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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Bioshock Infinite Confirmed for Wii U, Development Begins After PS3/XBox 360 Release


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Huh, so that sets 2K Games back on their whole "no core support for Wii U early on" thing.

Good news. Good news.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

I thought this story seemed eerily similar.

That "new" report... it's actually from August 2nd (why are they reporting on a month old piece of news?), and it's already been covered on gamrConnect. The report is really shakey, and while I do hope that Infinite comes to Wii U (as Bioshock was one of my favorite new franchises last generation), right now it's destiny is still in the dark. We'll see.

Smeags said:

I thought this story seemed eerily similar.

That "new" report... it's actually from August 2nd (why are they reporting on a month old piece of news?), and it's already been covered on gamrConnect. The report is really shakey, and while I do hope that Infinite comes to Wii U (as Bioshock was one of my favorite new franchises last generation), right now it's destiny is still in the dark. We'll see.

Huh, so it's that old rumor regurgitated?


Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

My only concern with all these late ports/multiplatform titles is 3rd parties using it as evidence that core games don't sell on WiiU.

Hopefully they will take the sales data with a grain of salt and realise that install base plus late to the party means the sales will probably not be as high as expected.

I would hate to see future multiplaform releases get cancelled because of initial launch period sales.



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Well, at least it's not "Development Begins After PS/Vita Release" ;)

Good news for Wii U, not great because of the date, but good, because it's a big game.

But... in the end it's freaking huge news, because it's the first ever big Take 2 game on a Nintendo console since forever - bar Bully two year late port. GTA V has now a whopping 3% chances of coming to U - highest ever!

pezus said:
^Meh, Rockstar don't listen to anyone but themselves. So in the end, this game going to Wii U says nothing about GTAV. It might, but I'm going to bet that it won't.

Me too, I wouldn't bet on a 3% chance.

But that's how I feel now:

And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust!!!!!!!

Mr Khan said:
Huh, so that sets 2K Games back on their whole "no core support for Wii U early on" thing.

Good news. Good news.

Isn't Bioshock Infinite a mid/late 2013 release now? add an extra 4-6 months to port and you are probably looking at a late 2014 release. Hardly early support.

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

zarx said:
Mr Khan said:
Huh, so that sets 2K Games back on their whole "no core support for Wii U early on" thing.

Good news. Good news.

Isn't Bioshock Infinite a mid/late 2013 release now? add an extra 4-6 months to port and you are probably looking at a late 2014 release. Hardly early support.

It's for early 2013

"BioShock Infinite has been delayed to 2013. Despite a prior announcement that the game would hit stores on October 16th of this year, director Ken Levine has now revealed a new release date of February 26, 2013."

Supposing the game goes gold 1 month (maybe more?) before release, we could be looking at development starting 2 months after Wii U releases.