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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Metascore Prediction League 2012 - *PAVOLINK IS THE WINNER!*

New update!

New games added
Dishonored - 89
XCOM - 88
Pokemon Black/White Version 2 - 81
Fable: The Journey - 61
Dragon Ball Z for Kinect - 49

LBP Vita is now down to 87 from 88.
Borderlands 2 is now down to 89 from 90.
Resident Evil 6 is now down to 66 from 67.
Dead or Alive 5 is now up to 76 from 74.
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is now down to 82 from 83.

Around the Network

I must celebrate this most excellent victory.

I demand points for my Resident Evil score NAO! If my demands are not met...TABLES WILL BE FLIPPED!

In other news, Kantor demonstrates perhaps the greatest decline in the history of every competition ever. That's gotta be like a new record, right? Congratulations

I went up to a split 7th place?



Now if only Little Big Planet Vita could decrease a tiny bit more :P

lol, nobody gets any points for Resident Evil 6

And i get one more notch for XCOM...

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Around the Network

I just noticed that Halo 4's average is the only one who's higher than 90...

Retagging this because it has fallen off my 'chartz buddy with all my loud-mouthing today.

Too late to join I guess -.-.. wth RE6?!

Unfinished Swan is 82 after 20 reviews
Dance Central 3 is 88 after 12 reviews
Forza Horison is 86 after 19 reviews

New update!

New games added
The Unfinished Swan - 81
Forza Horizon - 86
Dance Central 3 - 88

Fable: The Journey is now up to 62 from 61.
Borderlands 2 is now up to 90 from 89.
Resident Evil 6 is now up to 67 from 66.
XCOM is now up to 89 from 88