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Forums - Sony Discussion - Soul Sacrifice Official Thread! Prepare to be sacrificed... ( 3 free DLC packs detailed )

Gehirnkrampf said:
Chandler said:

I just beat the demo and I feel that this game might be too simplistic to cater to the monster hunter audience. Am I right in my assessment that there is no gearing up at all besides getting new magic? Also, are the only "stats" magic(attack) and life/defense?


I don't know, in terms of complexity it feels more like a better looking earth defense force than a monster hunter rival to me.

afaik there are seals to equip. 5 slots, but i don't know if they directly increase stats or improve several types of spells. but it's a equivalent to usual gear, imho.

I filed seals under passive magic since it doesn't really change how your character looks. I suppose there could be new "armor" unlocks (without stats, just new skins) for progressing in the game. Or there could be the bad case with new armor (skins) being sold as paid DLC like Little Big Planet or LoL. I'm just not very fond of my character looking the exact same from level 1/1 to level 1+x/99-x; 0<=x<=98.

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

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in the full game iirc there is more outfits and colors to unlock, the arm seals are like armor just without graphic change.

I knew thiz was going to be good, however I didn't expected to be THIS good! The gameplay is fast and addictive, was expecting something slower ala MH.

how far in are you Raf, id u want to play online sometime just invite me to a game or msg me on psn

ktay95 said:
how far in are you Raf, id u want to play online sometime just invite me to a game or msg me on psn

Will start chapter 4 today, I have little free time but as soon as I can play online I will talk to you :)

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Well.. I already have 100 friends (SONY MAKE IT 500 AT LEAST) so I can add anyone... but those that Already have me as friend hit me up later for some party chat and SS Demo running ^^ my ID is DemoniOtaku


DoYou Want DOZENS OF NO GAEMZ?! then... Visit the Official PlayStation Vita Tread

lol i went to add u until i saw a max list :(

Can anyone in here can tell the strategy and gear I should use in order to kill the Cerberus please? It is driving me nuts.

Also to which element the harpy is vulnerable? The first time I defeated her in 3 mins, but dont remember the gear I was using. But the next time it took me 20mins LMAO!

Harpy is weak to fire, as for Cerberus i wish i could help but im like 1 and 8 against him so i too am hopeless (or my team mates, yeah lets blame them)

I've been able to take down Cerberus a few times.

I think (not sure) he is weak to stone.
Also, having a shield when he charges stuns him temporarily (ala Jack o' Lantern).

He takes a bit of time but isn't too hard with a good team. I was level 6/6 first time I took him down (with a team, no one over level 10 on anything).