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Forums - Website Topics - How do you feel about the performance of the VGChartz mod team?


How is the VGChartz mod team doing?

It's doing a great job. 299 32.97%
It's doing okay. 143 15.77%
It's not doing well. 432 47.63%

So.... what is it guys? Can we refer to acts and posts like I have quoted from three higher ups (including one who is now pulling a 180).... or can we not... I'm confused. And I think my confusion is totally proving the point that you guys are completely inconsistent

Yeah I also reported that bandwidth thread for the same reasons. Seems the mods don't want to lock it because that would just create a bigger issue with people calling the mods biased and the like. It's a strategic move to keep the thread open.

Lol, it has nothing to do with bias though. There was nothing in it that would justify creating another conversation. If it had anything different than the pennello thread that someone could be like "this hasnt been talked about yet" then i would be all for it being created and discussed. That should have definitly been ckept as a reply in that thread if he wanted to be involved with that discussion

I'm reporting this lister guy on every occassion I get, but he still gets away with it ;-] I'll catch him red-handed soon enough, get back to us!                                                                                                                                           

I think his post history is evidence enough. But this mod team is a joke.

"Calling out specific users in a derogatory way".

So we cannot criticize people anymore. wow                                                                                                        

Not evencriticize.... i just pointed out what people were doing in the exact thread they were doing it lolt

What the hell is up with the moderators lately?

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axumblade said:
The "180" is in reference to the way that you continually speak to users on the site. There is a difference in saying that an idea is dumb and then basically making the user feel stupid because of their ideas.

You're not allowed to treat other users with disrespect. You have had mods and even Kirby (one of the users with the longest moderation history's on this site) all tell you what exactly you are doing wrong. Yet you are insisting that we are being inconsistent just because you disagree with a ban. I have messaged you several times about the way you post and how to avoid getting banned in the future.

I'm not the only one that see these things lol. The posters I quoted are well behaved and the see inconsistencies and over zealous moderation. Ignore me? Fine whatever helps you sleep. Ignore Jay250, CGI, regin_solab, and others.... kinda hard to do. You still havent commented on my most recent ban nor the warning I recieved for using the english language appropriatly.

axumblade said:
Max King of the Wild said:
axumblade said:
The "180" is in reference to the way that you continually speak to users on the site. There is a difference in saying that an idea is dumb and then basically making the user feel stupid because of their ideas.

You're not allowed to treat other users with disrespect. You have had mods and even Kirby (one of the users with the longest moderation history's on this site) all tell you what exactly you are doing wrong. Yet you are insisting that we are being inconsistent just because you disagree with a ban. I have messaged you several times about the way you post and how to avoid getting banned in the future.

I'm not the only one that see these things lol. The posters I quoted are well behaved and the see inconsistencies and over zealous moderation. Ignore me? Fine whatever helps you sleep. Ignore Jay250, CGI, regin_solab, and others.... kinda hard to do. You still havent commented on my most recent ban nor the warning I recieved for using the english language appropriatly.

Strange your incidences that you have noted are all from particularly linked with 1 ban you recieved that was a bit more of a grey area. do know the English language. Now if you using the English language to not troll owning the Xbox One, then perhaps you wouldn't have gotten a warning. Which should have probably been a ban, which I'm certain you would have contested regardless. Since every single time you get banned you feel that some injustice has been distributed. 

And I have addressed your last ban by pointing out the fact that you are constantly being condescending and throwing quips in random statements that lead to your bannings. And while you keep insisting that we are being inconsistent, I keep pointing out that your ban history is consistent, and I am certain you have complained about every single ban you have received. 

LOL, I've linked to more than just one ban. Anyway, how is asking someone who is abusing the English language to clarify their statement trolling? LOL that is absurd.

If condescending is wrong then we should ban sarcasm because its condescending? LOL ridiculous obviously. Not only that but I directly addressed and refuted someones post point by point. Just because they were absolutely ignorant in knowing how the industry works doesn't mean correcting them is condescending. My history is consistent? LOL then why didnt I get banned in this very thread when I said kirby was using terrible logic? Very similar to saying someones post is terrible.


Inconsistent man inconsistent. But hey, keep up the good work

And the reason I complain about my bans all the time is because of how inconsistent they are. Because of the mixed messages you guys send. How come its okay to shoot the messenger sometimes but not others? One time I was reasonably talking to people in a thread that directly compared XB1 and Ps4 and xb1 fans started riding me. I continued talking to most of them but then sting came in and started talking about how I was just a sour ps fan. Which is shooting the messenger. Its off topic and irrelevant. I was talking about Ps4 vs XB1. I reported sting 3 times for three different posts all similar in fashion and till this day he makes comments like that with no moderation. He ALWAYS posts off topic irrelevant flamebait and NEVER gets moderated. Then eventualy I told him that I was having a mature conversation and to go away and immediately got banned. Obviously mods were active on the site. Why do I complain about the ban? Because if the mods were consistent they would have dealt with him before I made that comment.

First 2 moderated posts didn't deserve it imo

If you guys think you are doing a good job because you aren't hearing people complain then let me tell you.... they just don't complain because they don't care too. I on the other hand just don't give a fuck so you will hear me complain.

I've quoted 3 higher ups. Now, if you are reneging on those quotes that just confirms what I'm saying. Which, you guys are inconsistent. If those quotes still stand... then you guys are still being inconsistent. You guys backed yourself into a corner here. You say you will allow some things and then moderate them later. Or some users don't get moderated for similar things.

I have quoted two people in the same thread saying that the moderations were unjustified.

I have quoted numerous well behaved users who have messaged me that moderators are inconsistent.

I have quoted one higher up saying you guys are inconsistent

You try to ignore me because I'm a controversial poster. But that's not my problem

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You can drag this on with yes-no debate about whether the bans were fair, or just take the hint and change the tone within your posts, it's that fucking simple.
Draggin this on isn't doing you any favours.

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

I think it's sad that someone would take the time to make a thread like this.
So a few people were off on their predictions... why go through the effort to point that out?
Is it really necessary to mock other gamers because they don't see things the same way, or because
they choose to like or hype up a different product?
That's pathetic.
Xbox and Nintendo fans are guilty of the same childish behavior, but the Sony guys really take it to a
weird place.

... and for the OP, this gen isn't even 5 months old yet, at least as far as Microsoft and Sony's console are concerned. So you might wanna re-think the title...
cause it's certainly as misguided a statement as those you got such a kick out of listing.

This type of comment is okay that says making a thread like this is pathetic. But saying "It takes a small minded person to make a thread like this" isn't.

Saying, "mocking someone is pathetic" is fine (like above) and dandy but saying "the act of denying reality is pathetic" is not.

Generalizing a fanbase is okay in some posts (like the one above) but not okay in others. Being completely off topic is okay in some posts (like above)... but not okay in others


Do you really want the mods to be more consistent with your moderation? From an outside perspective... The only result I can see from more consistent moderation would be a hastening of your status to a permaban...

"Complete abstinence is easier than perfect moderation."
- Saint Augustine

This whole thing just seems to be going around in a big circle. I'm not really sure what you're trying to achieve with your comments in this thread. I'm sorry if you think that moderation is inconsistent; that's not the point at all. We try to be as constant, level and as clear as possible (hence our decision about avatars and sigs and subsequently Smeags' thread), but that is going to be near impossible for the mod team. We can't check every comment, which is why we have the reporting system after all.

In addition, some mods may consider something is worth moderating where another mod may not (hence we have multiple moderators and mod chat for a more balanced team). We do in most cases discuss a possible moderation and come to a group decision; which was the case with your most recent ban. I can't be sure if that was the case with your previous bans, but I find it very hard to believe that it wasn't.

And so, it all boils down to one simple point; "why do you keep being moderated"? From the previous responses in this thread from moderators and other users alike, it should be fairly obvious. You're breaking the rules, plain and simple. You may feel as though you've been mistreated or the victim, and maybe if it was one moderator or one instance, fine. But it's not, it's a definitive pattern. Some other users do question bans when they see them, but I personally message them to clear any issues up and that's the end of that.

What I think is, you've made your point here in this thread. Continuing this will get us absolutely nowhere. If you try and please cut down on the insults or be more civil to other users, then hopefully we won't be having to go near the moderate button again. So how about we leave it at that. Otherwise, we will moderate for spamming this thread. Consider this not only advice, but also a warning.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.