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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Windows 8 Is Not Good For Gamers

kowenicki said:
HappySqurriel said:
It sounds more like Microsoft's (long standing) insistence that the UI has to be heavily integrated with the operating system is now causing a lot of problems ...

If Windows followed a design more like a *nix system, they could have had several different front ends for different platforms; and even have different user interfaces for differen kinds of users.

There is a reason for it.  They want a cross platform uniformity and familiarity.  You cant do that by allowing carte blanche.

I'm not sure what the problem is here.  If people dont like it then dont get it.  Stick with 7.


Well, the approach in general has always caused a lot of problems ...

You get a less stable and secure system that is a resource hog by building the operating system as one gigantic monolith.

Now I understand wanting to have a consistent user experience, but I don't think it is a good idea to take it to this extreme. It is one thing to re-use metaphors across platforms it is another thing to ignore the strengths of a user interface of one platform to maintain consistency.

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So why are you people defending "Windows 8 plays PC games" claim ,when non of you actually play on PC?
have any of you know about compatibility issues and the such? , I've not used/tried Windows 8 myself, but that's what I am worried of, from what I read (from actual PC Gamers) that it has so many issues.

Edit : and the writer is a PC gamer, she's been a PC gamer since the old days of Counter Strike.

Edit 2 : and yes, developers moving into Linux is actually a good thing, Linux is a great platform , I might as well say the best, since it is community based, but it lacks developer support, so seeing as IF microsoft doesn't really like PC gaming, then might as well move to Linux.

PullusPardus said:
So why are you people defending "Windows 8 plays PC games" claim ,when non of you actually play on PC?
have any of you know about compatibility issues and the such? , I've not used/tried Windows 8 myself, but that's what I am worried of, from what I read (from actual PC Gamers) that it has so many issues.

Why do you think I don't play games on PC?

Granted I have no intention of getting Windows 8 for a few years, but that's really because I don't plan on getting a new PC or tablet anytime soon.  

As for gaming on PC, I play PC games most every day at lunch (been on a Civ5 and Skyrim kick and today I'll probably start Spec Ops: The Line).  It's true I like PC gaming the least, but doesn't mean I don't game on it.

twesterm said:
PullusPardus said:
So why are you people defending "Windows 8 plays PC games" claim ,when non of you actually play on PC?
have any of you know about compatibility issues and the such? , I've not used/tried Windows 8 myself, but that's what I am worried of, from what I read (from actual PC Gamers) that it has so many issues.

Why do you think I don't play games on PC?

Why do you think that was directed to only you?

PullusPardus said:
twesterm said:
PullusPardus said:
So why are you people defending "Windows 8 plays PC games" claim ,when non of you actually play on PC?
have any of you know about compatibility issues and the such? , I've not used/tried Windows 8 myself, but that's what I am worried of, from what I read (from actual PC Gamers) that it has so many issues.

Why do you think I don't play games on PC?

Why do you think that was directed to only you?

People is plural so I have to assume you meant everyone against the article.  

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pezus said:
Imaginedvl said:
So... In short Windows 8 is bad for gaming because it takes few more seconds to launch?

Also ironically, Steam may actually be a very good solution for those who find this "unacceptable". Just pin your Steam app on the front page and use it to launch your games.

Looks like you didn't read it.

I actually did. But I only commented to the first point because to me it was the most ridiculous point of this claim about Windows 8 being not good for gamers. (seeing what your friends is doing and "being confused" about that is the second one )

But I have to agree that "in short" was inplying the whole article :) 

As far as the other "reasons" (from the article or from Valve's guy), Twesterm and others have already commented and I do not think I need to add anything to that as I'm agreeing with them.

I think the biggest take away concern is that Microsoft is looking to close up their OS platform, impart more regulations on development, and ultimately squeeze control. Steam looking to Linux is not a good sign. Maybe it's not what it looks like and it turns out well but if they are trying to run Windows like they run the 360 I'd be concerned. Windows has always been the OS of choice that does everything, if they start locking up their enviroment people will start to flock to Linux and Unix or never upgrade from W7.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

Did you even read the whole thread before to post that? I replied to Pezzus and your response is just proving that you effectively did not read anything past my last post. Show some respect when someone is admiting his mistake (esp. just a wording one as I effectively read the whole article)... 

Here was my response:

I actually did. But I only commented to the first point because to me it was the most ridiculous point of this claim about Windows 8 being not good for gamers. (seeing what your friends is doing and "being confused" about that is the second one )

But I have to agree that "in short" was inplying the whole article :)

As far as the other "reasons" (from the article or from Valve's guy), Twesterm and others have already commented and I do not think I need to add anything to that as I'm agreeing with them.

CGI-Quality said:
Imaginedvl said:

Did you even read the whole thread before to post that? I replied to Pezzus and your response is just proving that you effectively did not read anything past my last post. Show some respect when someone is admiting his mistake (esp. just a wording one as I effectively read the whole article)... 

Here was my response:


I actually did. But I only commented to the first point because to me it was the most ridiculous point of this claim about Windows 8 being not good for gamers. (seeing what your friends is doing and "being confused" about that is the second one )

But I have to agree that "in short" was inplying the whole article :)

As far as the other "reasons" (from the article or from Valve's guy), Twesterm and others have already commented and I do not think I need to add anything to that as I'm agreeing with them.


I'd advise taking a breather. Really wasn't that serious (specified by the words: "In all seriousness").

ahah :) It is alright dude, do not worry I'm not pissed off or anything else But as I took the time to explain myself, you are just discrediting me and completly ignoring my response (as it clearly show that I did read it) by doing that; it is just a bit sad I guess.

All I take from the article is that Windows 8 is different, but at least it is backwards compatible. New programs/aps will need to be made that integrate better into the new environment.

The thing I wonder, will I be able to have multiple windows visible on my screen at the same time, or will I be limited to everything full screen. I like to have a video on one side of my screen and my work on the other side... Will this still work???