Alright, before I go on, I need to power up Kasz. I visit a house to the west of town to pick up HM02, Fly. This will provide him with what he needs to fight Ghosts. Then, I head through Saffron City, at the cost of one of my cool beverages. Rockets are everywhere, so I just pass through and go back to Lavender Town.
Then, into the tower of the Dead.
Moving on, I find Blue of all people! Why is he here? And before anybody mentions that Ratticate, I'm sure it's in his box or something.
"Your Pokemon don't look dead. I can at least make them faint!"
Wow. That sounded genuinely frightening.
This is a 6 on 5 battle. He leads with Fearow, I lead with Kasz. I Fly him into submission, only getting hut by a Leer. Kasz levels up! Next he sends out Shellder. I send out Adjacent. It's a OHKO! His Vulpix falls against Turkish, his Sandshrew is no match for Radish, and Eevee is defeated by Spurg.
After the battle, Blue rambles on about how he went easy on me and runs off. I go upstairs, find a Gastly, and catch it, naming it Prof.
My strategy for this place is simple. It is overrun by Ghost types. Ghosts and Normal types are immune to eachother. Therefore, have Kasz lead the party and use Fly to dispatch of enemies. It should work, right?
This plan is promptly ruined by Night Shade. Apparently, it bypasses immunity law. Bummer. And because it does a set amount of damage, three or four Night Shades can KO any party member. This means I have to run back to the Pokemon Center a lot.
Halfway up the tower, I find a magical healing square. Huh. Anyhow, it provides me with a base of operations to dispatch of local ghost-possessed people.
I've noticed that Ajescent is picking up Rol's slack very well. One or two Thunderbolts is enough to take out any of these ghosts.
Eventually, I come across the ghost of a Marowak. Kasz spams Fly and is unaffected by its Ground attacks. That was easy.
Finally, on the top floor, I meet the incredibly gay duo again. Basil burns their Meowth and Turkish crushes their Poison mons.
I meet an old man at the top who came to help with the Marowak problem. Apparently, beating up a ghost never occured to him. Huh. Anyway, once we leave, he lends me a PokeFlute. You know what that means! Snorlax is mine and I never have to buy an Awakening again!
See you later!