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Forums - General Discussion - Nintendo fans have overtaken VGChartz - Who do we assassinate first?


What do we do, Sony fans?

Mass Suicide 50 19.84%
Team up with Microsoft fans 24 9.52%
Convert to Nintendo fans 90 35.71%
Escape VGChartz 19 7.54%
Hide (ala MGS) 5 1.98%
Assassinate the Nintendo fans 31 12.30%
Send spies into the Mod system 6 2.38%
Pray to Yoshida 12 4.76%
Other 14 5.56%
d21lewis said:
oniyide said:
d21lewis said:

While I truly am in favor of all the progress that we, the Nintendo fans, have made thus far; There is still much to do. The sole fact that Jay and other Sony fans have acknowledged our progress towards perfect video game quality is clear evidence that we need to act quickly in order to maintain our growth.

Now, what do I propose? Psychological warfare, at first. Simply outnumbering the Sony fans will not stop them from spreading their twisted, heretical views on how video games should play. An eligible start would be to manipulate the moderation system so that much greater punishments will be given to those who dare to talk bad about the ideal source of gaming entertainment that is Nintendo. Furthermore, when it has become clear to them that their views deserve little to no rights in this united forum, we need to shut down the main source of heresy, namely the Official Playstation Vita Thread. How such a thread, based on deceptive views and lies, could even receive an "Official" status in the first place is beyond me. But now is not the time to look for scapegoats, for glorious progression must never wait.

Know this, fans of the fulsome disgrace known as "Playstation": This is only the beginning. Soon, you will all bow down to Nintendo and all its glory! It is only a matter of time before all of your corrupted views will be banished from this site, and peace will once again reign in this universe of gaming.

A speech that will go down in history as one of the greatest--just like that speech from Braveheart or some other speech that I can't remember right now.  The point is, you have my support!  Down with the Official Vita Thread!!

For the record, I bought the Vita to infiltrate their ranks, just as we planned.  I'll begin spreading the poison from the inside.....

i hope that 250 plus purchase was worth it. DId you get the Vita version of MGS collection as well?

Dude, I blew over a $1000 on my Vita so far.  When I go undercover, I erase all doubt.

$300 3G Vita, $100 32GB memory card, $20 carrying case, about eight full retail games, a slew of PSP games that I went back and bought just for the Vita, repurchased Peace Walker and Jeanne D'Arc even though I owned them on PSP,  some Vita downloadable titles,  and some movies.  Yeah, it was expensive but it's worth giving all of my money to Sony to help them fail.

LOL, thats screams more like a SOny fan to me. Hell I didnt even buy eight retail games or a damn carry case. I would love to know what you did for 3ds

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Serious_frusting said:
DanneSandin said:

(the darkside being Nintend00m)

You're doing it wrong. The Dark side was always Playstation. 

With all the "Nintendo is d00med" that's always is going on, I just figured we were the dark side :P the one 3rd parties shun from and made MSony tremble before the might that was is Wii!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

oniyide said:
d21lewis said:
oniyide said:
d21lewis said:

While I truly am in favor of all the progress that we, the Nintendo fans, have made thus far; There is still much to do. The sole fact that Jay and other Sony fans have acknowledged our progress towards perfect video game quality is clear evidence that we need to act quickly in order to maintain our growth.

Now, what do I propose? Psychological warfare, at first. Simply outnumbering the Sony fans will not stop them from spreading their twisted, heretical views on how video games should play. An eligible start would be to manipulate the moderation system so that much greater punishments will be given to those who dare to talk bad about the ideal source of gaming entertainment that is Nintendo. Furthermore, when it has become clear to them that their views deserve little to no rights in this united forum, we need to shut down the main source of heresy, namely the Official Playstation Vita Thread. How such a thread, based on deceptive views and lies, could even receive an "Official" status in the first place is beyond me. But now is not the time to look for scapegoats, for glorious progression must never wait.

Know this, fans of the fulsome disgrace known as "Playstation": This is only the beginning. Soon, you will all bow down to Nintendo and all its glory! It is only a matter of time before all of your corrupted views will be banished from this site, and peace will once again reign in this universe of gaming.

A speech that will go down in history as one of the greatest--just like that speech from Braveheart or some other speech that I can't remember right now.  The point is, you have my support!  Down with the Official Vita Thread!!

For the record, I bought the Vita to infiltrate their ranks, just as we planned.  I'll begin spreading the poison from the inside.....

i hope that 250 plus purchase was worth it. DId you get the Vita version of MGS collection as well?

Dude, I blew over a $1000 on my Vita so far.  When I go undercover, I erase all doubt.

$300 3G Vita, $100 32GB memory card, $20 carrying case, about eight full retail games, a slew of PSP games that I went back and bought just for the Vita, repurchased Peace Walker and Jeanne D'Arc even though I owned them on PSP,  some Vita downloadable titles,  and some movies.  Yeah, it was expensive but it's worth giving all of my money to Sony to help them fail.

LOL, thats screams more like a SOny fan to me. Hell I didnt even buy eight retail games or a damn carry case. I would love to know what you did for 3ds

3DS is MUCH worse.  I've got a carrying case for retail games and I actually have more retail games than it can hold.  I also bought a leather case for my 3DS, an extra charger, the Circle Pad Pro, some DS games I was putting off, and a special grip.  My 3DS collection dwarfs my Vita collection!  I even got my kid a 3DS and she has her own library and probably 10 downloaded titles of her own.  The difference is that I give Nintendo my money out of love and I give Sony my money out of spite.

d21lewis said:

3DS is MUCH worse.  I've got a carrying case for retail games and I actually have more retail games than it can hold.  I also bought a leather case for my 3DS, an extra charger, the Circle Pad Pro, some DS games I was putting off, and a special grip.  My 3DS collection dwarfs my Vita collection!  I even got my kid a 3DS and she has her own library and probably 10 downloaded titles of her own.  The difference is that I give Nintendo my money out of love and I give Sony my money out of spite.

You're cover is blown. Having the wanted posters printed out right now.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

Chark said:
The enemy is many and they are primed for the attack, but we can't stand idly by and wait for our end. The PS4 reinforcements won't arrive soon enough. A year? Two? The battle could be lost before it began. We must hold out, and hold strong. Use what weapons we have available. Every Sony fan, young and old, must take arms and buy a PS Vita to bolster our forces. Don't want one? Too bad! Don't have the money? Get a second job! Hasn't stopped us before. The Official Vita thread shall be our stronghold and from there we will hold our ground. Dark days are upon us but we shall remain steadfast. For PlayStation! For Michael! Long. Live. Play.

*chanting from the crowd*
Long. Live. Play. Long. Live. Play. Long. Live. Play. Long. Live. Play. Long. Live. Play.

Fools! Imbeciles! If you will not give up your diluted heretical views, you shall ALL perish before our might! There will be no mercy for those who dare to question or even neglect The Videogame Company!


Excellent, d21lewis. Not only your family, but our entire congregation shall praise your glorious efforts towards infinite purity and wisdom. Have faith, and go forth.

Around the Network
Chark said:
d21lewis said:

3DS is MUCH worse.  I've got a carrying case for retail games and I actually have more retail games than it can hold.  I also bought a leather case for my 3DS, an extra charger, the Circle Pad Pro, some DS games I was putting off, and a special grip.  My 3DS collection dwarfs my Vita collection!  I even got my kid a 3DS and she has her own library and probably 10 downloaded titles of her own.  The difference is that I give Nintendo my money out of love and I give Sony my money out of spite.

You're cover is blown. Having the wanted posters printed out right now.

What do you mean?  I'm as loyal as they come!  My GF was on VGChartz while I was in the bathroom.  She's gone now.  She's a goddam Nintendo loyalist.

IIIIITHE1IIII!  Code Albatros!  Code Albatros!!  The mustard is off of the hot dog.  I repeat THE MUSTARD IS OFF OF THE HOTDOD! I need an evac!  I'm in the Vita thread as we speak but they're on to me!!  Get me outta here!

Everyone needs a plumber in its life

Nintendo fans never lost control? I'm still in 2007 bro.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

How is this possible? My trusted source assured me that all support of that thread were still under heavy reconstruction following the recent Dreamcast comparison disaster.

Transport accompanied by two heavily trained pro-Nintendo moderators will be sent immediately. Fear not, for this is not a loss. This is merely a delay in our quest towards final victory.

Its time I start making threads again and unite the remnants of Sony fans.