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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Far Cry 3 vs Crysis 3 - Dare I say it.....

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Far Cry 3 vs Crysis 3

Far Cry 3 b**ches! 24 53.33%
Ah Hell naw, Crysis 3 all the way! 21 46.67%

Far Cry definitely has a more colourful, cartoon-ish look which I prefer over the desaturated look of most modern shooters, including Crysis 3.

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Far Cry 3 brings the heat

Crysis 3 has a bow, and swaying grass

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There's just something really off about the foliage and while for any other game that would be fine, for a game set in an environment where 90% of it consists of vegetation it's a little awkward. Everything else about it looks really good though. I just find it hard to believe the recommended GPU for the game is a 670, unless that was an error.

they look equally amazing