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Forums - Movies & TV - Top Movies of the 90's elimination thread! ~Voting is over. Pulp Fiction won the 90's according to Vgchart voters!

+ 12 Monkeys

- Heat

Around the Network

+ American Beauty
- Leon: The Professional

@ Ryan : thanks for the list of the dead movies.

I'm running out of bad movies to downvote... from the ones I've seen at least.

+ Jurassic Park
- Aladdin

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

+ American Beauty
- The Lion King

+ Leon: The Professional

- American Beauty

Around the Network

-The Crying Game

+ Goldeneye
- Leon: The Professional

+ Princess Monoke
- Howards end

+ American Beauty
- What about Bob?

+ The Big Lebowski
- Three Kings (if gone, then Eyes Wide Shut)