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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony will be unfairly called copycat again when PS4 arrives

FrancisNobleman said:
Oh, and about kinect back in 2006:

Kinect was originally a project from a Israeli company, which presented the tech to Nintendo in 2007 and they got a "no thank you", and then they presented it to microsoft, which embraced it as the "saviour" against the motion control war.

Nobody in Microsoft or Sony, was thinking in motion controls before the Wii came out. Of course everyone can twist this story.

Sony came out with the Eyetoy which was camera/motion controlled a gen before Nintendo, so yeah. Sony was the first to the dance but as usual their marketing sucked.

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FrancisNobleman said:

That infamous video where someone is using a lollipop and tracking it with the Eye Toy is in no form representative of a motion controller.

I could also do that with a lollipop and a 2$ pc camera, and then draw patterns for the camera to recognize. That's all Sony did. 

After the Wii, they then disclosed they had a "wand" too that detected motion control instead of a pattern drawing lollipop... Seems legit.

yes that's all they did right? Have a working demo of software where you could use the wand and the Eye Toy to have a wizard's duel back in forth in  the year 2000 at siggraph 2000, yes that is so much so after 2001?

after Nintendo saw in a meeting with a company that pitched an idea to Nintendo on motion controls which nintendo started in 2001 with a slide on a canvas from a projector stating what they could do. Yea that is So Sony started after Nintendo!

yea that was SOOOOOOO AFTER Nintendo starting their Motion control Wand..oop's i mean WiiMote



100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

joeorc said:

yes that's all they did right? Have a working demo of software where you could use the wand and the Eye Toy to have a wizard's duel back in forth in  the year 2000 at siggraph 2000, yes that is so much so after 2001?

after Nintendo saw in a meeting with a company that pitched an idea to Nintendo on motion controls which nintendo started in 2001 with a slide on a canvas from a projector stating what they could do. Yea that is So Sony started after Nintendo!

yea that was SOOOOOOO AFTER Nintendo starting their Motion control Wand..oop's i mean WiiMote


He's right though. The wonderbook is just a book. Could it have been a tablet? Maybe.

It's the same thing for the Move. It started out as a wand. Could it become a Wiimote-like controller? Maybe. Was that the original vision of the wand demo? Probably not.

No matter what people say. I believe Nintendo saw Sony's success with the Eyetoy with the casuals and introduction of playing games differently. They made a whole new console out of it.

The Wii is not the same as Eyetoy but the idea is the same, motion controlled gaming.

The revolution would never have been televized if it weren't for the Eyetoy.

You can come up with 90s technology, virtual boy, artificial girl etc all you want, motion gaming became serious with the Eyetoy and the first time it worked good.

Turkish said:
No matter what people say. I believe Nintendo saw Sony's success with the Eyetoy with the casuals and introduction of playing games differently. They made a whole new console out of it.

The Wii is not the same as Eyetoy but the idea is the same, motion controlled gaming.

The revolution would never have been televized if it weren't for the Eyetoy.

You can come up with 90s technology, virtual boy, artificial girl etc all you want, motion gaming became serious with the Eyetoy and the first time it worked good.

PosGamePlatformYearGenrePublisherNorth AmericaEuropeJapanRest of WorldGlobal
1 Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble GB 2000 Puzzle Nintendo 0.29 0.17 0.75 0.02 1.23


PosGamePlatformYearGenrePublisherNorth AmericaEuropeJapanRest of WorldGlobal
2 EyeToy Play PS2 2003 Misc Sony Computer Entertainment 0.88 2.30 0.20 0.83 4.20

Pretty comparable success if I'd say so myself.

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happydolphin said:
joeorc said:

yes that's all they did right? Have a working demo of software where you could use the wand and the Eye Toy to have a wizard's duel back in forth in  the year 2000 at siggraph 2000, yes that is so much so after 2001?

after Nintendo saw in a meeting with a company that pitched an idea to Nintendo on motion controls which nintendo started in 2001 with a slide on a canvas from a projector stating what they could do. Yea that is So Sony started after Nintendo!

yea that was SOOOOOOO AFTER Nintendo starting their Motion control Wand..oop's i mean WiiMote


He's right though. The wonderbook is just a book. Could it have been a tablet? Maybe.

It's the same thing for the Move. It started out as a wand. Could it become a Wiimote-like controller? Maybe. Was that the original vision of the wand demo? Probably not.

The Move is something a little more the Wiimote. Its read through the camera and fully controls 3D space. The Wii mote was the answer to helping Sony realize how to properly control the third dimension.

happydolphin said:

He's right though. The wonderbook is just a book. Could it have been a tablet? Maybe.

It's the same thing for the Move. It started out as a wand. Could it become a Wiimote-like controller? Maybe. Was that the original vision of the wand demo? Probably not.

no it's not the same thing for the Move, the Development for the Move has always been designed as a Wand like device, This was very clear in 1999 to early 2000 when DR. Marks talked about interactive optical camera technology being used in game systems, He talked about this very concept in 2000 Siggraph. and he later showed off the same demo and talked about development's in camera and technology for future game console's. His development over @ Sony Lab's for Motion control methods was based on the best way's to incorperate optical spatial depth control's for interactive Software. He even touched on 3D cameras being used.

it was always a wand type development for control, due to the idea of the sphere being the best way to gather spatial coordinates in a 3d  volume of Area or Space


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

I dont doubt that Nintendo got inspired by Eyetoy, Nintendo probably started working on the Wii in 2004 with all the Eyetoy hype going on back then. As plans matured by time, it became the thing we know as the Wii.


Nice song lol.

it's not copying just because you didn't invent something, or even if a competitor shows something and doesn't really go through with it. Sony, Nintendo, and xbox part of microsoft don't really invent things they market them to the masses. Most of the stuff they market is old technology, or at least very old ideas. There were tablets that ran on DOS long long time ago but apple actually marketed it successfully to the masses.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

What I want Sony to do next gen is bring a device like Leap Motion and integrate it with Vita, 3D and Move use.