@Yoshiya: I would like to my friend, but I'm so tight up with money that I can't afford to...
And I would be lucky enough to get the WiiU if I could. :(

Who should I face first, Koga or Sabrina? | |||
Koga | 19 | 67.86% | |
Sabrina | 2 | 7.14% | |
Blaine | 3 | 10.71% | |
I Dunno | 1 | 3.57% | |
Total: | 25 |
@Yoshiya: I would like to my friend, but I'm so tight up with money that I can't afford to...
And I would be lucky enough to get the WiiU if I could. :(
radishhead said:
QFT There's no excuse- Pokemon never gets old :) |
Pokemon is forevers. It will never die.
Ask stefl1504 for a sig, even if you don't need one.
Moonhero said:
Pokemon is forevers. It will never die. |
So hyped for Pokemon Black 2 ^^
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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~
No posts in a few days. Maybe the party was wiped out?
Ask stefl1504 for a sig, even if you don't need one.
Moonhero said: No posts in a few days. Maybe the party was wiped out? |
Maybe the SS Anne sank and now they are in a deserted island trying to return to the civilization.
Player2 said:
Maybe the SS Anne sank and now they are in a deserted island trying to return to the civilization. |
No, I just haven't had the continuous period of time necessary to update.
Lol'ed at the previous 2 comments! XD
Onto the SS Anne!
Aboard the ship, I'm warned that the passengers will fight anybody they happen to stumble across. You know, for people who are willing to give away key items for free, the denizens of Kanto are a violent bunch.
Triple turns out to be extremely useful, OHKOing poison and fire types alike. Rol continues to shock watery and Flying opponents, but Thundershock is starting to show its age. Everybody else is good against at least one type of foe. The only real weakness my party has is a lack of Flying or Psychic types to deal with Machops. Radish evolves into a Weepinbell along the way.
I find the TM for Body Slam and immediately teach it to Rol. That ought to satisfy his Noraml-type needs for the rest of the game! I find a Great Ball in a garbage can, proving that digging in trash can save you $700.
Eventually, I stumble across Blue! He seems happy for somebody whose about to get his ass kicked.
*2 minutes later*
He claims he has 40 mons, and only brings four to the fight? Turkish almost took them all on by himself!
Anyway, I go and give the captain a back rub, and this somehow makes him less seasick, so he gives me the HM for Cut. Huh. I teach it to Radish and get off this crazy ship.
Next up: the most annoying gym ever!
Current Team
Triple the Level 21 Diglett
Spurg the Level 20 Mankey
Radish the Level 21 Weepinbell
Basil the Level 21 Charmeleon
Turkish the Level 24 Nidoking
Rol the Level 25 Pikachu
Strategy for Lt Surge: train Triple in the Gym, use Dig, pray. If he falls, use Turkish's Horn Attack and/or Thrash.