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Forums - Sony Discussion - Soul Sacrifice Official Thread! Prepare to be sacrificed... ( 3 free DLC packs detailed )

man the treefiend makes the Cerberus fight ridiculously easier!!!

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the Cerb fight is easy as long as ur party are smart

but friendly knockback is important, if they got rid of it the difficulty would drop a ton

Wait, how do you fuse spells? Its the first time I read about this, what I am missing?!

3DS FC :  4339 - 3326 - 7693. Add me :) Nickname Tin

press R iirc when in the spell setup menu, it shows a list of spells you can make and whats required. this list will obviously grow much larger in the final product

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SS sequel is in the works. ^^

“I’m interested in making other console games for PlayStation, not just for the Vita,” Inafune said. “Soul Sacrifice is something I specifically designed for Vita using [the] hardware’s specific features. To drive Vita sales even more, I have an idea for a Soul Sacrifice sequel. I’m actually approaching [Sony Computer Entertainment] regarding this project.”

He concluded: “Let’s say the talks are ongoing and I’d love to make it happen.”

Chev, ktay: y'all are both online right now, wanna play?

the room still up? i keep getn errors

sorry, took the room down since there was no action for a while

i gotta head to bed. maybe tomorrow?