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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Rumour: Wii U release date leak


Will this be the release date?

Yes 9 75.00%
No 2 16.67%

The launch date for Nintendo’s upcoming Wii U console looks set to be 18th November for North America, if rumours are to be believed.

During a presentation at the GameStop managers’ conference in Texas the Wii U launch date was leaked by an employee of PDP, who make gaming accessories. PDP’s community manager went into damage control mode, however, and later denied knowledge of the exact launch date.

It’s likely that we will not know the Wii U’s launch date for certain until Nintendo’s press event in New York on the 13th September. Your friendly neighbourhood Nintendo Life will be attending, so stay tuned for more news at that time.

Until then feel free to speculate, does a November 18 launch seem likely to you?


P.S. this is my first thread how is it?

Around the Network

Considering you just dropped an A-bomb? I'd say you are doing pretty good.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Beat ya to it. :)

spurgeonryan said:
I think it is great! That date is not too bad. But it only gives consumers and Nintendo one week before Mass hysteria happens with Black Friday and Christmas. Will there be enough stock?


superchunk said:

Beat ya to it. :)

Aww, it was his first thread XP

Around the Network
miz1q2w3e said:
superchunk said:

Beat ya to it. :)

Aww, it was his first thread XP

We should lock superchunk's thread then! 

superchunk said:

Beat ya to it. :)

Am I supposed to do something like report it or something? Mine I mean

TheKingofRedLions said:
superchunk said:

Beat ya to it. :)

Am I supposed to do something like report it or something? Mine I mean

Nah, a moderator will probably just lock this thread since it was made after his.  It isn't that big of a deal that you made a duplicate thread.  The only harm would be if you made a lot of duplicate threads in a short time span.

sethnintendo said:
TheKingofRedLions said:
superchunk said:

Beat ya to it. :)

Am I supposed to do something like report it or something? Mine I mean

Nah, a moderator will probably just lock this thread since it was made after his.  It isn't that big of a deal that you made a duplicate thread.  The only harm would be if you made a lot of duplicate threads in a short time span.

Thanks :)

TheKingofRedLions said:
superchunk said:

Beat ya to it. :)

Am I supposed to do something like report it or something? Mine I mean

Under superchunk's post hit Report and it'll automagically lock the thread.

Edit: I'm just kidding.