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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - More news that next Xbox may be a modified Windows 8 PC

The Future Post

Italian site WindowsBlogItalia has uncovered two strings inside the leaked version of Windows 8. The two phrases XBOX_360_SYSTEM_CRASH andXBOX_360_SYSTEM_CRASH_RESERVED are seen in the ntoskrnl.exe file which provides the kernel and executive layers of the Windows NT (and above) kernel space, and is responsible for various system services such as hardware virtualization, process and memory management, etc. The blog notes that these error codes are not present in any previous version of Windows.

A summary of previous discovered include the sale of an alleged Durango Alpha Tower on eBay which was said to be a development kit for the next-gen Xbox, and was eventually sold for $20,100. The seller also included C+ screens of the kit’s software core, including an App packaging and deployment component (Package.appxmanifest), and a CoreApplication class exit method (Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::CoreApplication::Exit()­).

With all this is mind, it does add some support to the possibility that the next Xbox could be using the SKU of Windows 8, and even Steve Ballmer himself made the general statement saying that Windows 8 makes for a great gaming system. Let’s see where this goes.

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Anyone who doesn't think neXtBox will be running a win8 flavor is crazy. neXtBox is what Win Media Center never became.

Really, why wouldn't it be?

Seems like it'd be wasteful otherwise.

Makes sense since M$ is focusing on connecting as many home devices as they can. Why would they bother creating a completely separate OS for the Nextbox that wouldn't be fully compatible with other multimedia devices?

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

I would be shocked if they go this route as i doubt the memory footprint for windows 8 would be suited for a console. i would imagine they might use a vastly modified and optimised kernel based on windows 8 at best.

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slowmo said:
I would be shocked if they go this route as i doubt the memory footprint for windows 8 would be suited for a console. i would imagine they might use a vastly modified and optimised kernel based on windows 8 at best.

I agree, but it'll likely still use the same kernel, which is basically what this article is proposing if not confirming.  The Xbox 360 ran on a heavily modified version of Windows XP Embedded, if I'm not mistaken, and the original Xbox ran on divergent version of Windows NT specifically created for the console.

As others have said before, it seems fairly understandable that Windows 8 would be the basis for the next Xbox's OS.

wtf?did this website know it's super old news?it's about Win8's Xbox Live

Xbox 2 used a modified Windows 2000 kernel.
Xbox 3 uses the Windows 8 kernel.

Not surprising.


At least they can "sell" win8 with every xbox now. I mean seriously Ive never even heard about a person that likes Win8 everyone hates it. I also downloaded the preview/beta versions and its total shit. But the PC users they lose get replaced with console users.

At least its a smart move to help consolero's to get in touch with PC and vice versa they remove the issue of learning how to use different devices by making phones PCs and consoles run Win8. (of course Im talking about the less experiences people here not the average tech guy)

JazzB1987 said:
At least they can "sell" win8 with every xbox now. I mean seriously Ive never even heard about a person that likes Win8 everyone hates it. I also downloaded the preview/beta versions and its total shit. But the PC users they lose get replaced with console users.

At least its a smart move to help consolero's to get in touch with PC and vice versa they remove the issue of learning how to use different devices by making phones PCs and consoles run Win8. (of course Im talking about the less experiences people here not the average tech guy)

can't you just read the thread first?