3000 said:
What I am seeing with WiiU right now is Nintendo giving competitive hardware, good price, but yet again the games lack any "standout" exclusives for me. Its PS3 launch all over again except this time the WiiU has like 70+ games coming early..........but more than half of them are available on PS360 right now and for less. The fact hardened NIN fans/media are saying this is a great line up is a tad hypocritical seeing the flack PS3 and Vita got for so long.

Just like PS3 early on, the hardware is there, but the list of enticing exclusives that would break me to get one aren't there. The 2GBs of ram that WiiU has though is mouth watering, with 1G dedicated to OS stuff there should not be any issues implementing many snazzy features like cross game Vid Chat, ect.

Not hypocritical. There's a difference between saying "this lineup should be compelling to current PS360 owners" and just saying "this is a good launch lineup." You're right that the former statement is false, but the latter is true, because console launch window lineups usually suck: first six months of 360 the best game was probably Project Gotham Racing 3 (with Kameo and Perfect Dark Zero being solid enough), first six months of PS3 the best thing was probably Resistance, and in the cases of both consoles it was heavy on ports (like Black and CoD2 for 360, or Oblivion and CoD3 for PS3) On a pound-for-pound basis, Wii U has a "better" launch window lineup than pretty much any console dating back to the GameCube (which saw games like Smash Bros Melee in the first six months)

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:

(scroll down to the dude with She Hulk avvy)

When will developers fucking learn? NINTENDO IS NOT THE PLACE FOR THESE KINDS OF GAMES.

Nintendo ALWAYS does this. They release a new console, realize that they're still hounded by the retarded kiddie/casual gamer image they beefed up from their last console, they try getting a few hardcore M-rated games on their new system, ALL of which fail to find their audience, and then they finally say "fuck it" and go back to releasing shitty toothless games for soccer moms and 9 year olds.

Except now they're going to sacrifice a great franchise in the process of doing this. If this game sells poorly (and it will), it'll all be Nintendo's fault, and then we'll never see another Bayonetta game again. Honestly I think they would've been better off just leaving the franchise as it was than having to release this black stain on the series. Sega's going attribute its poor sales to a lack of interest in Bayonetta and not the fact that Nintendo's demographic is a COMPLETE MISMATCH for this game.

I really hope someone blows up Nintendo HQ.

Global warming is all Nintendo's fault!!

Nintendo Fans need to stop posting their feelings in this thread.

Just sit back and watch!!