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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global Hardware + Software up! Week Ending Aug. 18th! - New Super Darksiders 2!

wow xbox sold 100,000. good for August!!

but Sleeping Dogs should of sold better than 300,000 copies (ps3 & x360). It's an amazing game
I'm suprised NSMB2 didn't do better but then it will probably sell for years
Darksiders II had a respectable opening though

Can't wait to see sales improve though (guess the recession is biting quite hard on sales now)

Xbox One, PS4 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch will sell better than Wii U Lifetime Sales by Jan 1st 2018

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Bad first week sales for Darksiders 2 and Sleeping Dogs .

This is not good for THQ and the rest.

Man when was the last time we saw solid EU numbers for a console... next week 3DS > 300k WW

NSMB2 did pretty good considering the numbers are for 18th of august, which means Euro numbers for the game are one day only. Both it and 3DSxl gave the 3DS in Europe respectable numbers now.
Let's how high it soars when the US numbers are added!

Darksiders II mediocre, maybe everyone's waiting for the WiiU version ...

Vita... Well no need to bash it further. Sony really needs to reconsider what to do with it, at this rate it will be lucky to ever reach 15-20 million sales. Let's hope it can somehow miraculously pick up in the holidays.

Wish Sleeping Dogs were a little higher. Good dev team behind it, seems like a solid game. I suppose based on the amount of marketing it got, the numbers are probably decent. Been seeing a few adverts on youtube for it recently.

Darksiders, not too bad. Could be better though. Was made before Jason Rubin had time to change anything at THQ I guess. Hope it turns a profit for them.  I have seen a lot of adverts for this one!

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This numbers cover up until the 18th of August right? The Last story was released in America on the 16th wasn't it? at least in my hometown, so that means that TLS only shows 3 days of sales here, maybe the numbers will be better next week no?

300k for Darksiders2 with 4 days of sale, not including PC or digital download and the WiiU version still waiting... I'd say it's pretty good! We'll know more next week. It'll easily hit 1m before x-mas.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

I'm really not sure what to make of the Darksiders numbers, they could be a lot worse, but don't THQ need better and for a sequel as well they surely hoped it would sell more :(

okay-ish starts.
I miss the holidays :'(

the_dengle said:
oniyide said:

Tell that to Ni No Kuni developers, that games visuals blows away Xenoblades and i pretty sure its not hurting their wallet. Hell tell that to just about anyone who made a JRPG for PS3. You really dont need to max out PS3s power to get a game that looks good, you sure as hell dont need to make it out to blow away anything on the Wii, thats not a jab at the WIi it just is what it is. For comparison's sake look at Sonic Colors versus Generations. Generations blows it away and its not even get close to what PS3 can do

Geez dude, it's irrelevant. Monolith Soft is a Nintendo dev team. NINTENDO MADE XENOBLADE, and what's more, they made it over two years ago. Under no circumstances could it possibly have been developed for PS3.

The Last Story wasn't developed by Nintendo, but it was published by them in Japan and Europe. If you want to know why PS3 isn't getting awesome JRPGs like these, maybe you should ask Sony why they aren't offering support to smaller developers like Mistwalker.


On-topic, New Super 2 fulfills its destiny by becoming 3DS's sixth million-seller. I wonder what will be seventh? Kingdom Hearts has the most momentum right now, but seems like it's going to fade and won't hit a million until the holidays. DQM got pretty close, but its sales have slowed a lot. Pokémon Rumble and Kid Icarus will probably both get a Holiday boost to a million. It could to be a tight race.

Also: did anyone else notice that Vita's American sales were lower than its Japanese sales this week? I know it's mostly because of Obon, but still... Now it's Europe > Japan > America, and all three are awful. Yikes, Sony...

i know that, cause i actually have the game, im arguing that the game couldnt be done on a more powerful system without costing them time and money, which is flat out false, as has proven by dozens of games released on said consoles