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Forums - Sony Discussion - Soul Sacrifice Official Thread! Prepare to be sacrificed... ( 3 free DLC packs detailed )

NesFe said:

i tried beating the Cerburus on my own using this method, but He just doesn't freeze from 2 hits(SnowRoot tri), even though I'm 13Magic/7life and the player in the vid has 11life/9Magic. I used the fruit to increase my attack and I'm also using sigils to increase Magic/attack it takes me 4-5 hits to freeze him for me.

Has anyone else tried this ?

Also, there are bigger areas in the game as far as I can tell. You can youtube the phoenix battle and check the area out.

He might be using that 35%+ freeze sigil?

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Chevinator123 said:
NesFe said:

i tried beating the Cerburus on my own using this method, but He just doesn't freeze from 2 hits(SnowRoot tri), even though I'm 13Magic/7life and the player in the vid has 11life/9Magic. I used the fruit to increase my attack and I'm also using sigils to increase Magic/attack it takes me 4-5 hits to freeze him for me.

Has anyone else tried this ?

Also, there are bigger areas in the game as far as I can tell. You can youtube the phoenix battle and check the area out.

He might be using that 35%+ freeze sigil?

Hmm, maybe.Do you know how would I be able to obtain the 35% freeze Sigil ?

NesFe said:
Chevinator123 said:
NesFe said:

i tried beating the Cerburus on my own using this method, but He just doesn't freeze from 2 hits(SnowRoot tri), even though I'm 13Magic/7life and the player in the vid has 11life/9Magic. I used the fruit to increase my attack and I'm also using sigils to increase Magic/attack it takes me 4-5 hits to freeze him for me.

Has anyone else tried this ?

Also, there are bigger areas in the game as far as I can tell. You can youtube the phoenix battle and check the area out.

He might be using that 35%+ freeze sigil?

Hmm, maybe.Do you know how would I be able to obtain the 35% freeze Sigil ?

I have it, but i totaly forgot how to get sorry, btw its actually 20%+ and another 10% if you have holy arm 2

That's okay. Thanks anyways.

Also,I just read over at gamefaqs that the US demo has the updated patch. Bosses can't be locked in Freeze/Burn/Poison etc.. easily anymore. The first time its X requirement to Poison/Sleep/Freeze etc...The second time, it will require more, the third even more, and so on.

So, probably the method in the video (from JP demo) doesn't work anymore.

Out of curiosity, a question for the people who are running out of offerings, what "level" are you offerings (the number of stars next to them)? Also, are you using the offerings completely (i.e. using them for the full time if it's a duration based weapon) or are you switching them out before their duration is over? I'm just curious how people are running out of offerings when I've had little to no trouble in that department myself.

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i have3 stars on almost everything but i run out quick becuase i spam my spells to try and lock them up quickly

Chev can you add me on psn. mine is ktay95, i dont think ive seen anyone else on here know as more than me about the game

anyine else whos getting the game add me to plz

ktay95 said:
i have3 stars on almost everything but i run out quick becuase i spam my spells to try and lock them up quickly

Chev can you add me on psn. mine is ktay95, i dont think ive seen anyone else on here know as more than me about the game

anyine else whos getting the game add me to plz


I hope when you transfer the save over to the full game all you're trophy progress also gets transferd, i probs would have unlocked a few already

Chevinator123 said:

Iv been testing out a pure blood build with all healing spells, and i think it's actually doing alot of damage. it sucks that you cant really see how much you're doing.

all you need to do is circle around the enemy and just spam it, then run to the side and heal. For an idea on how much damage it's doing It takes 3 casts(hold) to kill one of those fat ghoul things in the cerberus battle with 4 party group. (i do use +50% dmg -25%def sigil)---     When usually it takes Snowtree rootx2(freeze) Spear fragmentx1(critical explode) then another snowtree rootx2(freeze) Spear fragmentx1(critical explode) to kill it.

The regenesis seed isnt enough healing to outdo the damage, but it does help. you still need to go off to the side and do a healing bloom every now and then.

Also try not to get hit at all, because thatll set you back ALOT cause ull need to run off again and heal


btw This is my usual cerberus setup

Btw i recommend going back to that single player quest when u need to kill that lady companion boss, and farm the stoneaxe edge spell for the cerberus battle (you need legendary rank to get it and u need barely unscathed bonus OR unscathed AND quick quest to get legendary ranking)

also guys id highly recommend the spell "stormbird pinion" (cerberus reward) what it does is it like makes you into a rocket and you repeatedly fly into the enemy (3times per 1 cast) doing damage, it actually does alot of damage based off the description. BUT that's not the reason i actually use it, i use it as a evasion move. basically when you cast it you become invulnerable for like 6 seconds (it sometimes(5%) buggs and you get hit from the charge move) but its really great for the cerberus move where he stabs the sword into the ground, just before he gets the spell off use the spell on him and it'll miss you 100% guaranteed.

That's some good advice man..thanks. 

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How do you get legendary status battling Sortiara? I whoop her a$$ in 48 seconds (Godspeed), but only end up getting first class sorcerer. I use the frostblade thing only. Does it matter how many of these blue "wells" I pick up during the fight? I haven't got a single stoneaxe edge and it seems that without it I can only dream about taking Cerberus on :(

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