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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Darksiders 2 studio hits out at "derogatory", "frustrating" Zelda comparisons

lol so according to nintendo fans this game is a copy of zelda now?... soon a dev won't be able to release a game without these ridiculous claims being leveled at it by nintendo fans

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o_O.Q said:
lol so according to nintendo fans this game is a copy of zelda now?... soon a dev won't be able to release a game without these ridiculous claims being leveled at it by nintendo fans

Well to be fair the first game did straight up use the Zelda dungeon structure, so it's understandable that the comparisons would be made.

But they did it all with their own flavour especially with artstyle, tone, setting, and combat (which takes elements from games like God of War/DMC). And Darksiders 2 adds some Diablo/Borderlands elements. They do copy elements from other games and remix them so it would be more acurate to say it was inspired by other games. But then again everything takes elements from things that came before. 

The problem is when the fans of other games write Darksiders off as it's own game, that I don't understand. I mean it's not like it's a carbon copy or anything.

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zarx said:
o_O.Q said:
lol so according to nintendo fans this game is a copy of zelda now?... soon a dev won't be able to release a game without these ridiculous claims being leveled at it by nintendo fans

Well to be fair the first game did straight up use the Zelda dungeon structure, so it's understandable that the comparisons would be made.

But they did it all with their own flavour especially with artstyle, tone, setting, and combat (which takes elements from games like God of War/DMC). And Darksiders 2 adds some Diablo/Borderlands elements. They do copy elements from other games and remix them so it would be more acurate to say it was inspired by other games. But then again everything takes elements from things that came before. 

The problem is when the fans of other games write Darksiders off as it's own game, that I don't understand. I mean it's not like it's a carbon copy or anything.

i agree even the original zelda games took elements from other games

I played a little bit of the original Darksiders game and never once did I ever think of Zelda. I personally thought it was a hack n slash more along the lines of Devil May Cry or God Of War. And this is coming from a Nintendo fan that has played a LOT of Zelda.

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Sal.Paradise said:
Luckily, their newest game is better than the newest Zelda, so they can feel good about it.

No offence to Vigil, but there is no chances in hell.


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Take the best out of God of War, Zelda, add some Portal and Metroid, in a comics setup, and you have Darksiders.

What's wrong with that ? The game is excellent.

If every game where you pick up a sword out of a chest is a Zelda clone, so be it.

am I the only one who thought of God of war way more so than zelda while playing darksiders? The traversal and some of the combat look very similar to gow titles. Darksiders was a great game but a bit too long for my personal taste. Excellent story, characters voice acting, soundtrack and setting. I don't think other than being in the same genre the game is anything like zelda really. I found darksiders to be much more fun to play thanks to the combat

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M.U.G.E.N said:
am I the only one who thought of God of war way more so than zelda while playing darksiders? The traversal and some of the combat look very similar to gow titles. Darksiders was a great game but a bit too long for my personal taste. Excellent story, characters voice acting, soundtrack and setting. I don't think other than being in the same genre the game is anything like zelda really. I found darksiders to be much more fun to play thanks to the combat

no, no you are not

It can't be any worse than Skyward Sword.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Darksiders had a decent storyline and awesome bosses. Skyward sword has an awful storyline.