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Forums - General Discussion - Sitting is killing you


Is Sitting down killing Us?

YES!! 19 31.15%
NO!! 11 18.03%
Maybe?? 13 21.31%
Who Cares!. 18 29.51%

Gotta die somehow. May as well be comfortable.

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This is true. I posted an article from Men's Health on the bulletin board at work saying the same thing. Somebody took it down. I think I'm going to work our right now.

yeah i will walk around my class room while teacher speaks and teachs...

i rather do sports to compensate just like i do sine my 7s.

I have a desk job but that job also requires plenty of walking, so I don't sit idle too long. Sometimes I don't go back to my desk for 30 mins to an hour.

Once home I have a 3 year old to care for, so I spend time outside or i just decide to keep myself busy by cleaning up around the house.

Anyways, don't fight your parents on chores kids, they obvious want you to do them so you don't die.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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Mix gaming with exercise and the obese thing wont matter. But the sitting thing :/ I'm not gonna game while standing so I guess I'm doomed. lol

Little bit of exercise advice-cycling over jogging, the impact on the body is insane (put the bike in a easy gear and over pedal for a high cadence you'll burn more calories. When running stick to grass and dirt, concrete has no give.

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So is breathing. Just sayin'.

I'm gonna take my dog on more walks

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

So is breathing. Just sayin'.

Don't you love how much stuff is killing us! What a wonderful world.

Good news in my case, i suppose. I've always had trouble sitting still for long periods unless its' a car ride or a movie or a video game. Just working at my computer i have the tendency to get up and roam around periodically, and one of my two part-time-jobs has me constantly on my feet unless i'm counting inventory on a low shelf

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

though shall exercise while sittin!