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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Wii U Conference Thread - WII U = 11/18 - $299.99 ($349.99 Premium)! MoHun 3 Ultimate coming in March!!! :D Bayonetta 2 Wii U exclusive!!

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Is your body ready!? Have you purchased your hype train tix yet!?

Hell the fuck Yeah!!! 256 72.73%
I'm still skeptical... 92 26.14%

I'm interested. Very interested thanks to Viper1's post on the fact that the conference or whatever that's taking place on Sept. 13 will be about people who owns other consoles besides the Wii. That's the only post in this thread that got me excited.

I'm still not ENTIRELY sold on this WiiU thing yet, but after the 13th of Sept. maybe Nintendo will shed some light on the situation.

Generation 8 Predictions so far.....(as of 9/2013)

Console that will sell most: Nintendo Wii U

Who will sell more consoles between Microsoft/SONY: SONY


Around the Network

Smeags!!! Why?!?!?!

@TomaTito: I'm with kenology, I'm not in the hype train as well...
I'll admit, I wasn't here on the last E3 (shame). ,-_-,

 And proud member of the Mega Mario Movement!
DanneSandin said:
Snesboy said:
This has been the best hype thread I've ever seen on VGChartz.

foh realz? Ó.õ


@OP Here is my ticket :D


only five more days, going to pre order through Amazon as soon as its up.

I so be aboard this train of hype...

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

Around the Network
Viper1 said:
DélioPT said:
Viper1, if you don`t mind, anything you can share on how 3rd parties are seeing Wii U as a viable platform or if support for the console is in good numbers and of value?

Is there anything you can say that won`t hurt you?

Wii U > Wii

By a long shot.

This makes me smile...  :)

5 days left!

Can someone put me on the train, please?


              Here's my ticket!!!




Ah, yes! Mustn't forget my ticket!

My body is Reggie. Good to see the train of hype return.

Must. Know. Secret. Game.

Yes. - contribute your stuff... satire, comics, ideas, debate, stupidy stupid etc.