Bloody hell, not having Rol really feels like somethings missing... -_-'
I did not think it would be this bad of a feeling...

Who should I face first, Koga or Sabrina? | |||
Koga | 19 | 67.86% | |
Sabrina | 2 | 7.14% | |
Blaine | 3 | 10.71% | |
I Dunno | 1 | 3.57% | |
Total: | 25 |
Bloody hell, not having Rol really feels like somethings missing... -_-'
I did not think it would be this bad of a feeling...
Giovanni's pokemons are so bad that two of them needed an extra evolution in later Gens to be competitive xD
Do yourself and pick up that snorlax. He will be unsinkable. Also hitmonlee if you can reach Saffron.
Time for hype
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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~
spurgeonryan said: Did you beat the game? |
I'm about 40% of the way there. It's just been a crazy week.
Alright, before I go on, I need to power up Kasz. I visit a house to the west of town to pick up HM02, Fly. This will provide him with what he needs to fight Ghosts. Then, I head through Saffron City, at the cost of one of my cool beverages. Rockets are everywhere, so I just pass through and go back to Lavender Town.
Then, into the tower of the Dead.
Moving on, I find Blue of all people! Why is he here? And before anybody mentions that Ratticate, I'm sure it's in his box or something.
"Your Pokemon don't look dead. I can at least make them faint!"
Wow. That sounded genuinely frightening.
This is a 6 on 5 battle. He leads with Fearow, I lead with Kasz. I Fly him into submission, only getting hut by a Leer. Kasz levels up! Next he sends out Shellder. I send out Adjacent. It's a OHKO! His Vulpix falls against Turkish, his Sandshrew is no match for Radish, and Eevee is defeated by Spurg.
After the battle, Blue rambles on about how he went easy on me and runs off. I go upstairs, find a Gastly, and catch it, naming it Prof.
My strategy for this place is simple. It is overrun by Ghost types. Ghosts and Normal types are immune to eachother. Therefore, have Kasz lead the party and use Fly to dispatch of enemies. It should work, right?
This plan is promptly ruined by Night Shade. Apparently, it bypasses immunity law. Bummer. And because it does a set amount of damage, three or four Night Shades can KO any party member. This means I have to run back to the Pokemon Center a lot.
Halfway up the tower, I find a magical healing square. Huh. Anyhow, it provides me with a base of operations to dispatch of local ghost-possessed people.
I've noticed that Ajescent is picking up Rol's slack very well. One or two Thunderbolts is enough to take out any of these ghosts.
Eventually, I come across the ghost of a Marowak. Kasz spams Fly and is unaffected by its Ground attacks. That was easy.
Finally, on the top floor, I meet the incredibly gay duo again. Basil burns their Meowth and Turkish crushes their Poison mons.
I meet an old man at the top who came to help with the Marowak problem. Apparently, beating up a ghost never occured to him. Huh. Anyway, once we leave, he lends me a PokeFlute. You know what that means! Snorlax is mine and I never have to buy an Awakening again!
See you later!
Yes, in Gen1 Night Shade could hurt Normal type pokemons. And Seismic Toss could hurt Ghosts as well.
Before going on, I decide to take on the Saffron City gym. No not Sabrina. I'm not stupid. I mean the Fighting Dojo. You see, I have a plan.
Remember when I caught Prof the Gastly?
Remember that the Dojo specializes in Fighting Pokemon?
Remember what types Ghost is immune to?
Prof goes from level 21 to 27 without losing a single HP, evolving in the process.
U Mad Blackbelts?
I choose the Hitmonlee as my Fighting Dojo prize.
Anyway, next I'm off to Route 12 to get myself a Snorlax. I find one blocking the road and wake it up with my new flute. He seems mad, so I clobber him with Ajescent's Thunderbolt and capture him. I'm running out of nicknames, so he's named Scrooge. Sorry, I couldn't find any Psyducks in time.
Anyhow, I continue going south, beating up trainers along the way. They're pretty tough, with mons about as strong as mine. I need to go back and heal more than once. Route 13 is fairly easy, as navigating the maze is only difficult if you want to fight a lot of trainers. Which I do, but later. I also end up bypassing most of Route 14 and 15's trainers by Cutting and travelling atop ledges.
Before I know it, I'm in Fuschica City.
Now that I'm down here, I have to make a choice: do I face Sabrina or Koga first? How about you help by voting!
Until later!
I vote to kill Koga first :)
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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~
Koga. You can exploit the weaknesses of his pokemon (Triple Time). Also the best poison attack in RBY is Sludge, with a power of 65.