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Forums - Gaming Discussion - You know what? I don't think you're hardcore at all.

NiKKoM said:
Ow btw Child Protection Services wants to know why your 11 year old is playing 16+ games.... >_>

ESRB Ratings mean nothing to no one anymore, you should know that!

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d21lewis said:

Why?  Because you don't like Nintendo games or XBLA games because they look like they appeal to little kids.  "Leave the Mario games to the kiddies and the four year olds", you say.  Meanwhile, you play your Gears of Wars and your Halos and your so-called mature games and feel quite proud of yourselves.

I have a daughter that just turned 11 years old.  Yeah, I'm a terrible father.  Sue me.  That doesn't change the fact that, she has PLOWED through games like Halo Reach/Halo 3/Anniversary Gears of War 2 and 3, Saints Row 2 and 3, Resident Evil 5, Gravity Rush, Bully, etc. and can actually hold her own in games like Call of Duty Black Ops online. 

"So what, d21lewis?", you say.  "Maybe she's just good at gaming.  Girls these days are as good as boys."

"No.", I respond.  "Not at all."

You see, she's great at games that push you through them.  She's great at games that hold your hand and don't really require much skill.  Yeah, she's beaten a few games like Little Big Planet and Gravity Rush but for the most part, she's actually pretty bad.  Try as she might, she can't get very far in games like Mario Galaxy, Braid, Peggle (which blows my mind since that's like mandatory in my house), Pikmin 2 (which she LOVES), any RPG, Mario Kart, and any niumber of games that require some sort of skill curve.

So next time you're thinking of how awesome and hardcore you are after you defeated the giant enemy crab at the end of "Slaughterhouse 4:  The Wrath of Blood", just remember that you didn't do shit.  You basically held a controller while playing a game that an 11 year old girl can destroy.  Play through New Super Mario Bros. Wii.  Then, we can talk.

You pussy.

*We just got Sleeping Dogs today.  I promise you she'll see the end credits in a week or two*

Awesome read.

I think the same way.   Why is COD hardcore but Mario is not?  Mario is harder.  And if you argue that COD is hard because its about the multiplayer experience ... well then think again.

CODs MP is not really hardcore why would it be? Is it hardcore because you have to get better and learn and get some skill to stand a chance? This is because of other players not because of the game. You could also play stuff like Wii sports in competitive mode and if you would try you would always find someone better than you are.  Just because it has no  D*CKSIZE comparing ranking system doesnt make the game less competitive nor does it make the game less hardcore.

If you would try you could also go outside and try to find someone whos fart is louder than yours  would this also be hardcore?

And btw Mario was hardcore before most of the little kids that call it childish and not hardcore were born and long before first person shooters existed. 

NiKKoM said:
Ow btw Child Protection Services wants to know why your 11 year old is playing 16+ games.... >_>

Did I say MY child?  What I meant to say was, "My, that child sure does play a lot of video games....."  I don't know whose kid that is!

In all seriousness, I'm usually there beside her and often times, I'm her co-op partner.  Yeah, there's been a few games (for example LA Noire and Red Dead Redemption) where I'd see something that goes outside of what I think is okay.  When that happens, I turn the game off and forbid her to play them.  I usually don't have much of a problem with video game violence.  And she's watched enough South Park and Family Guy to where I can sense when a joke is going over her head or if it's something a little too adult for her to see/hear.

I hope Sleeping Dogs doesn't have any surprises.  She was looking forward to that game and I'm not going to start playing until she gets home in an hour or two.  It's actually pretty awesome.   I fire up the console and she grabs a bunch of teddy bears and blankets and watches me play.  Then, she starts her own file--sometimes beating a game before I do (Saints Row 3 for example.......really shouldn't have let her play that one, though!).

All right, all right, I guess we need a like button.

That story is fantastic

yeah dood you are a terrible father !

gloatin your 11 yo plays mature games ? the hell is wrong with people these days

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100% in Donkey Kong Country Returns! Now that game is hardcore, the hardest game in the series. Some day i might try to get to 200%, but I'm scared!

WiiU Network ID:  the_Ultros

PSN: Anthaleigh

Xbxox Live:  campblood1980

For PS+, I got Costume Quest for free. I haven't played it yet because it looks kind of childish. But you know what, I'm gonna play the shit out of that game now!

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

This whole thread came about because of this exchange:

*sees Sleeping Dogs on TV*

Daughter: Dad, I think you should get that game.
Me: Why? So you can beat up innocent people like you did in Grand Theft Auto, or Saints Row, or The Saboteur, or Bully, or The Simpsons Game, or inFamous, or Halo?
Her: Dad, there was an achievement for shooting those ostriches.
Me: (not being serious) no, I don't think we need that game.
Her: (like a kitten) Meow, meow, meow
Me: Okay. I'll get it tomorrow.

*starts thinking* Damn, I let this kid play a lot of hardcore games.........I should make a thread.

DigitalDevilSummoner said:
yeah dood you are a terrible father !

gloatin your 11 yo plays mature games ? the hell is wrong with people these days

You're welcome!!

(translation: Your opinion means nothing to me because I'm awesome.)

You're so right.