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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rumor: PS Vita projects being moved to Wii U

Don't believe it's true, but it could be plausible.

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superchunk said:
Exile1987 said:
superchunk said:
Exile1987 said:
Your source is some bloke on neogaf.. good job

Why on earth would developers move from one "failed" console too one which will be dead on arrival?

or is this more of a port issue? as the wii u will be same power / level slightly weaker than vita?

lol wow at the level of trolling in this post. Bravo!

that's what VGChartz is now a bunch of morons saying anythign about what they don't like

Not really. Its about reporting stuff people may find interesting, both positive and negative. Bad part is people who take things personal and get all childish.

What you find interesting is negative news on Vita

What I find interesting is you snorting Lucky charms off DieAppleDie's belly button.  We have photo's.  You sick twisted puppy.

Seems like it's up to CoD to save the Vita now. It'll still be the wild card.


Pretty stupid if you ask me, wii u game pad couldnt Handel a game like gravity rush. Any thing that requires multi touch really. plus the upscaling of all the graphics, what would look good on the vita would look like shit on an hd console. So I'm calling fud'

Mmmfishtacos said:
Pretty stupid if you ask me, wii u game pad couldnt Handel a game like gravity rush. Any thing that requires multi touch really. plus the upscaling of all the graphics, what would look good on the vita would look like shit on an hd console. So I'm calling fud'

Multitouch may be an issue. But I bet most games won't use that.

I thought PSV was a HD screen?

edit: "960 × 544 qHD"

So its 1/4 HD. It should be ok to scale that up.

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I wouldn't be surprised to see Vita games that heavily use the touch screen to be ported to the Wii U, and to see other games be ported across (almost) all platforms. From a risk management perspective it makes sense.

Exile1987 said:
Your source is some bloke on neogaf.. good job

Why on earth would developers move from one "failed" console too one which will be dead on arrival?

or is this more of a port issue? as the wii u will be same power / level slightly weaker than vita?

Yup Sony boys predictions usually come true *cough* PSP killing DS, Vita killing 3DS, PS3 dominating *cough*


So will this dude be banned now or will his post be ignored since its not Sony consol trolling?  

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Gravity Rush uses multi touch ? News to me, and I beat the game. I guess I was doing it wrong. The only obvious encounter I had with multi touch on the Vita was Escape Plan and this game pissed me off to no end. Anybody remember the room where you had to close like 5 leaks with your fingers AND move your characters at the same time? I am still mystified how the developers could think this garbage could be fun or even bearable.


On topic: I think it could be possible, but it doesnt make much sense to choose the Wii U as second plattform just because it has a similar button layout. Remapping buttons is not that hard and neither something that takes a lot of developement effort. The PS3 has the same buttons and the X360 too and they are way more popular right now so I don't get why a developer that doesn't believe in the success opf the Vita would go and bet on another dark horse. "Teh Vita haz only 2.5 Million install base! That sucks, I rather port me gaem over to Wii U cause this thing haz no install baes at all!"


Edit: Forgot about the touchscreen but the PS Vita games right now don't really use it in a way you couldn't just replicate on a more vintage control scheme. For example the swiping for combat on Uncharted. Instead of swiping up, down etc you could just QTE on the D-Pad. Not really rocket surgery...

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

But most vita games do use multi touch, if not all of them. It is hd, but there a lot of effects that could be done on an hd console that are missing from the vita. So unless you want a sloppy port more work would have to go into the game, for a console that has yet to prove it's self, you guys are for getting nintendo was at the bottom the last two gens, and if it wasn't for the casual wii would have flopped hard. It's vet possible for the wii u to be another game cube. Don't think I'm
Hating, cause I'll get one, just trying to keep it real.

Sal.Paradise said:

Best Vita doom thread yet. Half of a bullet point from a post on neogaf. 

Exactly this.

Honestly, I sort of understand why we need sales comparison threads pointing out Vita doom because there's evidence of it having a poor sales start.  It's there.

But this?  A hear say article based on a post from Neogaf on a website called "Gimme Gimme Games"?  Come on, seriously?

You do know tonnes of VGChartz members post over on Gaf.  I could go over there and post anything I'd made up.  I'm not a source.  I'm not credible.

Uff.  I thought the Kotaku rumours this week were bad.